I've been playing it on/off for a little while now and it's pretty much my go to if I'm burnt out from POE. It's getting better with every update and is on track to be the perfect in-between game for me, I'm pretty sure they mentioned that this was the niche they were trying to target too, a smart approach given what they are going up against tbh.
Gameplay wise I would agree that it sits in between D3 and POE in terms of complexity, a thing to note is that this a much slower paced game, pack density isn't insane, bosses have a good amount of health and damage scaling is pretty gradual. It's more geared to using multiple skills and finding good synergies between the various options in the skill, passive trees and gear, rather than just having a single skill that will reliably nuke everything on screen. It's one of the best I've played for going in blind without any build guides and seeing what you can cook up. It's very forgiving in that you can respec skills at any time and experiment, by late endgame it's literally a couple of minutes of a job to get everything levelled back up again.
Content wise it's ok in the current state, the story mode abruptly ends as things are starting to get more interesting & difficult, but as per the roadmap above they're still working on the rest. It can be completed relatively quickly and doesn't feel like a slog at the moment. End game mapping is decent and rewards you for trying to push as much as you can, it's better than D3 and much less complex than POE, but does need some more variety in future updates I feel. It will be interesting where they take it as one of the bosses they added recently has some cool concepts around it (Boss has a massive move pool but selects several at random for each encounter).
There's also an endless arena mode fighting waves of enemies, basic but it's always a nice alternative and a good way to test builds.
Crafting is easy to understand and rewarding once you know what direction you want your build to take, the loot filter options are great, performance is decent. Overall it's a good little package at the moment, worthy of a try if you like these kind of games.