Last Epoch - aRPG (Kickstarter Demo available)

Just a bump on the back of a new update that looks very promising:

The Convergence, Patch 0.9, is coming Thursday, March 9, 2023 at 11:00 AM CT!

Welcome everyone to the final day of our Pre-Patch Blog Post Hype Week! Over the last year, we have been working on a very large number of improvements for Last Epoch alongside the addition of the Multiplayer Beta. With all these changes stored up, we have a lot of notes and changes ready for you to look over. Because of the sheer number of these notes, we've decided to release them a few days earlier than we usually would in order to provide a chance to read through the areas you might be interested in and prepare for patch day!

In preparation of the launch of the new client on March 9th, we will be taking the current log-in servers offline approximately 4 hours before the patch launch in order to migrate accounts to the new servers. (This will not transfer any characters, or other progression, just getting everyone set up to be able to log-in to the new servers).

Last Epoch Beta Patch 0.9 - Convergence will introduce:

  • Multiplayer!
  • New 3D models for new and existing Uniques
  • New Armor sets for Acolyte, Mage, Primalist, Rogue, and Sentinel
  • New Unique Items
  • Balance Changes, including almost every skill in the game
  • Performance Improvements
  • New Music & Sound
  • New Player animations, and skill VFX
  • New Bone Golem and Manifest Armor models
  • New Enemies
  • Reworked Zones
  • New Monolith Maps
  • Bug Fixes
  • And more!

Check out the full Patch Notes here!

Looking forward to going back for another spin again, patch notes are beefy!
Just playing through with a druid build and going pretty good so far. Feels like a more active RF build levelling with Maelstrom AOE stacks

Playing back through the campaign now it's kinda weird. The setting and time jumping is cool but all the story and characters are just forgettable. You go to a quest hub, pick up quest, kill X then move on and basically never talk to the npc again. Other ARPGs usually have ongoing contact with key NPCs
Yeah mouse to move & aim but you can rebind everything. Have move on space as well. It would be good if they supported force move on mouse scroll wheel as well
Thanks for the replies. I really dislike games like Hades where you use WASD to move, but if this is mouse click then I may give it a go.
What do you do if you dont want a timeline reward? its offered me increased drop rates on 3 different types of melee weapons, my char is a caster & needs sceptres or staves, so dont want increased drop of spears, swords, or maces.
Thats all ARPG though i am 95% sure whatever game it is if you go ranged you will always gett 80% more melee drops and vice versa.

(warhammer inquisitor is giving me this pain now, great ARPG now btw)
What do you do if you dont want a timeline reward? its offered me increased drop rates on 3 different types of melee weapons, my char is a caster & needs sceptres or staves, so dont want increased drop of spears, swords, or maces.

yeah you can replay that timeline to try for the other rewards, there's a pool to pick from I think. If you're not at 100 though the first pass through doesn't really matter as you'll replace them with empowered ones. Guides recommend to stick with selecting the highest level branch or the right side through the first run

you can see the reward types per monolith in here. I think with the way loot drops work these are increases and don't' replace the std drop dice rolls

"Similarly, there are effects like "Increased Amulet Drop Rate" which are typically granted by Blessings. This would cause more amulets (including uniques) to drop for you without affecting how many items of other types drop."
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I'm a pretty casual ARPG player but am loving this game so far. I'll have to change the default key set up before it gets too ingrained because I'm pulling up windows by mistake when things get frantic (hello key 'S' when I'm trying to move backwards :/)

The story is ARPG fare and I don't expect it to get better but we'll see. It does run really well on Ultra everything and I've had zero bugs (that I know of) or CTDs etc. A minor bugbear is the minimap tracker which seems to be programmed by the work experience kid just palm rolling over the keyboard as to where to go next - is it up? no, down and then ... left but up but then back or..?

Better than Diablo 3 and from the previews I've seen and read, already far more accomplished than the D4 beta.
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Does this work with controller? Can't use mouse and kb since diablo 3 made it so much more comfortable with one.
Does this work with controller? Can't use mouse and kb since diablo 3 made it so much more comfortable with one.
Yes, but it's not perfect.

I'm without a desk at the moment so have been playing with an Xbox controller. Movement is fine and combat the same for the most part, sometimes the auto aim can get in the way of things.

Navigating the menus is ok, but it can be painfully slow at times if you have a full inventory and want to vendor/transfer things.
latest patch fixed some more annoying bugs like skills being messed up if you change zone while transformed

Yes, Epoch is great. I'd even go as far as saying that it does some things better than any of them... deterministic crafting being one example. It sit's in the middle of Diablo3 and POE for complexity which is also something I really like about it. Devs are decent and do listen. Defo worth a purchase.
yeah it's version 0.9 atm, the full campaign is there apart from the final chapter. End game is a bit limited and something they will work on in the future. They don't really give release dates until they are certain so the 1.0 could be much later in the year.

Game play is really good in offline mode, currently online mode is pretty limited and causes some skills to have some issues. Best to just try it offline unless you have mates to specifically play with. There's no matchmaking or full trading yet.

The nice thing is it sits between say D3 with their classes and PoE with some of the complexity in builds. Quite a few builds can have a set of skill which all complement or alter each other which feels good to build around. In say PoE a lot of the skills do a one specific thing like boost defence, give a damage aura etc, in LE you can have a skill which both increase defence, dodge and damage etc or potentially flip damage type or trigger other skills.

It's possible to play and make your own build, complete the campaign and do some of the earlier end-game content. The hardest end-game content does need proper builds though
Currently a lot of the game just feels fair for SSF, drop rates, deterministic crafting, respec costs etc

Personally I think this could be my favourite arpg once it's fully fleshed out with alternative end-game activities etc
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So, after having played a Rogue in Diablo IV Beta over the weekend and found it quiet enjoyable, I'm now back to this and started a new character, a Rogue ! :p Only level 17/18 so barely scratching the surface but so far it's been fun, it's quiet squishy though so need to find a bit more health/healing stuff for it. Will see how far I get though before ones mind start wandering to other games ! :o :p

Anyone done a Rogue here though ?

Edit: Corrected spelling mistake :o
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