A. Kyle did not know his criminal history so its irrelevant
B. The force to which Rosenbaum may have "assaulted" Kyle, whether he wanted to take his gun and whether he was going to murder him is entirely conjecture.
The only "fact" and provable action that Rosenbaum took, was to chase him.
That's simply false - we have additional facts too - the fact that Rosenbaum continued to chase him even after Kyle turned and pointed a rifle, the fact that Rosenbaum was clearly agitated/angry on earlier footage shot that night - he was the obvious trouble maker, the fact there was residue left on his had/that we have evidence he grabbed Kyle's rifle.
You've stated:
There is absolutely a good argument to be made for why deadly force was not necessarily reasonable in this situation.
Yet when asked, you can't seem to give one, you just deflect/avoid and go into vague statements about believing the prosecutors etc..
I have backed up my assertions. You just keep calling them "dubious", or asking me the same thing repeatedly which i have already gone over.
You haven't though, you've replied to me several times in a row deliberately avoiding doing any such thing... the standard deflection you've done all through this thread.
Why not just answer?