Last Epoch - aRPG (Kickstarter Demo available)

Not sure what to make of this just yet, movement and combat feels a bit light, weightless, floaty and I'm getting mobile ARPG vibes with the graphics.

Underneath that it's undoubtedly a better game than D4 but it's lacking some of the polish I like. Might refund and pick it up later on.
I've not had time to play for long, but movement felt strange almost like inertia was slowing their change in direction, hopefully I'll get more time to play tonight.
I've only gotten to play for a few hours this morning before the servers died, hoping that they manage to get it sorted soon as I would rather not make an offline character.
Launch Day Recap from Game Director/founder

Hello everyone! I wanted to share some thoughts and information about today’s launch, but before I do I want to thank all of you that showed us some patience and kindness in our first big release. Even though we felt we were prepared and came in with a high level of confidence - even feeling that we over prepared - we were shown that in a real-world situation things can go wrong that just simply do not in simulated scale testing. You can see a post I wrote yesterday about this that has of course “aged like milk” but I still think it’s informative and gives insight into our feelings the day before launch:

Within 20 minutes of launch 150,000 people had joined us. We are thrilled that so many people are excited about what we’ve poured our hearts and souls into and joined us for launch day. Truly and deeply. This did mean that all of our scale testing efforts were immediately put to the test, and unfortunately a service failed in a way that we didn’t suspect, and we immediately went to work to investigate and resolve it. Many people just played offline and this didn’t bother them, but many of course want to play online (me included).

What does that look like? As someone who was not in the games industry 6 years ago, I always wondered and now that I’m on the other side I can share with you all - at least what it looks like in our scenario. Launch day we had our senior engineers, backend team, leadership, infrastructure/server/services providers in the “war room”, which is just a silly name for a zoom/Google call where we monitor and address issues that crop up with all of our dashboards and tooling in front of us. Dashboards showing what’s happening with server connections, timeouts, regional data, player data, databasing calls, etc. People involved are calling out what they’re seeing, potentials of what may be causing a problem and potential solutions, determining if we should go down the route of trying a solution that may take X amount of time and solve an issue or leave us in the same position, etc. Then you have the rest of the internal team anxiously awaiting updates so we can communicate with you all what’s going on as that’s a lot of people who are pretty upset with you and many being quite vocal about it. “War room” makes a lot of sense after you’ve been in it during a launch.

One thing I wanted to ensure today is that if we did have problems, which we did, that we would stay as communicative with you all as possible. I tried hard to do this by keeping a log of updates and posting every 15-30 minutes in our Discord. I’ve been on the other side of this where as a player I just wanted communication - any communication - on what is going on. I can certainly see how large studios struggle with this as not every update is a PR win, but I’d rather stay transparent and hopefully there’s a net PR win by building trust between us and you all, knowing that we’ll communicate and care deeply when something isn’t going as intended.

Tomorrow as we aim to deploy another hotfix, reduce the too-often scene transition times being longer than they should be, and fix any other issues that crop up, I’ll be keeping everyone up to date with a log in the same way I did today. See the #news channel in our discord.

I will also work with the team to sometime next week put out a more technical retrospective on today as it sounds like many of you are interested in that.

At the end of the day I’m very happy to see so many of you, mainly through Twitch, enjoying the game, even online,after we have things in a somewhat more stable state - and visiting Reddit to see some posts that put a much appreciated smile on my face after 14 hours in the “war room”. I even got to get a few levels on my Multishot Falconer before starting to write this.

Again, thank you all for your patience and excitement for the game. We are excited as heck that we have built a community of this size that we get to create content for, for years to come, and be a studio that you guys can trust from game design to communication and listening to your feedback. I look forward to seeing you all in game!

  • Judd
Managed to play a few hours only problem is it taking 5 to 10 minutes to teleport from instance to instance zone. The lack of bag space is infuriating. I think I prefer Diablo - might change once I level up some more.
Managed to play a few hours only problem is it taking 5 to 10 minutes to teleport from instance to instance zone. The lack of bag space is infuriating. I think I prefer Diablo - might change once I level up some more.

You have built in custom loot filters, and theres a button to auto send craft loot into a seperate infinite stash, how the hell are you finding bag space an issue? You must be picking up lots of pointless loot.
I'm not quite clicking with this yet and I dont really know why. I clicked very early on with the likes of the Diablos, Path of Exile, Titan Quest and the excellent Grim Dawn but for some reason Last Epoch is yet to grab me. One thing is that I'm finding it too easy, I'm just annihilating mobs, there were times in Path of Exile when my hardcore character died in the first few zones, even sometimes on rare occassions my character got killed on the first beach. Lost my HC character in Grim Dawn a few times in early areas too and in Diablo I could start on higher torment levels (I havent seen an option for it but is there something in Last Epoch where I can whack the toughness up akin to torment levels from the get-go?)

Does it get noticeably tougher maybe if I group up, maybe if the mobs scale up depending on the number of players in the party that would suffice.

I get that maybe the mobs get more of a challenge in the later stages of the game but I'm not sure that scything through everything for 20 hours first will hold my attention to reach that point.

Theres something odd about the movement or controls too, cant quite put my finger on it but it feels "off"
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It gets much tougher, specially chapter 9 which is pretty brutal in places, then of course the monolith system which can scale to obscene levels.
About how many hours in is that? I can maybe tolerate a bit of mindless annihilation of everything, as long as its not something I have to do for 10 hours before it starts to get tougher
difficulty ramps around chapter 5, depending on how fast you are it's anywhere from 1-4 hours most likely. You'll need to start paying much more attention to resistances and having some health roles. Saying that if you have picked a meta class and skill then yeah they can blow straight through the campaign. There's a few almost broken OP builds in the game just now

1.0 got rid of a huge amount of broken skills and fixed bugs but they haven't really fully balanced the classes yet. Some feel pretty awful to balance out the newer OP ones
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difficulty ramps around chapter 5, depending on how fast you are it's anywhere from 1-4 hours most likely. You'll need to start paying much more attention to resistances and having some health roles. Saying that if you have picked a meta class and skill then yeah they can blow straight through the campaign. There's a few almost broken OP builds in the game just now

1.0 got rid of a huge amount of broken skills and fixed bugs but they haven't really fully balanced the classes yet. Some feel pretty awful to balance out the newer OP ones
Ahh, 4 hours isnt too bad. Hopefully they will add something akin to torment levels so that I can just opt to start at a ramped up level
Was just about to post as well that Chapter 5 is where you can start to feel it ramping up, with chapter 7/8 being the point that some enemies can start to hit quite hard if you're not melting them first or set up with reasonable defences.

Once you get to endgame it feels easy enough to start off, but ramps up at a decent pace again as you explore the higher level areas.
Still haven't played much due to the online servers but think I'll just give up and play offline tonight as I don't imagine it will get much better over the weekend.
I really want to play this but I think I'm going to give it a month for things to settle down. I don't really want to be fighting login servers on the few hours I get to game atm.
log in problems were on the first day only for me - was fine yesterday. There's been a few patches and 1 hour downtimes. Moving between instances is still a little slow - takes about a minute or so now
I managed a few hours last night, can't say the game knocked me off my feet but I can't complain, after I switched controls to something I felt comfortable with it felt okay to play. Looking forward to progressing through the story and building up my character, the skill tree's
so far look pretty good and allow you to customise your build however you choose, interesting to see if the endgame keeps me occupied in the same way D3 did and D4 totally missed.
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