Last Epoch - aRPG (Kickstarter Demo available)

yeah I do, it's good to get a stock on some useful runes fairly early. You'll be earning good money fairly quickly once in monoliths and tbh there's not much else to spend gold on

with some useful runes you can guarantee craft a better weapon where gambling is always rng
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Well, that was a bad move on my part to make a lightning shaman as my first character. Just doesn't work ... the passives/skills just don't synergise properly. End up with too many damage types to scale, which makes gearing up awkward. Also, totems and minions die too often from mid game onwards. Rolled a runemaster to continue with my lightning theme and it's working out a lot better. You can tell the devs have put more thought into the skill/passives for this class.
Well, that was a bad move on my part to make a lightning shaman as my first character. Just doesn't work ... the passives/skills just don't synergise properly. End up with too many damage types to scale, which makes gearing up awkward. Also, totems and minions die too often from mid game onwards. Rolled a runemaster to continue with my lightning theme and it's working out a lot better. You can tell the devs have put more thought into the skill/passives for this class.

Runemaster is awesome.
I'm going to spec a runemaster too when I get mastery (not played in a week) but runemaster and warlock are supposed to be the best classes
Was going to start up the game and saw they released a patch:

Last Epoch 1.0.1 Patch notes

Bug Fixes

  • Acolyte: Ghostflame: Fixed a bug where the ailment duration increase from Occult Embers did not apply to bleed duration when the skill is converted to physical by Arteries of Malice
  • Sentinel: Smelter’s Wrath: Fixed an issue where it’s animation would break if it was the first ability used in a scene
  • Primalist: Spriggan Form's Healing Totems can now have cold visuals if your Spriggan Form or Thorn Totems are cold converted
  • Acolyte: Chthonic Fissure: Fixed an issue where Cthonic Fissure was causing a client performance dip.
  • Fixed an issue where occasionally using a transformation skill (Werebear, Lich form, etc.) the player character would become entirely unresponsive
  • Fixed a bug where the Falcon's thrown acid flasks could cause it to consume its own Falcon Mark
  • Fixed a bug where Transplant was using the incorrect VFX showing some necrotic VFX at the original position
  • Fixed a bug where Dive Bomb passive "Rush of the Hunt" was not scaling with points allocated
  • Fixed an issue where NPC’s that could not be interacted with would sometimes have an interaction prompt spawn when approached while using a gamepad.
  • Fixed an issue where, when using a gamepad, it was not possible to specialize points in the Bone Curse skill tree without relying on the Virtual Cursor
  • Fixed controller navigation on the Social Panel
  • Fixed controller navigation on Choose Mastery panel
  • Fixed controller navigation for "Quest Completed" popup
  • Fixed a bug where some controller inputs on the map locked after navigating the quest list
  • Fixed a bug where the Item Gifting D-Pad navigation could break if the player closed out of the Item Gifting window with an item still in it.
  • Fixed a bug where Configure Stash Tabs did not work with the D-Pad Cursor
  • Fixed a bug where the virtual keyboard could enter a state where it cannot be properly closed, locking the Player out of Gamepad inputs.
  • Fixed a bug where Upheaval's VFX was playing when you were just summoning the totem
  • Fixed an issue that would sometimes result in a disconnect on transition while in a party.
  • Fixed an issue in the Forgotten Graves where the Infernal Husk patrols would fail to spawn a map marker.
  • Adjusted the Music in scenes The Ancient Cavern, The Verdant Lakes, and The Ancient Forest
  • Fixed bug where skipping Risen Lakes and having "Admiral's Dreadnaught" quest active or complete, then returning to Risen Lakes would make the quest "Immortal Empire" incompletable.
  • Fixed bug where some enemies that join combat late were not animating.
  • Fixed a bug where a Last Refuge Guard's death animation was looping
  • Fixed Move Or Break Destructible left click option not working
  • Fixed some clipping issues on Rogue and Acolyte, and fixed short Sentinel
  • Fixed a bug where the Wraithlord would not despawn upon unequipping Wraithlord's Harbour
  • Fixed issue where game version was not showing new revisions
  • Fixed a bug where an item label could fail to show if you were looking at another item when it dropped.
  • Fixed a bug where legacy characters could show up as an incorrect hardcore character
  • Fixed a bug where dodges did not display floating combat text
  • Localization changes and corrections
  • Fixed an issue where opening the Ladder menu did not properly close the inventory ui
  • Fixed an issue where occasionally the overlay map zoom would default to extreme zoom in making it seem like the overlay map didn’t work at all.
  • Fixed a bug where occasionally, the gamble/purchase prompt in tooltip item appeared at a very large size
  • Fixed a bug where non-equipable items (such as keys) would disappear if you tried to quick-move them to the forge
  • Fixed bug where UI Elements for some passives were continuing to display after points in that passive were removed
  • Corrected a layer issue with the Rogue T10 Helmet
  • Fixed several Rogue and Acolyte animations
  • Fixed an issue that would occasionally lead to a state where you can not see or pick up items on the ground.
  • Fixed an issue where occasionally player characters would not load their gear visuals or display name (instead displaying the default name of a bear emoji)
  • Fixed an issue in Thetima where quest icons above NPC’s would not always update properly
Quests & Scenes
  • Fixed an issue where a boulder was in the way in Lost Catacombs Monolith Echo Scene
  • Added multiple failsafes for unlocking Heoborea waypoint after completing The Scorched Grove.
  • Fixed object collision on railway-stop in The Osprix Warcamp
  • Fixed unreachable chest in The Burning Pier
  • Fixed NPC in The Burning Pier not animating
  • Fixed ground texture in Forest Trails Monolith scene
  • Fixed shrine placement in The Wengari Fortress
  • Fixed a section of floor being visually missing in Mak’Elka Lower District
  • Fixed Alric’s Cage not visually open in The Dreadnought’s Deck
  • Fixed bug where If you die on the step for killing Yulia and then return to the zone later, the positions for the Soul Cages are not shown.
  • Added a way to remember the last chat language selected so it doesn't always default to English, and uses the system lang the first time instead
  • Added gold spawning animation
  • Made performance improvements and added Scene Variants for five additional Monolith Echo Scenes, and improved performance for Welryn Outskirts
  • Changed "Jump the Deck" completion to only complete when entering the next scene. This allows the quest tracker to continue pointing to the next scene if the player does not travel there for whatever reason.
  • Now unlocks waypoint to End of Time after Pannion creates the Rift to chapter 2 to allow players to proceed without using the timerift
  • Added check for completing Artem's Offer for players that had the quest before the previous patch.
  • Added waypoint unlock for Lake Liath when you complete the Deep Harbor questline for players that leave after completing Deep Harbor, but don't proceed to Lake Liath.
  • Added support for merging faction progress when leaving either Solo Character Found (SCF) or Solo Account Found (SAF) Challenges
    • When you abandon a SCF character this merges the faction progress with your SAF progress.
    • When you abandon a SAF character this merges the faction progress with your normal progress.
  • Fixed the options in the settings panel so you can't accidentally abandon SAF as a SCF
  • Switched Brigandine Boots to use T25 boots' 3D art for Primalist
  • Added refresh on start function to social panel so it loads friends list on start instead of waiting for the social panel to be opened.
  • Reduced size of Ulatri Scavenger's Firebreath ability
  • Spriggan Form's Healing Totems can now have cold visuals if your Spriggan Form or Thorn Totems are cold converted
  • Fixed a bug where the ailment duration increase from Occult Embers did not apply to bleed duration when the skill is converted to physical by Arteries of Malice in Ghostflame tree
One thing I am surprised about is they haven't added any achievements, maybe they'll come later.
Another update to the game come yesterday, but didn't see the patch notes until now.

Patch 1.0.2 Notes:

Hello Travelers,

For today’s patch we have a bunch of fixes for controller, UI, skills, and more. We’re also spending a moment to comment on Dive Bomb and Ghostflame. Read below for the full notes.



  • Fixed an issue where players would get the Immortal Empire quest before gaining access to that quest state of Elder Gaspar
  • Fixed an issue that caused the elevator to the Council Chambers to never appear after defeating waves of monsters at the end of the Void Assault quest
  • Fixed issues with interacting (such as opening a chest, or talking to an NPC) while using a controller
  • Fixed an issue with mapping the “Y”/Triangle controller button
  • Fixed issue with controller bindings disappearing when using a mouse
  • Controller binding dialog can be closed by pressing the “B” / Circle button
  • Navigation cursor refocuses the corresponding action binding button after an action is bound
  • Fixed an issue where once a party member enters the arena and you do NOT enter the arena, you cannot open any UI
  • Fixed an issue so that “Steam Required” and “License Required” are separate errors
  • Fixed issue where some enemies had no/only partial red outlines when hovered
  • Fixed an issue where item tooltips displayed when the mouse was not hovering them
  • Fixed issue causing “no characters found” to be overlaid on your character list at character selection
  • Fixed inconsistent portraits for Maceth and Leyda
  • Fixed a bug where Elemental Nova’s damaging area was not affected by increases to its area of effect
  • Fixed issue where when returning to human form after transforming turns, the player model invisible
  • Fixed most instances of a bug where channeled movement skills, particularly Flame Rush and Shield Rush, could lock the player into the movement and not visually move the player until the ability ended
  • Slightly Improved party transition times
  • Fixed a visual gap in Festering Sewers
  • Fixed weird visual triangles at top of screen in The Ancient Cavern
  • Fixed issue with players dying prematurely by setting their actor to invincible as soon as we spawn them, then allowing grace period to overtake later
  • Fixed issue with linking the game guide in chat
  • Revert change from previous patch that was causing players to see other players running in place (reverted change was a fix aiming to fix players not animating when joining a scene).
  • Require players to manually click to transition scenes during the campaign
  • Various Bazaar UI/UX improvements
  • Greatly reduced the sell price of Arena Keys and Arena Keys of Memory
    • Arena keys now sell for 175 (from 6500)
    • Arena keys now sell for 175 gold (from 6500)
    • Arena keys of memory now sell for 265 gold (from 7250)
    • This was done to remove the burden of optimal on MG players feeling like they needed to level up CoF and use arena key prophecies to farm gold effectively
  • Added Prevention for CoF bonuses from doubling XP tome rewards in Monoliths
    • This is also technically a bug fix as the XP Tome Reward isn't a direct item reward. Item Factions are not intended to have an effect on experience gains, only how items are obtained.


There’s one change in this patch, and another change we’ll be releasing soon which we wanted to speak a little bit more to than just listing. These are changes to Ghostflame’s Spirit Kindling Node (included in this patch), and Dive Bomb’s Cloud Gatherer node (being released in near future).



  • Fixed a bug where Ghostflame’s Spirit Kindling could apply to the player if it had previously hit a Wraith during its lifetime and was not currently hitting a Wraith
Dive Bomb (hotfix soon)
  • Changed Cloud Gatherer to only apply to any individual Smoke Bomb one time.
Both of these nodes are exceptionally overperforming, but that’s not why we’re changing them right now. We’re changing them because of the performance impact these skills are causing, more specifically their tendency to crash servers.

Our current stance is that we won’t issue mid-cycle changes for balance, such as with Profane Veil’s Vampiric Blood node. While the node is much stronger than intended, it’s not causing performance issues and so it will instead be changed with the next cycle patch. This stance is of course open to feedback, it’s not carved in stone. If there’s high demand to fix bugs or make changes that affect balance mid-cycle, we can adjust.

While these changes are being made for performance reasons, they do also carry considerable impact to power levels of these skills/nodes. This automatically raises some questions, to which we’ve provided a short QA below of what we think are the biggest questions.
  1. Will existing entries be removed from the leaderboards?
    The answer to this is no, we will not be removing current entries from the leaderboards. We understand this choice does have the negative effect of affecting some player’s motivation to push the leaderboards when there’s a leader. However, there’s many other negative effects if we do remove entries. Primarily, if we remove rankings in these situations, it incentivizes players to keep these interactions a secret until the very end of the cycle, making it much more difficult for us to act in time for the next cycle.

  2. Dive Bomb’s Cloud Gatherer has been known and used since release, why are you only changing it now?
    We were willing to live with the node being imbalanced, but it wasn’t until later that we realized players were maintaining Smoke Bombs in Echo of a World as they ran echoes, which means as more and more Smoke Bombs piled up, the server becomes more unstable and eventually crashes. We’re only fixing this mid-cycle due to the server issues it presents, not its balance.

  3. Why not fix it in a way that keeps it as powerful as it currently is, but without the server issues?
    Investigating a skill for appropriate balance changes that’s not purely numerical takes a fair amount of time. From design discussions, to implementation, to QA, and finally merge and release. For cases like this, it unfortunately taking this time means it comes at the cost of time spent towards other bugs, or new content, when we only plan to remove it as soon as the next cycle starts.
Any tips on how best to progress after finishing standard monoliths? I'm level 83 Rogue Bladedancer facestomping everything and then hit Empowered Monos and welp, that's quite the spike in difficulty.

Not sure whether to respec into more health/dodge and less outright damage, keep the build and stay on standard monos and raise corruption, or go the dungeon route to raise char level and get better gear.

Any ideas?
Is multiplayer stable yet? I keep meaning to buy it as a D4 replacement.

Its pretty stable, bit laggy in towns at times.

Any tips on how best to progress after finishing standard monoliths? I'm level 83 Rogue Bladedancer facestomping everything and then hit Empowered Monos and welp, that's quite the spike in difficulty.

Not sure whether to respec into more health/dodge and less outright damage, keep the build and stay on standard monos and raise corruption, or go the dungeon route to raise char level and get better gear.

Any ideas?

Theres a few things u might want to look into:

1 ) Crafting, I posted a vid from ziggyd thats a bit old a page or 2 back, dont want to spam it, its still pretty relevant to give u the jist of how to go about it.

You are probably needing a bit more hp & to sort your resists/armour/crit avoidance or mitigation if u find you're dying a lot.

2) Merchants or CoF, & target farming the pieces where you feel your gear falls short, if u go the CoF route you will most likely need to still look into crafting to get your gear right.

As I dont run a bladedancer cant give u specifics on your target areas, but generally, u want all resists at minimum 75% (the cap) as with most arpgs, some decent health assuming you're not running ward, as much armour as u can squeeze in, & either crit avoidance at 100% or reduced bonus damage from crits which seems to be the preferred option now as it gives armour as well.

3) Blessings - Different monos have different blessings which can be used to fill in the gaps in your gear, or just simply to save u needing to craft certain things at all.

For instance u can cap crit avoidance with just the empowered blessing & 1 decent rolled item, you could even do that temporarily until u can get decent reduced crit bonus damage on enough gear

There are also various resists available, & flat armour & % armour bonuses, as well as things like hp, mana, improved damage

In short this is where u really start refinining your gear & build, plain drops on their own wont really do much for u without tweaking them.
^ very useful @Karathez, thank you. I spent a little time crafting better items (good video btw, thanks), some time on maxroll to check my build and change it to for Empowered Monos and worked out which Blessings to hit.

Slump avoided and back in the game!
Forgot theres also dungeons which can help if u need to target specific gear slots, theres 3 of them, each has a random daily bonus u will see when u go to enter it ( u need a key for each run), they have 4 difficulty levels, u always have to start at the lowest & unlock the higher difficulties, once your inside theres 2 floors, then a boss room, each floor has 2 doors & u can choose between different bonuses to your drops depending which door u go through, again its random, I believe the entrance bonus is set by the day.

I would advise checking vids before u go into them, as the 3 bosses have mechanics which involve things like warping between eras with a key u wouldnt normally use, or changing your aura depending on the floor/what the boss is doing.

Theres also arena, but I'm afraid I never really bother with that as I am not keen on arenas, so cant say much about how that works.
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Another update, which happened while I played and got an error when I was trying to teleport :cry: .. Was confused as to why I got an error saying the client was out of date for online play but once I logged out I saw the update patch. One nice change it the lowered costs of stash tabs, for us that are hoarders I mean ! :p

Last Epoch Patch 1.0.3

Hello Travelers!

In today’s patch we have previously mentioned skill changes, stash tab cost reductions, audio updates and more! We plan to release more information regarding the mid-cycle balance changes tomorrow. So if you’re interested in seeing the results of the survey, and our plans going forward as a result of the feedback, please keep your eyes out for that post on our forums!


  • Moved Transition to Temporal Sanctum from The Ruined Coast so it’s not as easy to accidentally transition after combat.
  • Changed Cloud Gatherer to only apply to any individual Smoke Bomb one time.
  • Wandering Spirits now has 30% more spirit reveal frequency
  • Wandering Spirits now has a base of damage of 20 (from 16.2) and damage effectiveness of 200% (from 180% actual, 140% listed)
    • These are compensatory buffs that were intended to be included alongside the change in 1.0 that made Wandering Spirits always fade out when the reveal duration ends, but the buff did not make it into release. Since the initial change was a nerf and did make it into 1.0, and this compensatory buff was always planned to be paired with the change, we're adding the buff in this patch instead of waiting for the next cycle.
UI / Visual
  • Added “Localization” type to in-game bug reporting tool
  • Improved player to player trade user experience so that you can no longer request a trade which requires a higher rank than the potential buyer possesses.
  • Reduced the frequency of the Falcon’s CAWWWWs (attack vocal sounds)
  • Updated audio for Healing Hands
  • All chapter 6 scenes have new 2D ambient loop sfx
  • The Barren Aqueduct has new music
  • Soul Cage props in chap 6 have looping sounds again
  • The Barren Aqueduct and Nests of the Fallen now have sounds for the running water on the ground in the aqueduct
  • The large running water props in chapter 8 now have sfx
  • Added looping sfx to the large rusty pipelines that cross the map
  • Reduced cost of Stash Tabs
    • Stash tabs beyond the first 6 previously cost 10000 more than the previous tab. Now stash tabs 7 to 16 cost 2500 more than the previous tab, and stash tabs beyond the first 16 cost 5000 more than the previous tab. This results in the cost of large numbers of stash tabs being reduced by around 50%.
Bug Fixes


  • Added a failsafe to Imperial Welryn for killing the commander early or off-screen.
  • Fixed an issue where you could complete all Chapter 1 quests, but do not have the first Chapter 2 quest “Last Refuge”
Skills & Passives
  • Fixed a bug where Profane Veil’s Vampiric Pool gave 40% of the consumed minion’s maximum health as ward, instead of the listed 4%
  • Fixed a bug where Runemaster’s passive node Sanguine Runestones’s threshold bonus (15% of health regen applies to ward) was scaling with points allocated
  • Flame Whip now receives 4% increased damage per point of intelligence (this affects Flame
    Whip casts from all sources, and previously never received attribute scaling from any source)
  • Fixed a bug where the effect of Chthonic Fissure's Eradication was not doubled when the player was cursed
  • Fixed several issues with Heorot fight including Ice Spike stopping projectiles, and being frozen not stopping actions in multiplayer.
  • Fixed bug where minions were not benefiting from items when being respawned after leaving towns in multiplayer.
  • Fixed a bug where casting Summon Skeletal Mage with Grave Passage allocated caused the "minions transported with traversal skills" experimental affix to not bring any minions with you
  • Fixed a bug where a Two-handed weapon and off-hand could be equipped at the same time
  • Fixed a bug where Circle of Fortune Prophecy Lenses could be socketed into locked sockets with Shift + RMB
  • Fixed bug where Wraithlord would try to consume other player’s minions
  • Fixed bug where Spine of Malatros Flame Whips were not receiving some scaling
  • Fixed a bug where Stygian Coal's more Stygian Beam Damage per 10 current mana affix did not work
  • Fixed a bug where Stygian Coal's Stygian Beams were not affected by Drain Life's Horrify, Condemnation, Unholy Mass, Stupefy, Soul Blast, and Ravenous nodes
  • Fixed a bug where Chronicle of the Damned's chance to reveal a Wandering Spirit on kill would cause the player's existing cast of Wandering Spirits to stop releasing spirits
  • Fixed a bug where the Wandering Spirit from Chronicle of the Damned's chance to reveal a Wandering Spirit on kill always instantly faded away
  • Fixed a bug where items influenced by the Rank 8 passive from Circle of Fortune would not have the Circle of Fortune tag
    • They still have the "cannot be traded" tag
  • Fixed a bug where Flame Whips did not benefit from Chthonic Fissure's Eradication when using Spine of Malatros
  • Fixed a bug where Chthonic Fissure's Grasp of the Undying did not apply to Flame Whip when using Spine of Malatros
  • Fixed a bug where only the "while cursed" benefit of Chthonic Fissure's Death From Below applied to Flame Whip when using Spine of Malatros
  • Fixed a bug where Chthonic Fissure's Chronicles of Ruin did not apply to Flame Whip when using Spine of Malatros
UI / Visual
  • Fixed a bug where right clicking a dungeon key upon first entering game would not open the map
  • Fixed a bug where campaign prophecies could still appear while blocked
  • Fixed a bug where enemies could appear invisible while playing in a party
  • Fixed a bug where the gate in Soul Warden’s Road wouldn’t animate going down.
  • Fixed a bug where The Mountain Beneath would walk through terrain in The Sheltered Wood
  • Fixed bug where item tooltips could disappear when loot dropped
  • Fixed some instances of players facing backwards after a scene transition
    • Please continue to report any instances of this issue via the in-game bug reporter
  • Fixed a bug where mousing over a vendor inventory then back to your inventory it would play the “item bought” sound effect
Upcoming Changes
  • We will be releasing a bugfix for Infernal Shade in a hotfix later this week
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