Last Epoch - aRPG (Kickstarter Demo available)

Sorry for double post but got this drop a while ago and wondering if anyone else got something like this dropped ?? Played for 160 hours and never had a dropped that one of the Affix's was sealed and it having 0 Forging Potentials. Searching google it says it is a base item for a pair of Raindance boots, but those are said to be farmed from Spirits of Fire Monolith.. so not quiet sure what's what. But maybe someone here knows more about such drops ??

I'm guessing it was from one of the dungeons, one of the options on the doors mention items can drop with sealed affixes? Always said tier 1 or 2 for me tho, never seen it say 5
I'm guessing it was from one of the dungeons, one of the options on the doors mention items can drop with sealed affixes? Always said tier 1 or 2 for me tho, never seen it say 5

Nope, sorry I wasn't clear enough there but have not yet done any dungeons. Just done 10 or so Monolith's and it was not during one of them either. It was in the open, during the campaign, think it might have been a chest but could just as well been from a mob too. When I first looked at it I saw the lvl 5 Cooldown and grabbed it. Was later I realized it had 5 Affix's and one was sealed.
Bought this on full release and was extremely disappointed, primarily because I could play due to server issues.
Gave it a few weeks to sort itself out, and now I'm loving it. Having more fun in this than I've had in Diablo 4, so far.
Same - got my mastery and not played since - played a bit last night and still server issues, but I can't tear myself away from Diablo I prefer it much more
Same - got my mastery and not played since - played a bit last night and still server issues, but I can't tear myself away from Diablo I prefer it much more

You must have been unlucky, I been playing for the last 5 evenings/night and not had any server issues. Last night I finished like 3am UK time and had a smooth experience. Just thought I mention that incase it was just a odd one for you. Although if you enjoying Diablo I more, then play that. After all we suppose to have fun with the games we playing ! :p
I'm stuck trying to find a class I enjoy, tried necro, warlock and now the forge guard, not made it past campaign yet, is that where I'm going wrong?
I'm stuck trying to find a class I enjoy, tried necro, warlock and now the forge guard, not made it past campaign yet, is that where I'm going wrong?

Not necessarily, you do get a lot of the build changing/enabling unique items at the higher levels, but more often than not you can get some form of a build going without any.

How far along are you? The further you get the quicker you can respec your skills/trees, might be worth searching for a few builds and see if there is something that you could shift over to?
Game been updated to version 1.0.4 now and had a few more fixes:


  • Players can no longer stun themselves. An example of this was by using the Signet of Agony node in Bone Curse
  • Replaced the XP Tome sound effect in Echo of a World
  • Flagged more prophecy rewards as “rare/valuable” (which animates them to rotate and makes them slightly larger than other stars in the Constellation)
  • Increased the favor cost multiplier for Glyph of Despair Prophecies
  • You can no longer gain experience while in the grace period (the period of invulnerability after arriving to a new area)
  • Added missing name in Graveyard
  • Overhauled terrain, spawners, and shrines in the Hidden Oasis Echo Map to both improve visuals, and performance, and fix hideable issues with palms
  • Overhauled visuals and added Scene Variants for Lightless Pits Echo Map
Bug Fixes

Skills & Passives​

  • Fixed a bug where Upheaval’s “Master of the Totem” didn’t buff Tempest Strike Totem damage and armor
  • Fixed a bug where Storm Crow’s “Arborist” didn’t buff Tempest Strike Totem with Flat Spell / Melee Lightning Damage
  • Fixed a bug where Swipe’s “Avatar of Stone” doesn’t buff Tempest Strike Totem, Warcry Totem & Upheaval Totem with Flat Melee / Spell Damage
  • Fixed a bug where Storm Totem’s “Fulgrite Core” wasn’t providing Flat Spell Lightning damage based on character Shock Chance
  • Fixed a bug where Tempest Strike’s “Heorot Arsenal” node was not providing stats to the Cold Projectile that Tempest Totem shoots when each Tempest has been removed in the skill tree.
  • Fixed a bug where Tempest Strike Totem, Warcry Totem, and Upheaval Totem were not benefiting from Spell Lightning Damage for Existing Totems (such as the Omen of Thunder Unique Item)
  • Fixed a bug where directly transitioning from channeling Warpath to channeling Rebuke while at negative mana would not start mana regeneration.
  • Fixed a bug where Fury Leap would play the landing animation in mid-air on long-range casts of Fury Leap
  • Fixed a bug where the Acolyte’s Wraith’s weapons would drift during animation transitions
  • Fixed a bug where Mirage hits on Puncture would not grant stacks of Bleeding Fury
  • Fixed an issue with Acid Flask’s “Alchemist Gift” throwing animation where the trap would spin in place then teleport to its destination
  • Fixed a bug where Acid Flask’s “Alchemist Gift” node did not have a throwing sound
  • Fixed a bug where Healing Hands would not get a Fire tag when taking the Searing Light, or Skyfall Nodes
  • Fixed a bug where the Spell Tag would be removed from Healing Hands with Seraph Blade when you also took Skyfall
  • Fixed a bug where Ballista’s “Armed Construction” node was giving 1% increased radius per dexterity instead of its listed 1% increased area per dexterity
  • Fixed a bug with the sword in the Fallen Ronin set was deforming in a weird way on the Primalist
  • Fixed Terrain and floating vegetation in several scenes
  • Fixed a bug where some Game Guide pages couldn’t be linked in chat
  • Several Localization updates
  • Fixed bug where Void Despair would spawn in place for a brief second before starting its emerging animation
  • Fixed a bug where the Idol (big worm) could become stuck after knocking guards off their platform in Last Refuge Outskirts
  • Fixed a bug where advancing dialog with a controller would skip pages if there were multiple.
  • Fixed a bug where menu options could still be selected with a controller while they are invisible/inactive on the Death Screen. This was resulting in potentially closing the respawn menu preventing you from being able to respawn.
  • Fixed a bug where your stats could become out of sync with the server. This could result in issues such as the client believing you had less movement speed than you did.
  • Fixed a bug where Prophecies could be re-rolled on login in multiplayer
  • Fixed a bug where you could not return to character select while in-game on an offline character
  • Fixed a bug where Vsync was not applying during the Splash Screen (this appears before the login screen)
  • Fixed a bug with pickup range reliability in Multiplayer
  • Fixed some instances of Gates blocking paths in the Preserved Sanctuary Echo map
  • Fixed a bug which caused the game to freeze after switching inputs on the Skills panel
Known Issues
  • When exiting a transform such as Werebear Form, your stat sheet may display your mana regeneration incorrectly. This is only a display issue.
Only me playing this ?? :p In any case, if there are others that do the game has been updated to version 1.0.5 now with the following few changes:

Hello Travelers,

In today's Hotfix, we are fixing a list of things for you!

  • Improvements have been made to Monolith visuals and performance along with several bug fixes
    • Fixed a bug where some channeled movement skills such as Rampage could end abruptly in the Alpine Halls monolith echo
    • Fixed issues with trees obscuring your view in the Hidden Oasis monolith echo
  • Added a fix that will warn players when files must be verified.
  • Fixed Loot filter toggle "X" sensitivity
  • Fixed bugs where the following skills' damage areas were not scaling with area modifiers from their trees or from items
    • Abyssal Echoes
    • Dancing Strikes (not all parts of the combo were affected by this bug)
    • Erasing Strike (just the initial hit, not the void rifts)
    • Forge Strike
    • Healing Hands
    • Necrotic Mortar (from Summoned Skeletal Mages)
    • Reap (from Reaper Form)

  • Fixed Passive and Skill Tree localization issues
  • Updated visuals for Announcement banners
  • Updated Unique Reward icon in Monoliths from Ring to a generic icon
  • Added missing name to Graveyard
Bug Fixes

Skills & Passives

  • Fixed a bug where the player's Falcon could fail to be unsummoned after the player has died
  • Fixed a bug where Warpath would cause players to become stuck in place and unable to move
  • Fixed a bug where Drain Life with Blood Pact and Ghostflame with Arteries of Malice would stop channeling when at very low current health
  • Fixed a bug where Healing Hands was still scaling with cast speed instead of melee attack speed when Seraph Blade was allocated
  • Fixed a bug where Gathering Storm was still scaling with melee attack speed instead of cast speed when wielding a staff and Lagonian Diplomacy was allocated
  • Fixed a bug where Thunder Tempests from Tempest Strike's Cloudburst Conduit could not hit enemies
  • Fixed a bug where Added Spell Damage Affix with Tempest Strike did not work
  • The grace period for your minions now ends when your own grace period ends
  • Fixed a bug where attempts to cast minion-targeted abilities like Dread Shade on minions that were in grace period would always fail
  • Fixed a bug where stationary minions would never leave grace period, resulting in them never attacking
  • Fixed a bug where items sold in Online mode were displaying original price in the "Buy Back" tab
  • Fixed a bug preventing Defensive Conversions from displaying in the character sheet online
  • Fixed a bug where Soul Embers would persist after the dungeon was completed
  • Fixed a bug causing Void Despair to be invisible
  • Fixed an error when leaving Offline mode
  • Fixed a bug where, players spawning into a new location would reveal part of the map too soon.

On another note, what build did you guys and gals play ? I have only made one, a Falcon Build with some Shadow Daggers thrown into the mix. Level 87 and so far runs through everything, although I have not yet started the Empowered Monolith's as still working through those the first time.
yeah viewer counts are way down now with the POE league coming out soon, was always going to happen until their next league

I ended up with a bunch of level 75-85 characters just trying out several builds. Didn't want to really push until they have some proper end game content

Favorites where lighting spec runemaster, sorc and paladin. Warlock and Falconer just felt busted so didn't play them much
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yeah viewer counts are way down now with the POE league coming out soon, was always going to happen until their next league

Ahh right. Yeah, wasn't aware that there is a new PoE League coming out, but that would explain things. Hopefully there be some more posts later, as I am thinking maybe doing a Mage build but not sure how good those can be. Ahh well, just got to see what happens ! :p
yeah tbh there's not really much of an endgame goal so all builds are viable to play with in empowered monoliths unless you are trying to push for high numbers.

I really like the lightning sorc, you're just chucking around balls of static which melt pack of mobs, it's older and simpler so I think it's a bit less popular
yeah tbh there's not really much of an endgame goal so all builds are viable to play with in empowered monoliths unless you are trying to push for high numbers.

I really like the lightning sorc, you're just chucking around balls of static which melt pack of mobs, it's older and simpler so I think it's a bit less popular

Thanks, I have a look at that build later !

On another note, just played a bit after the update and now ALL loot don't show, unless you hit X to Enable the loot Filter, even if you have no filter applied ! :cry:

Gonna try and verify files and see if that works, as well as have a peek into their forums, incase it is just my game.

Edit: Just reading on their forum and others have the same fault with the loot filter so wasn't just me going bonkers ! :p

Edit 2: Forgot to mention the issue was fixed a few hours after it been reported so they were n the ball and sorted it out !
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Another update been dropped



  • Added Camera Smoothing options to settings: Normal (default/current), Low, and Off
  • Added functionality to Character Delete screen
    • The screen will now display the character class/mastery/level
    • When deleting a character, you are now required to enter the character name to confirm the deletion
  • The "B" button on controller can now be used to close keybind prompts
  • After binding a controller button, the cursor now re-focuses on the corresponding binding
  • Reduced gold turn-in reward for Desert Treasure from 20k to 2k
  • Added Buff Icon for Bone Armor (Acolyte)
  • Improved performance when picking up Shards
Bug Fixes


  • Fixed an issue where the Mage would T-pose during some animations
  • Fixed several cases of back-slot clipping and floating capes
  • Fixed a bug where the Sentinel idle animation with a 2H weapon would behave as if a shield was equipped
  • Fixed a bug where if a panel was opened with keyboard and mouse, further button presses via controller would activate the assigned skills through the panel
  • Fixed a bug where when opening the bindings menu, or interacting with it, with a mouse, would result in the bindings disappearing
  • Fixed a number of bugs with rebinding controller configuration
  • Fixed a bug where players would continue to run in the direction of their last input if the game became unfocused while moving
  • Fixed a bug where player health bars were not appearing in offline
  • Fixed a bug where Forged Weapons' health bars could be displayed at top-of-screen instead of the boss' health bar
  • Fixed missing Localization in the Gifting panel for resonances
  • Fixed a bug where Item Tooltips would get stuck when adding a new tab to the stash
  • Chat channels are now specific to cycle/non-cycle
  • Fixed a bug where Husk enemies would not have health bars
  • Fixed a bug in offline where players would not have full health, mana, and potions after logging in or reviving
  • Fixed a bug where invalid offhand items could be equipped from the forge (eg. catalyst with a bow)
  • Fixed an issue where monolith quest progress would reset if you left the zone/server after starting, but before completing the quest chain.
  • Fixed a bug where Bone Curse "Signet of Agony" node's resulting aura would persist after de-speccing out of the skill
  • Fixed a bug where Erasing Strike's "Ravenous Void" node's void beams wouldn't move in online play
  • Fixed a bug where Volcanic Orb could be cast in incorrect directions, such as flying up when the cursor was over top of a ridge line
  • Fixed a bug where if you teleported back to the monolith hub or rest area while a companion was downed, the revive UI would continue to persist even after being revived.
  • Fixed a bug where Manifest Armor was not benefiting from Increased Area
  • Fixed a bug where the Gathering Fury Unique Bow would kill players when using a Falcon skill
  • Fixed a bug where Boardman's Plan's chance to summon a Storm Totem on hit with Tempest Strike was not working
  • Fixed a bug where triggered instances of Tempest Strike were not benefiting from the Tempest Strike skill tree
  • Fixed a bug where Bone Curse's Marrow Thief node would not grant 10% less damage taken
  • Fixed a bug where Death Seal's Skeletal Sheath node would only scale with Transplant's modifiers
  • Fixed a bug where Firebrand's Galvanize node would disable Brand of Arcanus
  • Fixed a bug where Flame Rush could cause the player to become invisible

The fix for Death’s Embrace mentioned on Friday wasn’t quite able to make the cut-off time for this patch, and is expected to be included with next week’s patch.
Looks interesting, the patch notes are pretty hefty too. Pretty decent timing as well, can blast this for a couple of weeks and then move over to POE at the end of the month if the new league there looks good.
Is it worth persevering with this quite enjoying Diablo iv since it was released on game pass tried this as it was recommended but just couldn’t get into it. I feel like I maybe didn’t give it enough time.
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