I think the grass thing is terrible, takes out a lot of the point of setting up ganks, juking through trees etc when you can just sit in this grass and be invis...
This is the sort of thing people are talking about when they say hon is more "hardcore". The LoL system is easier to use, but offers less scope for players to develop "skill" [learn more about the game]
In HoN you can't simply run into a grass area to hide, you need to run between/behind individual trees or higher ground to move out of visibility and since fog of war takes a few hundred milliseconds to update you can often lose people that are chasing you, but you need to learn where the "juke spots" are.
e.g this guy runs into the trees but could only be seen if they had followed him and were very close in the trees
Also you don't get as many attack/ability max range graphics, unless it's a spell, e.g. you can't see towers max range in hon, you just need to know it.
Both games are of a great genre and you can just pick them up and play yet it involves XP/character development.
Originally Posted by tals
I would be interested how close HoN does these or not at all
Kill stealing in hon is pretty daft, 1 person can do 99% of the work killing an enemy yet whoever gets the final hit will get a
much larger proportion of the XP/gold. It leads to lots of rage in some games, and people holding back to get the kill, but the general opinion behind it is that you let the heroes that rely on powerful items take the kill and changing it will ruin the whole balance blah blah.
How easy it is to learn heroes/items is kinda subjective. 45 champions on LoL, 60 heroes in HoN. 113 items on LoL wiki, 121 items on hon wiki. I did find the hon shops confusing to start with, but they have since added a page of recommended items for each hero.
There's no AI or ingame tutorial mode though, you get thrown in at the deep end.