Lazy Parking

24 Apr 2004
Warrington, UK
A guy on our street has a tenancy to lazily park his cars with out regard for other road users.

Here are a few of his latest parking attempts. The guy has three cars in total. Its not as if he is just picking something up the Corsa for instance was there all night.


I'd be too embarrassed to park a car like that. :eek:

And what happened to the front of it? Pretty sure it's illegal not to have a front numberplate.
Thats pretty bad, reminded me of something i seen at work the other week.
Couldn't resist getting a photo, and yes it is a woman.

As the result of what I can only assume was a bet, one of my (male) colleagues once managed to park his ancient Landie across six spaces at once.

Buy a tape measure and tack it from the ground to the wheel furthest from the kerb. Affix sign indicating retardedness.
Thats pretty bad, reminded me of something i seen at work the other week.
Couldn't resist getting a photo, and yes it is a woman.


I often park like that, to stop people smashing the sides of my car with their doors.

You can come take a picture of mine also if you think it makes you cool or something?
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