Laptop Insurance question?

have you tried using a large photoshop file or rendering on a anything with less power than a hamster running around in its wheel, it just doesnt happen.

yes it does, it just takes slightly longer. You expect everything for free. get over it and get a cheap pc or laptop.
Get a cheap qaud core with 4gb of ram and your sorted.
- Laptop - £200ish
- Contents insurance in halls of residence - Included in price (usually).
- Insurance to carry the laptop out of halls, including your mobile phone, mp3 player, and digital camera - £75ish

What is your problem?

And as for photo-shop, if you can afford it, you can afford the good laptop to run it. If you somehow have it for free, then any Pentium M, Celeron M, or Conroe based desktop Celeron will run it just fine.
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I had many more costs than that, and my parents didn't give me any money as they can't. Yet I got through two years of uni buying all the gear I needed for my course.

Pretty much sums up the situation if he can't afford it.


I know getting a job is solution.
There are also many more costs.
studio fund £100
books...can be anything really again lets say £100
equipment through out the year....i dont know how much i even spent on all that.
then theres the usual costs
traveling £40 per month
food £20-30 a week.

uhm...all not sure.

basically we are not seeing eye to eye and i doubt how any of you dont understand that its a HUGE inconveniance to our course, so gonna leave it at that.
It's no different to any other IT course, you have no more cost than any other IT course. So stop whinging like you are hard done by.
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EVERY student has costs. Many students don't get financial assistance from their parents.

That's why most students either get a summer job so that they have a couple of grand at the start of the uni year, and / or they get a part time job at uni...

You are are also able to apply for hardship funds etc etc if you are really that hard up.

No one is denying that you need a laptop....

cause as stated everywhere we would be given one for the year.
you also got to understan, obviosuly iam sorted with a decent computer (q9550, 8gb of ram) its also the fact that the software wont be on the computer....well legally it won't

Have you spoken to your uni? When I was at uni they had a system where every bit of software that you would need was available as a download with licence keys etc, from a secure site run by the uni.
Hell you think you're hard done by, we have 60 pc's with autocad/viz/photoshop/ecotect to go between 600 students and only 2 plotters. You have to press print and wait 3 days for your work due to the amount of printing done. Recently though the uni has started hiring plotters for the last few weeks of term meaning that I can press print in the morning and pick it up in the evening.

Yes we need our own PC's, yes we need it to be powerful enough to do renders, yes it has to be good enough not to crash every 5 minutes and multiple autodesk software packages is pricy. The university does not provide us with anything.

If you don't like the travelling to campus/accomodation/lack of resources offered then you should have chosen your university based on location and resources offered.

Be thankful your university offered free laptops the previous year, because many uni's do not offer this sort of resource at all.
Get a job. Simple as. This is the problem these days as some students expect everything for free. My brother starts next week and feels like he is getting a licence to print money...

I worked at Tesco then a call centre during my student years, was able to live a "luxury student life" :D (i.e. buying decent fresh meat as opposed to eating microwaved crap)
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