Laurence Fox

I mean I obviously like him.

He's just another personality, carving out a place for himself among the growing list of people who provide thoughts for people to latch onto.

Echo echo echo echo...
He’s a bit outspoken but he’s not really taking outrageous positions. Some of the reaction to him seems to be just because others have accused him of wrongthink or labelled him a bad person.

See for example [FnG]magnolia’s replies to the thread, no substance/argument but he’s heard this bloke is a bad person so he’ll just throw in that as an opinion... (granted it is mags so can’t expect too much in the way of substance, sorry mags ;) ). That’s not uncommon these days, some person is designated a bad person therefore you should take that view too.

Look at the reaction to the Harper’s letter for example... completely reasonable letter but then a big **** storm when people find out that “she who must not be named” has signed it and other bad people... resulting in at least one signatory withdrawing their signature and plenty of people trying to find fault in the letter but ending up either attacking the people who signed it or making up straw man arguments against it (common one is to assume the signatories are just worried about themselves or are speaking out about legit criticism etc...).

What most of this boils down to is the poliarisation of politics and a basic lack of critical thinking and numeracy. Fox initially stoked controversy on question time by highlighting that the U.K. is a pretty nice, generally not particularly racist place to live and that another panellist was being rather bigoted herself by referring to his race etc.. in order to try and undermine his position. Given his argument didn’t rely on anecdotes or lived experience and was referring to the bigger picture then it was a naff rebuttal. Of course in the current climate it became controversial.
^ Not sure that's entirely fair or charitable and not sure I need to provide too much evidence to support a personally held opinion. You can take my opinion in the same way that I take his opinions which is basically of little consequence.

fake e: and I'm actually ok with not getting into the dowie hole on this one. I have a view different to yours and clearly different to the OP and that should be ok.
I haven’t seen his interviews/question time appearance. If I get some time I’ll try and watch the videos posted earlier.

I like him as an actor, I haven’t heard his music.

Where I’ve seen the most of him is on Bear Grylls: Mission Survive (he did not survive).

Obviously the show is highly edited. He came across as likeable and charming but my lasting impression of him was this: he seems to be the embodiment of the early 20th century public school boy turned army officer who, filled with dreams of king and country, does something brave but monumentally stupid and winds up getting himself and all of his subordinates killed. A slightly less caricatured Lieutenant George from Blackadder Goes Forth.

I prefer his cousin, Emilia.
He's an actor so comes across as a bit pompous but they all do. But he's fairly charming and he has some backbone. And praise be for a celebrity with a tiny bit of backbone.

In this era of apologising to get the mob off your back it is a refreshing change. We should build a statue so some morons can pull it down and our virtuie signalling classes can stand by and clap the mob rule.

Also I really like his portrrayl of his character Hathaway in Lewis, hope he gets his own show of that character in a few years time.
Just as a heads up for those unaware. The woman on question time that was critical of Lawrence is called Rachel Boyle and is a "race and ethnicity researcher" and was planted specifically to cause an issue and raise controversy.
There's a mad rush to cancel anyone that doesn't fall in line of late.

Triggernometry are great, they open their doors to pretty much anyone that's willing to be interviewed -- which is how it should be.

There's anti-brexit, pro-brexit, left and right on there.

There is a bit of a lack of (hard) left views if only because many refuse to be interviewed for some reason.
Triggernometry is great. As you say they have all sorts on there and engage them in actual conversation and let them say their piece without really arguing with them and trying to shut them down. Let you make your own mind up sort of stuff.

I had no idea who Lawerence was, until Newsnight and my initial opinion about Megan’s treatment was that it was racist reporting (Daily Mail innit). But I agreed with what else he said and it was only afterwards I had a bit more of a look into basically Megan ignoring alsorts of royal protocols and that was why she was why she was really getting ire from the pro-Royal press.
I don't read about celebrities and I'm not an avid Royal watcher but I didn't even realise she was mixed race african amercian until the BBC started going on about the racism row. With the amount of slap women wear these days she could have been a WASP as far as I knew.
^ Not sure that's entirely fair or charitable and not sure I need to provide too much evidence to support a personally held opinion. You can take my opinion in the same way that I take his opinions which is basically of little consequence.

fake e: and I'm actually ok with not getting into the dowie hole on this one. I have a view different to yours and clearly different to the OP and that should be ok.

I'm sure you are OK with that - anything which involves having to put forth some sort of argument or justification beyond uttering an unsupported assertion is something you don't tend to be too keen on in general... it involves putting some thought into a post and coming up with an argument and perhaps even defending a positon. Much more comfortable to pop in with a simplistic take that you can deflect from or ignore any responses to.

You don't need to protest whether that is a fair take or not, you're perfectly capable of countering it (or not) with your own actions (or lack of)... but sure, just say dowie hole and back away if you like... if you are going to reply to this then something with substance might be preferable to more deflection or another ad hominem.... go on mags, the bait is there... can you construct an argument in support of a postion???? :p
I've literally never heard of him before seeing this thread.

I suspect, from the cut and thrust of the arguments here, that I wouldn't quite dig him.
I prefer his cousin, Emilia.

Oh, she is very nice...

But I agreed with what else he said and it was only afterwards I had a bit more of a look into basically Megan ignoring alsorts of royal protocols and that was why she was why she was really getting ire from the pro-Royal press.

There was a feeling from her side apparently that the palace didn't protect enough her from various bad press stories written about her, the problem the palace press team had though what that apparently was that lots of the bad press stories were largely true.
Bit of a toff, but he seems alright.

I can't find a single "controversial" thing that he's said. Don't agree with his statements on Question Time or Triggernometry 100% to the letter, but he seems sensible enough.
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