*** League of Legends ***

15 Apr 2009
Game can be played 100% free by downloading from http://euw.leagueoflegends.com/

What is it? (super summary).

League of Legends or LoL is a 5v5 multiplayer battle arena (MOBA)
Games generally last 20 to 60 minutes.

Each player picks a 'champion' which has unique castable abilities.
Players customise their 'champion' by putting points into skills trees, applying 'runes' which provide bonus stats, and buying items from an in game shop with gold earned from killing other people.
Apart from killing the other team, the main objective of the game is to push into their base and destroy their 'Nexus' which is a building.
After winning/losing games, you earn 'IP' which you use to buy more 'champions'!


Who's on this board?

We're a group of gamers who love League Of Legends. We play regularly on a nightly basis and weekends.
We know each other from varying forums, games and IRL :eek:
Most of us just get to know one another by partying up in our Mumble channel. (Like TeamSpeak, Ventrillo or Skype, but better).
Some of us are good, some are bad, some take it seriously and some are in it just for the fun. At the end of the day we all just want to have a good time.


How to play with us.

We have a in game channel ocuk - if you click the chat rooms button, then click add channel ocuk that will join this. If you then click on the cog above the chat you can set to auto join to ensure you always join the channel.

LoL is a game best played with voice chat. The level of communication and fun goes up ten fold when you can talk with your teammates.


Useful LoL Resources.

Unofficial Wiki:

Beginners help:

So you think you are unfairly ranked

Information on your opponents in game

Guides Tips on how to build and play your 'champion':

Good Magazine style site on LOL

Streams Where you can watch pro players:
http://www.twitch.tv/directory/League of Legends


Counter picks Who counters who theory:

Competitive LoL Event Calendar
https://www.google.com/calendar/[email protected]&ctz=Europe/London

Replays For recording your games:

OcUk Steam Group:

Some useful (very old) gameplay basics:

Turrets http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FrRaHcn8V7Y
Abilities http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nxbdDKxUmq8
Inhibitors http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oR-A1yxzVeo
Team Play http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gji8zykD9wc
Minions http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ITuakcMFu-o
Summoner http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f33WuTADTt0

Newer Videos

Bottom lane handling http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wBHMDGluZCs


Well worth the download
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LoL is far superior to HoN in every conceivable way.
I do not know why people would want to play HoN.

Last hit mechanics are based on a % of damage done within the last 10 seconds or so (may be less, 3 or 5).

HoN is not more 'hardcore' it's a game with lots of broken mechanisc from Warcraft 3 which they didn't realise were game limitations rather than 'fun' features.
Last hitting encourages people to hold back when attacking, and makes gang-fighting less attractive.

I've played HoN quite a lot and found the gameplay worse than DOTA, a muddled bitmap-esque graphic style which made it hard to tell anything apart with massive particle effects which blocked visibility during team fights. Woo.

Play LoL for 10 games, play HoN for 10 games, I would be very surprised if anyone chose HoN.
Your post does encourage me as the HoN players I have discussed this with put down LoL. However for me I loved the game play last night and whereas with HoN I can never see myself mastering things like the last hit and the huge amounts of items - LoL's is far more directed and was a load of fun. I had been sceptical regarding the free to play element but I think they have done a really good job in making the game genuinally free to play but at the same time making it attractive to players to buy without giving them an unfair advantage
I think both hon and LoL are both similar games on the face of it, but actually quite different when you actually play them.
I think the general consensus is that LoL is easier to pick up and play, probably less "hardcore"/competitive than hon to start out, LoL has a better community (people rage *a lot* in hon).
But HoN is one-time-fee vs LoL which has microtransactions.

Personally I prefer HoN, but like you said you really have to try both.
3rd game, 3rd win. My main aim is keep safe and bide your moment to strike and never strike a hero near his towers :)

On another note is there a way of seeing which characters have changed to ai and also who on the opposing team is dead?

hi been playing this for AGES about 100+ games really enjoy it unlocked a few chars with points
my game addy is joopz0r
I love LOL. Its a great free game, I'd recommend everyone to try it, not just old DOTA players, its good fun to play, the key is to try and stay alive at the start if your a new player by staying at the back and not going for early kills.
I love LOL. Its a great free game, I'd recommend everyone to try it, not just old DOTA players, its good fun to play, the key is to try and stay alive at the start if your a new player by staying at the back and not going for early kills.

Totally agree, never played DOta and really struggled at HoN but this is hitting the sweet spot.
I've been playing Dota for quite a while now, and I played the betas of both LoL and HoN. HoN was dota with a pretty face. LoL was actually different, and far more enjoyable than HoN for me.
LoL is just a kiddy cut down version of HoN TBH.

No denying being one the major things. Everything is just so spammy, no mana conservation etc.

And also.. having to save up points and buy hero's !? It shouldn't be an mmo where you have to farm to get better or whatever its supposed to be about teamwork and player skill not how many runes you've unlocked or w/e.

HoN is more ragey yes as its a proper hardcore game. That's why its good, to win you have to be a better team and that's the beauty... It's not counter strike its a proper team game.

LoL just makes it less of a team game, reduces the good things about DoTA and HoN, the strategy etc.
firthy15 said:
LoL is just a kiddy cut down version of HoN TBH.
It has more original heroes, runes and spells create a metagame, better match making and it's free...

firthy15 said:
Everything is just so spammy, no mana conservation etc.
Denying is a throwback to the junker Warcraft 3 engine. I hadn't thought about the 'spammy' gameplay, but if you want to cast a spell once an hour, feel free!

firthy15 said:
And also.. having to save up points and buy hero's !? It shouldn't be an mmo where you have to farm to get better or whatever its supposed to be about teamwork and player skill not how many runes you've unlocked or w/e.
Fine, buy them then.

firthy15 said:
HoN is more ragey yes as its a proper hardcore game.
How? It offers nothing that DOTA doesn't.

firthy15 said:
That's why its good
It's got all the problems DOTA had - great!

firthy15 said:
to win you have to be a better team and that's the beauty... It's not counter strike its a proper team game.
As is LoL, try beating a decent team solo, it just doesn't happen.

firthy15 said:
LoL just makes it less of a team game, reduces the good things about DoTA and HoN, the strategy etc.
Qualify the statement of 'less of a team game' please. You need your tanks, carries, casters, melee, ranged etc. to all be singing from the same hymn sheet if you want to win. Exactly like HoN.
Also what strategy? Get hero, build the same items every game, win / lose depending on who has the rock, scissors or paper? Hmm.

I'm not saying you're wrong, just ignorant.
Not sure I can arsed with this but hey ho.

DoTA has been around for what. 10 years? HoN didn't come out to take the DoTA concept and make a new game it came to make an already well thought out superbly balanced over time game even better.

A spell once an hour is a bit wrong whereas using every spell as soon as its off cooldown as you do in LoL is a bit silly with even one of the characters ive seen not actually having mana, katarina i beleive.

If you actually beleive DoTa and HoN are rock paper scissors you need to play them more. You never ever go the same item build everygame, every game is different.
Also in reply to reading the full original post.

LoL does employ the same last hit mechanics. I beleive denying being one of the KEY things of HoN and DoTA giving early game play some activity for the non ganker classes. Rather than just pottering around till you hit mid game.

Also worth mentioning HoN is in beta, I'm postitive there will be bots to play against on HoN either a by player made mode or by an official update.

Another huge factor is that the map editor will be coming for HoN making all the WC3 classic maps portable and whatever else people want to make, I personally cannot wait for the Tower defence maps, Tree tag etc to be ported over onto a better engine.
i played HON for three months then i played LOL for a couple of months without touching HON. a few days ago i had a couple of matches of HON and it was the most boring thing ever. so LOL is way more fun to me
To add my 2 cents, I played a few games in HON - it's frankly a maelstrom. If you have time to go through all the various items and recipes and even characters then feel free. I was surprised almost shocked how accesible Lol is - it has a load of tactics but at the same time they make it clear which characters are easier to play and which are hard - receipes are a joy.

IMHO the Lol devs have done a great job and that is further reflected in how they handle micro transactions.

This isn't meant to be a LoL v HoN thread :) If you like HoN post in the HoN thread. I'm now interested in tactics and all things LoL :)

Have to give this a try, cheers for the heads up tals. Played a bit of HoN and found it pretty tough going although quite fun once I'd spent time getting the hang of a couple of classes. Not a game I'd play regularly though, its pretty intense :)
well just done by 3rd game and again won - this time I was definitely the weak point but the game is very slick. Very accessible - I would suggest watching the videos from my original post - give huge tips such as how the targeting on turrets works. Then do the tutorial and then i'd suggest just going for a auto match. The match making seems pretty good.

Barno just shoot me a message on steam if you fancy grouping up

** the last game our team aced the victory - what is that? **
OK I think an ace is where one person kills all of the team. Been playing a load over the weekend, it's a very addictive number. My only saving grace is games last between 30 mins and an hour so have to be planned into my gaming schedule - but wow this is one sweet game.
OK i'm getting myself into a fanboi level of love for this game at the moment, this potentially is turning out to be the best game I have experienced. I have some friends who play HoN. I played HoN a few months ago and I didn't find it that easy to get into. However now I have played LoL some aspects of LoL I really like - I would be interested how close HoN does these or not at all

* Match making, very easy - click play you have a match setup within a minute
* Heroes are very clear
* Items - HoN may have improved on this since I played, when I did play it just felt like a mass of items and split between recipes and items which made it even more confusing. LoL handles it very clearly, it does not differentiate between recipes and items so if I want an item I click it and then it shows what is required I don't need to go and look seperately in the recipes area
* Turrets, if your creeps get in range of the enemy turret then you can move in range and the turret will not attack you - it will only attack you if you attack an enemy champion whilst in range or all your creeps are dead
* grass, lots of grassy areas to hide in even for non stealthed characters

Where does HoN fit in with this, I assume HoN has suppressors (suppressing super minions) as well or is that just a LoL function as well
OK i'm getting myself into a fanboi level of love for this game at the moment, this potentially is turning out to be the best game I have experienced. I have some friends who play HoN. I played HoN a few months ago and I didn't find it that easy to get into. However now I have played LoL some aspects of LoL I really like - I would be interested how close HoN does these or not at all

* Match making, very easy - click play you have a match setup within a minute
* Heroes are very clear
* Items - HoN may have improved on this since I played, when I did play it just felt like a mass of items and split between recipes and items which made it even more confusing. LoL handles it very clearly, it does not differentiate between recipes and items so if I want an item I click it and then it shows what is required I don't need to go and look seperately in the recipes area
* Turrets, if your creeps get in range of the enemy turret then you can move in range and the turret will not attack you - it will only attack you if you attack an enemy champion whilst in range or all your creeps are dead
* grass, lots of grassy areas to hide in even for non stealthed characters

Where does HoN fit in with this, I assume HoN has suppressors (suppressing super minions) as well or is that just a LoL function as well

Matchmaking is currently being tested on the pre-beta and is working okay and about to come in soon.

Recipies are there to give a gap between a bunch of stat items to a proper item to be honest i beleive its the better system.

turrets or towers work this way in LoL HoN and Dota.

I think the grass thing is terrible, takes out a lot of the point of setting up ganks, juking through trees etc when you can just sit in this grass and be invis...
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