Kolpin Gun Boot


It does not but is very close so will move it back some more to be safe.
I was looking into getting a cover so you can't tell what it is when riding about.

Something like you would use to cover camping gear maybe.

You may transport a weapon to and from a range, so long as it is covered and secured. You can do this while driving, riding or even walking (far easier to nick from a pedestrian than a motorcycle).
As a fan of shooting sports, I applaud your intent.

However, you do need to fix that somewhat better.
As a biker, I suggest considering this mounting carefully.

I know the L85 is shorter, but I would have expected something like this:

You'll be pleased to know that this is effectively a (British) Armstrong MT500. Harley bought the design and production rights, so it's only the badge that's wrong :)

You can find them on MilWeb and the like.
Costs between £1k and £2K, usually.

i know ive already done a load of reading lol.

would probablky get one thats already had the basics done, registring, sand cleaned out etc lol
I should think so, yes.
I saw a bunch of them for sale at W&P for about £1500, all top nick, all fully working and well serviced, kitted with fuel can and rifle carrier. Test rides available there and then (there was a short queue).

Here's some: http://eshop.lmslichfieldltd.com/epages/BT4011.sf/en_GB/?ObjectPath=/Shops/BT4011/Products/LmsL0002
those ones though are direct from the army, so not serviced, not motd not registered for road use, need the sand cleaning out the tank an the carbs you dont know if everything there etc need a very though inspection..

some may also be full of preservative fluidf not oil so check that too lol.

and theyll have been sat up for years potentially so cam belts will need changing before they're driven etc. non interfering valves though so its not gonna explode if you do break the belt.

from the forums a second hand private is usualy aroudn the same price as an auctio nbut had all the nessecery done.
my only problem with it is the how long that case is.
as for peeps saying youll be pulled over theres old fella near by been riding an old kickstart mt500 army bike and uses the gun case for his rifle and never been pulled over.

as for the mt350 i have been after one a while with the plan to do one up and at the same time learn something about fixing bikes but all 350s ive looked at within 20 or so miles near me over the past year have had some form of corrosion that put me off. tho there was r one ghastly bright yellow one which sold pretty quickly.
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my only problem with it is the how long that case is.
as for peeps saying youll be pulled over theres old fella near by been riding an old kickstart mt500 army bike and uses the gun for his rifle and never been pulled over.

as for the mt350 i have been after one a while with the plan to do one up and at the same time learn something about fixing bikes but all 350s ive looked at under 20 oir so miles over the past year have had some form of corrosion thats put me off. aside for one gastly bright yellow one which sold preety quickly.

current advice seems to be avoid the desert ones as theyve been battered recently by sf.
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