Law on roadworks during early sunday morning clarification

I would hope so. I sincerely doubt his story. If the police did attend then I hope the council worker complains and who ever dispatched officers gets a talking to.
police response time in my city is registered in weeks. so i did have my doubts.
I wouldn't even contemplate going to the police or making a complaint.

Personally if roads outside my house were bad and needed fixing I'd be happy with the fix.

Surely Sunday is much more sensible than working week too?
If this was many days that's different. But one day?
Yeah. If its replacement of the wear layer easily achievable.
Planer in to take off the top layer. Wagons constantly feeding a paver. Couple of rollers to follow up.

As a follow-up:

The length of road I was referring to has been left as it was - the surface torn off with an appropriate machine from JCB...and left that way. Unsurfaced and covered with pieces of stone sized (and stone hard) tarmac. My workplace has already had one window smashed by one of the many stone-hard tarmac chunks being flung up by the wheels of a passing vehicle. It's reinforced break-resistant toughened safety glass so the projectile didn't get through, but the pane is well smashed. That could have broken someone's leg. Or their skull, if they were short enough. The main door has also taken a hard hit from another one. A dent in the metal door and a lot of noise. If it carries on like this, someone is going to be hospitalised or killed. It's been 9 days so far and no sign of anything happening.
I am still here, given most people dont seem to have any serious interest I wasnt sure if its worth bothering posting any updates, I have had dialog with a councillor and the police rang me with a follow up, but the council staff are still to respond.

The police told me the reason they attended was that they had no notice which is supposed to be given to emergency services and had to confirm the road was indeed closed so they could add it to their database.

The councillor told me I was supposed to receive a letter of advanced notice and the workmen should not have started that early so something will be done about the starting time of future works.

Meanwhile I will probably unsub from the thread given the majority just seem to think I am here to be made fun off because I value my sleep. Why walk back to a laughing mob?
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When it comes to digging up the road they can do pretty much what they want when there was a water leak here they were outside until 1.30 am with heavy machinery and trucks and pneumatic drills and I mean right outside the windows

They were resurfacing the main road through this 'burb from 8pm to 6am for weeks luckily thats not me but I can't imagine anyone in the houses or flats down there got much sleep

For emergencies yes.
Probably hates milkmen as well, ours delivers at about 2am.

Does the milkman start drilling at your door then?

I get it you think working comes ahead of health and well being, it should always have precedence regardless of civil behaviour and any laws that might exist.

But if you going to draw assumptions be at least realistic about it.

My bin collection is done at 6.30am.
'Day of rest' lol. I'll let my son know when he gets in from his shift.

Well its pretty obvious you don't live on a main road.

Regardless of claims on here that Sundays are the same as a weekday now, the facts speak for themselves.

There is difference in employment law for Sundays.
Main roads are less busy Sundays, not just a little but significantly, there is no rush hour on a Sunday. Where I live 7am is only quiet on a Sunday and to a lesser degree Saturdays as well, its a rest day from that,
Education and many public services are shut Sundays.
Public transport like buses are significantly restricted on Sundays.

Don't know what cloud you live in if you think a Sunday is the same as a Wednesday.

I used to work continental shifts, weekends etc. it doesn't mean I decided everyone else was doing it as well. If I was leaving my house or coming home during hours when I knew others were resting I was respectfully quiet about it, I didnt impose my hours of work onto others.

Those who think this is a joke need to think about this and respect of others.

As I said a couple of posts up I now know why the police wasn't happy, the council staff are trying to plug into ears, and a councillor has promised to get things working better including telling workmen to start later.

If you guys carry on I wont be noticing it, as I am now unsubbing, up to the mods if they see value in this thread carrying on with just mocking or they see value in it, but my participation ends here.
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