Hey Quicklink, what's the name of this place? I'd like to try a naga curry from them.
I've had chicken vindaloos on several occasions and as a curry it's very boring and tasteless, what is it? Chicken and potatoes with lots and lots of curry powder, I think that's it really.
I've also have many chicken jalfrezi's and on occasion these are just as hot as a vindaloo, some hotter. However, in my opinion these are much more flavoursome than a vindaloo.
Now, a naga curry would be different. There is a big difference between just adding more chilli powder and using a really hot chilli, nagas (as most seriously hot chillis) have a unique taste of their own (which I love) that will alter the taste of a curry massively. I've made my own ones, some brutal, some not but would like to give a go on one from a curry house (providing quicklink see's this!)