Late 90s 'Time' Retro Rig - Advice needed!

Don't know if its any use but I have an old ATI rage theatre here? AGP not sure on exact spec also have an intel board with what I am guessing is a P4 cpu (478) and 512mb DDR 400. If you can use it its yours lol
nikonite: Really appreciate the offer m8, but unfortunately this doesn't have a AGP slot, which would have been allot more period correct for the late 90s. Its quite limiting too, most cards like yours from that era that come up are AGP..

There are a couple of great articles here covering tons of the earliest cards:

VF, great video m8. The movement physics in Quake 3 are fantastic. Don't know if you are aware of the mod 'Defrag'? Its basically a time-trial race mode done on specially created obstacle course levels:
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Installed this badboy today. Soundblaster Platinum 5.1 with this awesome 'Live Drive' front bay with Creative branding. Wanted this for the system as soon as I saw it and got one real reasonable off e-bay.
It comes with a remote control so you can use it like a player (I guess) but one of the batteries had rusted a bit inside and i duno if thats stopping the controller getting power to send a signal. Eitherway, it looks and sounds sweet.
Riding those 90's vibes*

I put in the two round IDE cables I had to tidy things up a bit, but its still Ribbon Cable city inside. I need another IDE cable, and another of whatever the cable is that links the soundcard to the front panel. Thats the massive ribbon thats running top to bottom in the pic. Its like an IDE cable but with slightly different pin layout.
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Loving this classic system.
I might look out for one of these and mod it up to the 21st century !

Thata another project log to the countless ones allready on here :D
I only have to go into my step dads loft for this type of system.

My Mother and Step dad were very much buy from PC world, I built them a PC in 2002 ish but they destroyed it with porn and usual oblivious rubbish, since then they have just bought a new pc every few years and lobbed the old one in the loft.

Epic thread btw. I remember the days trying to play games such as unreal etc./


Time had some decent systems back then. Oh how times have changed, paper adds etc.
jonnyp, yeah I'd like to a build in the same case but a contemporary high spec gaming rig. For this case I think you'd have to do mini itx, mainly because of the curved design, but there were big cases back then that would give you more room.

Regy, sounds like a handy stash for someone like myself..

It turns out that ribbon cable that connects the soundcard/ drive bay is a Creative proprietary ('AUD_EXT') type of cable.. Great. I have seen a round one of these, but its gona be real hard to find one since they are discontinued and only shipped with the systems themselves.. I can only even find one of the ribbon type that I have and thats in the US on
Inside of the case is gona remain messy for a while I think..
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How can I get files onto my 98pc without burning 100s of CDRs!?
Guy does anyone know how its possible to transfer files from a ntfs pc to an fat32 one on removable media? I have an old win98 compatible memory stick (256mb), but I have to format it from one format to the other between my win98 pc and my new pc where I downloading all the files I need. I can burn CDs, but thats getting really wasteful and Im running out of CDRs as I keep finding new files and things I want to transfer over. I have a network drive (HDD connected to my router) but that will also be a modern format, and I've not got my network card working in the 98pc to connect to net / lan yet anyway. I guess if I got the win98 pc connected to the net I could use cloud storage like mediafire, but i dont even know if netscape / IE4 can even access those modern pages.. The ideal solution is if I could make this memory stick work in both formats, anyone know?

(Article) Gaming Like Its 1999: Building A Legacy Windows Gaming PC:
Put a network card in it, share a folder (or the whole drive) on the new PC, simples.

You don't need to mess with IE4, 6 and 7 both worked on Win98 IIRC.

In all honesty you should really have gone for Windows 2000, any competent owner would have installed it on that PC straight after unboxing it lol (Windows ME, /shudder).
Why can the 98 pc read a shared ntfs folder but not ntfs formatted removable drives? Be good if it works, but still confused as to why one works and one wouldnt.

Using old software like 98 - IE4 etc I kinda like the whole reason for the build. Also Win 2000 removes dos, again kinda kills the reason for building a 9x / dos gaming pc..
I'm pretty sure that you can access shares over the network independent of the file system they're on as its the host O/S sharing the folder with you. Back in the 2000 era my school/college crew had a variety of 98/2K/XP machines and no issues.
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