Latest Pictures (5) - 56k Warning

hmm didn't notice the "hot pixel", could it be unsharp in ps? if not is there anyway getting rid off it?

in that photo I can just about see 1 dust. need to get it cleaned then. :(
nolimit said:
hmm didn't notice the "hot pixel", could it be unsharp in ps? if not is there anyway getting rid off it?

in that photo I can just about see 1 dust. need to get it cleaned then. :(
here is the dust on your cameras sensor sesnor dust and one hot pixel

Don't see the issue with sensor cleaning. It's so fantastically easy to do. I clean mine fairly regularly, especially if I've been changing lenses loads.
Fstop11 said:
About twice a month if I change them lost. It is really easy. You got to be a total imbread to break your sensor.
You really have. I'm the clumsiest person known to all humankind and I've managed not to smash it to smithereens (so far) :eek:
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