Kolpin Gun Boot


Oh wait, no actually, it's Hull. How are you so confident you won't get in trouble? Have you actually run this by any form of enforcement agency like the Police or DVSA?

Any car with an immobilized in the last 15 years is less nickable than a bike and the idea it's anywhere near as conspicuous as that monstrosity points towards a serious lack of real world living!
You shouldn't limit your way of life because a small minority seek to limit it for you. If you do that then they've already won.

Would you prefer he got a trailer?
I should think the first time a copper sees that you will be pulled for a loading offence, and then more than likely done under some form of firearms offence.

I assume this is based on your extensive knowledge of firearms law, yes?
Wow some you guys are a little....

The U bolts are clamped to the lower metal panel and I only put over the frame to make it a little bit more stable I was not going to that in the first place.
I could turn them around I will take a look tomorrow see if it makes it any better.

But as it is now it is not going anywhere, I would not ride it like that if I did not think it was safe.
It would be me that would come of worst if anything fell off onto the back wheel.

Some you guys see a firearm or something different and try shoot it down because I guess you don't understand and please read up on the firearms laws before you comment what law I would be breaking lol.

I don't mind taking advice and I will if it helps me :)
haha take no notice of me;)

I know how it is only having the bike as main transport and struggling to carry things
It's a pain but if it's all you got then must do the job :)

I am looking into getting a wider rail if I can get one for my XJ and that help as I would not need to use the extension to make it simpler and less bits used.
It may look ridiculous to some but if it's all the person has as transport then surely a firearm is safer locked in a hard case then a rifle bag over the shoulder?

If you have a better way of transporting a firearm on a motorbike then please let me know :)

I was expecting negative comments but that is life and not everyone will agree with you.
Some might suggest that if you have no means of transport appropriate for a firearm you either :

Change transport
Don't transport firearms on current transport

its not as bad as this:D

you can carry a gun in public cant you alsong as its in a cover?

@ the op its only slightly taller than a pillion would be anyway
I think because I have mounted more vertical it does look wrong a little.
But looking at it today I can see I have plenty of room to angle it down and bring closer in to the bike.

The con with that is it will more overhanging at the rear but I can add some reflective tap so anyone behind can see it fine at night.
But anyone following should never be that close any ways lol.

Something like a KTM would do better for the job I think, but the xj 600 is what I have to play with for now lol.


I took the mount off and this time bolted it down without any sort of extension.

Also it's lower down now but with that it will overhang more but that should not be a problem.




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