Lack of People online. Why ?

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EA said:
On a more pleasant note, Battlefield 2 hit somewhat of a milestone last night with over 52,000 simultaneous players. This is the highest number of players we’ve seen at one time for Battlefield 2 and almost 4 times more than the peak number of Battlefield 1942.

If it was 50'000 people playing at a time and each player played for 2hrs each that'd be 600'000 players a day. Bear in mind that not everyone who buys the game will play it every day and that's still a lot of people playing online, just not all at the same time.
I imagine because most games don't stand the test of time. Games hit their peak when they're the new big thing, but when somethign comes along to succeed them, most casual players are attracted away by the flashy colours and move to that game instead. Every game generally has a hardcore selection of people that still play it, even long after its gone out of fashion (Quakeworld still has support, even now), and some, like Starcraft and CS keep a fairly strong fanbase, but generally it's the newer games that have the largest amounts of players. One part new generation of people playing games, one part older generations getting bored and moving on to something different.

vaultingSlinky said:
Its because 5.5mil are playing WoW, thats where all the gamers are :p
They've just hit 6 mil now! :eek:

That's only for FPS and doesn't include the asian gaming community, Koreans have live TV coverage for high profile StarCraft matches and they're avid Warcraft 3 players too I believe.

Concurrent users per server record is held by Eve, and I wouldn't know where to begin for concurrent overall players. The CS numbers on that website are pretty high and I believe they're higher than World of Warcraft's are if you leave out the asian gaming community.
The only game which has really held my interest on online gaming is Return to Castle Wolfenstein and to a certain dagree ET (although RTCW was the 1st online game I fell in love with)

I think this is probably due to the teamwork, great fast paced gameplay and I still dont really get bored with it like I do in deathmatch with say F.E.A.R. Technically F.E.A.R is better but it doesnt seem to have the same long term gameplay.

I thought I would really get into BF2 but while the vehicles were great and all I prefered the more fast paced run and gun action of RTCW. Some games just seem to hold your interest, others you just play online for a quick "rush" and then get bored quickly.

I also think that a lot of customs maps mods etc. actually hurt the numbers of players for a game as they have to wait for the mod to download (if autodownload is on) and a lot of players would just quit out if the downloads/maps take too long or are too big or dont know where to get them from. Dont get me wrong some of the changes really are for better (like etpro for ET) others just change game so much that it can ruin balance and help numbers of new players dwindle.
malc30 said:
56k is that all, i mean how many have purchased BF2 surely over a Million.

Other games
Bored with BF2
Don't like BF2

These are all factors which take players away from BF2. Remember that that 56000 figure means 56000 players at the same time. Think about it: how many hours a day, out of 24, do you spend playing BF2? Lets say you like your BF2 and play 4hrs per day. That's still only one-sixth of the day.

Then consider that most gamers own more than just one game. Even if they like BF2, chances are they will like other games too and may be playing them instead. And some people, well, they may have bought BF2, but that doesn't necessarily mean that they like it, they may have shelved it months ago.

I've been following online gaming for quite some time, and I can remember a time when there was only a handful of FPS using a proper TCP/IP client<->server model. Back then the players were divided up between a much smaller number of different games. Now, there are literally HUNDREDS of FPS released over the years, all competing for gamers time - not to mention other styles of game like MMORPGs and RTS. Put it this way: how many games do you own which support multiplayer? Quite a few I'd wager.
I think part of it is that its very difficult to get into an online game after its hit its peak. Unless you are there on the first day you soon get left behind so that you always get beaten and thats not much fun.
You then get called a noob and give up on it.
Got to say what puts me off of some online games is the waiting to start a game up. You have to get the right number of people in a game and so on. What helps here is if you find a gaming community who like playing the same game and can arrange over a voice server which game and when to play. This avoids all the lobby hastles etc...

But this is where MMO's winout, its a persistant world you can join without sitting in lobbies. Fantastic your straight in the game and can find your friends easily.

Ill still stick to planetside though, cant stand mmorpgs, WoW actually cured me of level grinding.

Playing MMOs you're not stuck in lobbies? You haven't played WoW then :rolleyes:

It's true about these MMOs though, I just lost two months of my life to WoW :rolleyes: (when I cancelled my sub I actually burnt the discs and packaging in the back garden so I couldn't go back, World of Warcrack indeed!) and there are SO many people playing it - although admittedly a lot of those you wouldn't have found playing COD or BF2 previously (lots of middle-aged wimmin etc, I kid you not)

Hmm I haven't really been playing multiplayer FPS for a while, and I should get back into it really - do people still play the COD series or has the (still!) lack of a patch for COD2 screwed over the community?? I used to be in a MOHAA/CODUO/BF1942 clan, those were the days :cool:
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