Labour party wants to put pictures of yourhouse on the web

PsiFox said:
Apparently the bedrooms, bathroom and gardens, so that you can see that the proposed council tax increases can be justified.

Apparently put off now until after the next general election (quel surprise),,30000-13513567,00.html

What a ******* joke, so you work hard and make your house a nice pleasant place to live and you get taxed on;

-purchasing the items
-petrol to take them home
-council tax on your house
-extra because your house is decorated nicely
-not to mention wages savings etc

Again what a ******* joke. :mad:
PsiFox said:
Apparently the bedrooms, bathroom and gardens, so that you can see that the proposed council tax increases can be justified.

Apparently put off now until after the next general election (quel surprise),,30000-13513567,00.html

This Government (and in particular prescott) disgust me.
More socialist nonsense, more nanny state motions, ID cards and so on.
If I wanted to live in a state that was reminiscent of Moscow before the collapse of the USSR then I would have moved there.
cymatty said:
What a ******* joke, so you work hard and make your house a nice pleasant place to live and you get taxed on;

-purchasing the items
-petrol to take them home
-council tax on your house
-extra because your house is decorated nicely
-not to mention wages savings etc

Again what a ******* joke. :mad:

It goes beyond that, if you have a nice seaview for example that will ADD to your council tax.
VIRII said:
It goes beyond that, if you have a nice seaview for example that will ADD to your council tax.

Yeah it does not surprise me, nothing about this stupid government does anymore.
cymatty said:
Yeah it does not surprise me, nothing about this stupid government does anymore.

But you can afford a nice house and some people can't so you should contribute more, think of the single mums and their multiple fatherless offspring how will they pay their Sky Tv bills without your taxes.

/socialist nonsense.
VIRII said:
But you can afford a nice house and some people can't so you should contribute more, think of the single mums and their multiple fatherless offspring how will they pay their Sky Tv bills without your taxes.

/socialist nonsense.

Haha so true, why do people bother trying to better themselves anymore, when the above mentioned people get everything for free. The people who work hard have to pay for the poor to have cushy lives. :rolleyes:
First off, scepticism+++++. The Sky News article is a virtual C+P from the Sun, although the Sun article body is actually more informative and less sensationalist(!)

He said a website could be set up to provide “mapping, photographs, address and survey details, title and transaction information, planning and development details, information about utilities — the list is almost endless.”

Mr Sanderson, the Director of Data Strategy, added: “There is an an old-fashioned attitude about confidentiality. Why should anyone want to ‘hide’ how much they paid for their house?”
That's quite an assumptive leap to get to 'pictures of your bedroom for everyone!!!oneone'.

I think I'm going to go out on a limb and wait until the actual proposal comes out before working myself up into a frenzy about this...
Ignoring the fact that this is a complete invasion of privacy, it sounds completely impractical to me. So they're going to go round to every house in the entire country and take photos to put on some huge website? How will they keep that updated? They might photo a run down house but by the time they've finished with every house, the run down house might have been completely redecorated.

Also how do they define what's 'nice'? You could have some fancy modern art which looks like it might be expensive but it's actually just a canvas that your 3 year old child made a mess on.

edit- Although come to think of it, it would be entertaining to see all the kinky things some people have in their bedrooms :p
It would be a massive invasion of privacy and i certainly can't believe they want to put it on the internet for anyone to see!

That's just plain crazy! :eek:
Rich_L said:
First off, scepticism+++++. The Sky News article is a virtual C+P from the Sun, although the Sun article body is actually more informative and less sensationalist(!)

That's quite an assumptive leap to get to 'pictures of your bedroom for everyone!!!oneone'.

I think I'm going to go out on a limb and wait until the actual proposal comes out before working myself up into a frenzy about this...

As with most labour policies they start off being utterly outrageous, wait for voter backlash, reduce the policy effect, get it through and then add in the rest of it by the back door.
Did you see the panorama report on the Labour Party last night? The spin doctors, old ministers, blunkett, etc all stated that they wanted radical changes to the UK socially but had to do everything in little steps.

ID cards are a good example of how they manipulate the public. We are going to get them , I am sure everyone is resigned to it now. It's taking years but it is on the way. Same tactic. Annouce this very unpopular decision, let everything simmer down and then slowly bring it in, in the case of ID cards going further and further as time progresses.
If this is actually true I can see myself getting in a whole lot of trouble for refusing.

But it would cost more to do than they would get back in, would cost them almost all the popularity they still have.

It is too impractical.
burnsy2023 said:
Phew, got me worried for a moment there.


Edit: Damn Rich_L, you got there first.

This proposal and the revaluation inc photos etc has been around for some time, infact it was going to happen before the LAST election. Guess why they put revaluation off though :)
The web idea is just one more step towards the crazy world vision these socialists have. However whilst everyone screams about the web part (the photos will be taken) the revaluation and invasive photo taking (and unfair means of adjudging what you pay) will happen.
Bring back polltax.
I'm more concerned about the fact that I'm going to have to pay more tax simply because my landlords investment has gone up in value.
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