Latest version of the Denuvo anti-tamper tech cracked in less than five days

What Tony said with regards to ark.

I'm still not sure about PVP tbh, I can just see it being an incredibly frustrating experience!!! :p I get enough excitement from having the beavers chase me after I steal their stuff :D Plus I like making fancy looking bases!!!!! Hopefully if/when it gets improved and if we have our own server, PVP won't be too bad.

Improvements should start to come in big time now as I think they have pretty much finished the main content and there have been a ton of UI overhauls in the last month or 2.

Yeah. These days it is more about the time than the money. The more important question is, is this game worth my time, if it is, I am happy to support the company and pay, unless it is a company I despise that is :p

Last I purchased Tekken 7 for about £23 and that has been well worth the money.

Pretty much, unless I know I am going to "really" like a game, I won't even bother wasting my time, and if there is a game that I really like but it is a beyond awful port for the PC then it won't get a single penny from me. Heck I would very rarely even pick up a game for PC on release day or even within the first month, not until the game has been patched and working as it should have been on day 1 by which stage, the game will already probably be <£15 and I will also have probably lost interest too :p :(

I think that has been settled outside of court already i.e. denuvo paid them off.
What Tony said with regards to ark.

I'm still not sure about PVP tbh, I can just see it being an incredibly frustrating experience!!! :p I get enough excitement from having the beavers chase me after I steal their stuff :D Plus I like making fancy looking bases!!!!! Hopefully if/when it gets improved and if we have our own server, PVP won't be too bad.

Improvements should start to come in big time now as I think they have pretty much finished the main content and there have been a ton of UI overhauls in the last month or 2.

Might jump back on then :).

They settled the piracy issue before it got to a suit. They've removed it from their product as of v4 afaik. May be why the new versions are getting destroyed.
Might jump back on then :).

They settled the piracy issue before it got to a suit. They've removed it from their product as of v4 afaik. May be why the new versions are getting destroyed.

Yeah definitely worth while jumping on to check out all the new dinos + UI/additions to engrams etc.That was mainly why I got it in the end despite still being nowhere near final release let alone beta status, just wanted to familiarize myself with the game mechanics rather than being a complete noob come release and PVP :p
This company is going bust because the crackers know there software inside out now. At first it was months to get games now its days !
Good riddance I say. It has already been proven with Witcher 3 that if you make a good game people will buy it even when it has no protection.
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