A couple of links I'm using at the moment:
Listening - https://www.radiofrance.fr/franceculture (c'est plus difficile pour comprendre les mots dans les chansons françaises. )
Other suggestions here: https://frenchtogether.com/french-radio/ - it's still a bit jarring having songs in English interspersing everything but I see it as a brain break.
Interesting that there's a rule for French stations having to have a significant percentage of French music for cultural preservation reasons. I do wish I could find the local talk station I listened to when at my friend's place but I guess they probably aren't online.
As for youtubers, I like this guy as he speaks really clearly: https://www.youtube.com/@professeurfrancais_guillaume
Thanks for these links. Guillaume is fantastic. As you say, he speaks really precisely and at a good pace. I've watched his videos on why spoken French is so different to written French ("the French eat words" ) and also his 50 useful slang words. Fabulous. The penny dropped on so many things with just those two lessons, especially the stuff about missing or concatenated words. Will be watching lots more.
I've started on Busuu and completed several Chapters. Turns out I'm Elementary A2, although I think in written French I'm B1 and in spoken French A1 It's got some of the gamified features of Duolingo but they're not as in your face. The huge difference over Duolingo for me is the videos of real French speakers, not lame cartoon characters with AI voices. It's a massive improvement. I also like the community marking feature and have been getting involved with that a bit.
I'm going to put French radio on while I work, perhaps some will sink in via osmosis.