Last Epoch - aRPG (Kickstarter Demo available)

Rogue, rogue, rogue, rogue, rogue! :cry: :p

(Sorry to be pedantic, but seen a few people do this the last few days! It’s not makeup!)

I really want to try this, but sounds like perhaps I should wait for 1.0 as I’ve waited this long? Is it ever up for sale? Or does that not happen in early release stuff?
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yeah have 2, melee build and bow build (builds from maxroll I think)

both fun in different ways, melee is fast clearer and stronger with less gear with the bow build needing multi buttons to setup the damage

smite hammerdin is really fun as well but needs 4 idol drops to proc the smites
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The devs just dropped another patch, so thought I drop the notes here for anyone that wanting to read them. :p


  • Fixed a bug which caused “rubberbanding” (being moved backwards) when using movement abilities or the Temporal Shift ability in the Temporal Sanctum.
  • Significantly reduced instances of Lunge and similar abilities getting stuck in their animation, which prevented movement until another ability was used.
  • Players can now respawn at the end of a Dungeon boss fight without being kicked out of the dungeon when the boss is defeated by other party members.
  • Players can now choose to Abandon a dungeon or arena run if they don’t want to wait until they can respawn.
  • Fixed a bug where the main combat floor entrances in Soulfire Bastion had invisible reverse transitions. If you walked backwards into them it would reload the zone (ending your dungeon run).
  • Fixed a bug where your character model was sometimes duplicated after transitioning to a new zone. The camera would remain locked on the copy, while the other one could move.
  • Fixed a bug where Spires could attack players that were in Echo of a World.
  • Fixed a bug where the western moon fragment altar in the Moonlit Shrine could sometimes become uninteractable.
  • Fixed quest objective pulses not updating properly in The Fall of Ledria.
  • Fixed some Osprix Vanguard enemies using an incorrect ability.
  • Fixed the “Initializing” screen showing after login even when the queue system isn’t active. This makes getting to character select slightly faster.
  • Fixed a bug where the Leave Game button took you back to Login rather than Character Select.
  • Fixed another rare server bug which could cause save data loss. We are monitoring telemetry to find any other causes that need to be addressed.


  • Thorn Shield now has a slight priority for targeting players over minions and mobile minions over immobile minions.
  • Fixed a bug where Shift’s Deadly Ambush and Braskula’s Hesitation nodes were applying to all non-channelled attacks, not just the next non-channelled attack after Shift.
  • Fixed a bug where Meteor’s Cycle of Fire only granted its ward and mana for 4 seconds after gaining Craterborn, rather than for the full 6 second duration of Craterborn.
  • Fixed a bug where Teleport’s Comet Rush did not refresh the duration of an existing Haste.
  • Fixed a bug where your Vengeance tree sometimes affected an ally’s versions of Riposte and Iron Blade instead of yours.
  • Fixed a bug where the Fulminating Caw node on the Storm Crow tree sometimes caused an ally’s increased lightning damage to apply to your crows instead of your increased lightning damage.
  • Fixed a bug where the nodes on the Ballista tree that caused your stats to apply to your ballistae sometimes caused an ally’s stats to apply to your ballistae instead.
  • Fixed a bug where the on-use sounds for some instant cast abilities would not play on the client of the player using the skill.
  • Fixed the trails behind Acid Flasks, Hammer Throw hammers, and Axe Thrower axes in mid-air stretching incorrectly.
  • ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ

Chat & Social

  • Fixed a bug where chat channel selection could be reset in some situations. This could cause chat to turn back on after it’s been turned off.
  • Fixed gameplay messages that are shown in the chat window (i.e. Loot Filter Disabled) being hidden when Chat is disabled.
  • Fixed commands for replying to your last whisper (/r) and changing channels (i.e. /party) not working.
  • Added a /lfg command to switch to the Looking For Group channel.
  • Fixed a bug where Whisper and Party chat messages could sometimes appear to be from the wrong channel.
  • Fixed new chat messages sometimes being cut off halfway vertically.
  • Added a sound effect for receiving direct messages.
  • Fixed the friends list scroll view being shorter than intended, causing fewer friends to be visible at once.
  • The Add Friend and Block Player pop-ups now auto-select the input box so you can type right away.
  • Fixed sections in the friends list re-opening when they should remain collapsed.
  • Fixed a bug where adding a friend could cause an existing friend to disappear from the list for a while.
  • Made a few small improvements to the visuals of the friends list.


  • Cindersong now also grants +1 to Fire Spells. Also improved the clarity of its tooltip.
  • Unused dungeon keys are now returned back to your inventory when closing the dungeon entrance window (if you have space).


  • Fixed a bug where the water in Ritual Lake echoes would cause visual effects to become invisible.
  • Reduced the overall brightness of Imperial Metropolis and Snowbound City echoes to make it easier to see.
  • Updated the visuals for Drain Life’s poison explosion.
  • Updated the visuals for abilities used by Profane Flesh.
  • Fixed the visuals and damage for Profane Flesh sometimes not lining up with its animations.
  • Fixed Profane Flesh snapping to face new targets rather than turning.
  • Fixed Ruby Nagasa not animating properly on death.
  • Fixed Infernal Husks not animating properly.
  • Fixed Apophis sliding at the beginning of the cutscene in Maj’Elka Upper District.
  • Fixed Liath having glitchy animations in Island Battlefield.
  • Fixed the Timeline Conduit in the Shade of Orobyss’ arena having a red outline.


  • Fixed a bug causing memory usage to go up on the client over time, particularly in Monolith. We tested the fix by playing through 10 campaign zones and 10 echos, and found that the fix reduced memory usage by more than 1 GB at the end of the test.
  • The visual assets for enemies were not being properly unloaded when moving to different zones.
  • RAM usage definitely still goes up over time, and we are currently investigating this further.
  • Replaced several lightning visual effects with new ones which are much more performant.
  • Improved the performance of death visual effects for various enemies.
  • The ice projectile ability used by Ice Elementals is now pooled, which mitigates FPS drops caused by this enemy.
  • Updated the Wengari Axe Throw ability’s visuals to be more performant.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause unnecessarily large patch downloads. Unfortunately, the fix can’t help the download size of this patch, just future ones.


Thank you for continuing to make bug reports! We are still focused on bug fixes, server and service stability, performance, and polish. We plan to continue releasing updates but at a more consistent pace with fewer, larger patches. We will still hotfix any critical issues that come up.

Some particular bug fixes that we’re currently working on include:

  • Deleting stash categories causes items to go missing (we’ve confirmed no items are being deleted)
  • Players sometimes being unable to enter dungeons (this doesn’t affect everyone evenly which makes it harder to track down
  • Changing left mouse button behavior (i.e. move to attack)
  • Re-ordering skills while transformed
  • Abomination “forgetting” what minions it consumed after moving to a new zone
So I've been playing this for a few hours now, and got my first Paladin (or whatever it's called) to level 58 and done my first Rift (or whatever it's called) after finishing the main quest. I remain unconvinced. Mapping the main attack to the right mouse button is bizarre, as it takes out run and attack except using Skills. But the economy is just weird. You have to get used to the fact that loot drops are almost irrelevant. Unless the drop has properties you want and can smith up, then it's pretty much pointless collecting as nothing is worth anything. Even uniques are only $500. This whole game revolves around the smithing mechanic, and it isn't interesting enough. Putting it in has also resulted in another odd thing: a really limited set of armour/weapon tiers. Under all the extra stats, there seems to be about four tiers of armour to this point. I assume that there are at least a couple more, but the way this is done simply removed any feeling of progress. I've been using more ar less the same gear since about level 35. But that incremental progress is the whole point of Diablo-alikes.

Still a couple of bugs (a boss that can't be targeted, weird death animations of flying creatures, creatures with the wrong coloured outline when targeted, and the Rogue seems to struggle with targeting some mob creatures. Nothing game-breaking though.

Overall OK, and a worthy second-rank game, but not a first-rank one. D3 remains my favourite - because that's a game that is FUN, not an accounting simulator.
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yeah the game kinda expects you to learn the really good built in item filter system, you can hide a lot of the item clutter. You can make some really good ones that alter as you level (check some of the levelling builds for examples.

There's quite a few weapon and armour sets, best is obviously at higher level. In games like LE and POE the campaign is closer to a intro or tutorial really.

I felt the player power curve (abilities, attributes, gear) was really well done in LE and it's my favourite crafting system in an arpg
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I have to say that running the monolith stuff is a lot more fun, but a game should not require me to play for twenty hours before it's fun. And unlike D3, I have to go through that whole slog with each character before they can do monoliths.
oh it goes way faster when you learn what to do and have some crafting currency in the bank for things like move speed rings. You don't need to finish the last act before heading in to monoliths, just need a rough min level
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the new runemaster class is pretty fun so far, just levelling through the campaign and nuking everything

kinda surprising it's meant to release this year. I think it's coming out with some missing features though like the last chapter
Bringing this thread back up as we are getting close to release now, with new details being released in the coming weeks on the remaining class masteries.


The item factions system was revealed yesterday, and to be honest it looks pretty interesting. It seems that there will be two options for you to pick, the merchant route which opens up an auction house between players, using currency gained through activities in game. Or, the prophecy route which will enable even more target farming opportunities and boost the drop rates on various things as well. You're not tied down and can swap between them at anytime, but items that you do drop will be marked against whichever option you are currently aligned with, becoming unusable if you swap.


kinda surprising it's meant to release this year. I think it's coming out with some missing features though like the last chapter
Completely game unrelated question, but just watched this vid and it got me thinking, I see quite a few content creators who play with their hoods up on their hoodies. Is anyone a streamer here? Why do they do this, is it purely an aesthetic choice, or does it help to make their outline stand out against the backdrop or is it to hide the headset earphones or is it just very cold in their rooms or something?
Completely game unrelated question, but just watched this vid and it got me thinking, I see quite a few content creators who play with their hoods up on their hoodies. Is anyone a streamer here? Why do they do this, is it purely an aesthetic choice, or does it help to make their outline stand out against the backdrop or is it to hide the headset earphones or is it just very cold in their rooms or something?

I stream from time to time, and sometimes wear a hoodie, combination of nice padding for my headphones if I stream for a long time, and hiding my bald head!
Completely game unrelated question, but just watched this vid and it got me thinking, I see quite a few content creators who play with their hoods up on their hoodies. Is anyone a streamer here? Why do they do this, is it purely an aesthetic choice, or does it help to make their outline stand out against the backdrop or is it to hide the headset earphones or is it just very cold in their rooms or something?

My first thought too. Now, I know I'm an old fart. That much has been confirmed by my Mrs Baldbloke. But a hoodie indoors? Is it a statement of "Look how cool and wivvit I is, dood"?
Meh, when I was a lad.......

I'll get me coat :)
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Completely game unrelated question, but just watched this vid and it got me thinking, I see quite a few content creators who play with their hoods up on their hoodies. Is anyone a streamer here? Why do they do this, is it purely an aesthetic choice, or does it help to make their outline stand out against the backdrop or is it to hide the headset earphones or is it just very cold in their rooms or something?
he's bald most likely and it's a confidence thing?
Completely game unrelated question, but just watched this vid and it got me thinking, I see quite a few content creators who play with their hoods up on their hoodies. Is anyone a streamer here? Why do they do this, is it purely an aesthetic choice, or does it help to make their outline stand out against the backdrop or is it to hide the headset earphones or is it just very cold in their rooms or something?

yeah guess it's just part of their character or act for some of them. He sells the hoodies if you'd like to look the same :p

I really hope the faction system works, its one of the more annoying parts of poe where trade is a PITA but loot drops are tuned for it meaning SFF can feel a bit peasant league (for dirty casuals like me)
Just bought this. Can't wait to start playing next week (no point before live). Any thoughts on what is the best caster/mage class to play?
Just bought this. Can't wait to start playing next week (no point before live). Any thoughts on what is the best caster/mage class to play?

Probs be a few weeks before there are guides out there so you don't need to think for yourself.
Isn't part of the fun playing and finding what you enjoy before just following guides for meta/minmax obsession?

Might be one I'll grab on sale in a few years time, still got to play Grim Dawn and as these games are all so similar I only play one at a time with massive breaks in-between.

Edit: Just realised that could read as being sarcy, on first paragraph, not meant that way.
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Just bought this. Can't wait to start playing next week (no point before live). Any thoughts on what is the best caster/mage class to play?
I would honestly go in blind without a guide the first time through each class, it's one of the few games like this whereby re-rolling is very easy and experimentation encouraged, I had a blast the first few times I did.

The mage and it's subclasses are your typical elemental style spells, each with their own twist, Runemaster gets access to quite a few spells and is quite unique.

The Acolyte is getting the Warlock sub class at launch which looks like it's gong to be pretty fun, lots of curses and damage over time style stuff.
I am temped by this game as its only £29.99 on Steam.

For those that are currently playing, what is the game like? I currently have Diablo 4.

What I am curious about is how hard\easy is the crafting and getting gear towards a build?

My issue with D4 is that I always struggle to find items for my build and progression due to this.
I am temped by this game as its only £29.99 on Steam.

For those that are currently playing, what is the game like? I currently have Diablo 4.

What I am curious about is how hard\easy is the crafting and getting gear towards a build?

My issue with D4 is that I always struggle to find items for my build and progression due to this.

It's like d4 but good.

Not as complex as path of exile but much easier to pick up and play.
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