*** League of Legends ***

Getting better as WW and as Malzahar

Tonights games. I must admit I think these 2 are my new 2 mains!

As said already, I would put 2 of those games down to me, we were against a super fed fiddlesticks who was wiping us completly... I just timed my ult at the right time took him down and the rest was easy. Same with a fed Annie every time she went to AoE stun, boom! Ulti :D
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Riot have all the money they need to build the servers needed and as many maps as they like, as I forget the amount they got but its was in the range of £200nillion to sell the rights of LOL to asia?

(I'm sure McKnight can give me a link for the exact amount)

$400 million dollars :)
Got fed up with EU servers last night, made a US account and downloaded the program linked on previous page. Ping is playable (around 120) just not looking forward to having to level up again!

Carried hard in my first game with Urgot though, looking good! :)

Really hope the EU servers are intalled quickly though.
Getting better as WW and as Malzahar

Tonights games. I must admit I think these 2 are my new 2 mains!

As said already, I would put 2 of those games down to me, we were against a super fed fiddlesticks who was wiping us completly... I just timed my ult at the right time took him down and the rest was easy. Same with a fed Annie every time she went to AoE stun, boom! Ulti :D

Saw you had spammed quite a few WW games last night! - edit: forgot to mention, I'd suggest you try merc treads over beserker greaves :)

I played one last night where I was duo'ing with my mate over Skype, he was Malphite and as soon as we hit lvl6 it was gameover for our opponents in lane :D Also had 200+ MR and was sat there tanking Veigar whilst taking a turret down, must have been so frustrating for him lol
Saw you had spammed quite a few WW games last night!

I played one last night where I was duo'ing with my mate over Skype, he was Malphite and as soon as we hit lvl6 it was gameover for our opponents in lane :D Also had 200+ MR and was sat there tanking Veigar whilst taking a turret down, must have been so frustrating for him lol

I seriously love him, got the Firefang skin on him and he is really boss!

Ouch a Warwick and Malph combo! I would hate to play against that.

One of the games I had basically a full WW tank build and much like you said could just jump in the whole team take a person out, run to a bush while my Q recharged heal up, use my W down another person. I've noticed people at my level don't buy defense at all. On my Mal game people just were going full AP/AD, I had 650ish AP, my Q was half healthing the squishies -.-

On another note, Patch coming out tomorrow and Yorick!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yorick is an instabuy for me :)
new patch notes:


i really like this patch. love blitzcrank fix, its so annoying to have people slip away after a hook. loving the udyr buff... he didnt need it at all lol, at least not in the areas that got buffed. kass change is interesting.. should hopefully helps with his farming.

eve is the new twitch though.. she really got screwed over. i was happy to see the stun go but they also cut her ulti in half... pretty much the nail in the coffin.
Nice one ojste - I like some of the changes there. I played Vayne and in ways I agree she was OP. By level 6-7 when I had 3 Dblades I would face roll anyone with the ulti.
Hey folks, just thought I'd let people know I'm not dead (since I spend most of my time on Mumble :p), I've just started my new job this week and have been mega busy in the evenings.

I'll hopefully be on Friday night for a few games, got an itchy stun finger :D
Cool stuff mate hope your job is going well.

I'll be writing a post about a tournament me and Tals have breifly spoke about watch this space!

Can't wait to try out Yorick even if he does suck apparently.
Played on the US servers last night, EU servers if anything appear to be degrading fast. Very nice to play what felt like a game again. Silent as TF totally dominated the other teams and my Ammu did a reasonable job, money was plentiful to make warding a joy :)
Riot’s mission is to be the most player-focused company in the world. League of Legends has grown from an idea to a worldwide phenomenon at a pace that’s both thrilling and humbling. Our player base is now several million strong and spans over a dozen countries. Unfortunately, this has garnered us some extra attention from cyber bullies. Some of which has been detrimental to your gaming experience.

You’ve probably heard rumors of the DDoS attacks that we’ve been experiencing. Unfortunately, these rumors have been a reality, and are a big part of why our service has been suffering. We’ve been working around the clock to maintain stability, but the malicious nature of our internet assailants have made that difficult.

In any case, we understand that the service that we’ve been providing you has been unacceptable and we will not rest until we provide the phenomenal service that you all deserve. So to thank you for your patience during this period, we’re happy to provide the following:

550 RP to every summoner who has logged in between 12:00 a.m. CEST on June 1st, 2011 and 11:59 p.m. CEST on June 23rd, 2011
Leaver amnesty from games going back to June 1st. Many disconnections weren’t your fault, and we don’t want unintended leaves to reflect negatively on you.
We know that the best form of compensation we could provide you with is consistently stable access to League of Legends, but as we strive to make that a reality, we want to give you this as a token of our appreciation for your patience and support. Also know that a long-term fix to these stability issues is on the horizon, and we’ll have more information regarding these coming changes in the near term.

In the meantime, thank you for your support, your passion, and your patience.

The RP is nice, a solution would be better and blaming months of issues on 1 evening of DDOs attacks is poor but hey ho lets just see this solution that's been talked about since I started playing on EU
Complete load of rubbish. Blaming DDoS attacks in an easy way out but thankfully most people aren't stupid enough to actually believe that. Same tosh as they always say. "Oh we're sorry! We'll do better, honest!". Quite frankly I'll believe it when I see it :p
It's three weeks since they were due to receive around 100 new servers to install in the cluster, hopefully this will actually take place soon.

The rate of growth the games experiencing is extremely high, but Riot should really be reacting to this faster. They know how fast it's growing and yet they hesitate and wait with new hardware. I know they've claimed that hardware isn't always the answer, but really, raw processing power and resources is always going to help.

The game pretty much has 100k people in the queue all evening every evening and even longer on weekends. A huge amount of people playing the game really.

The three months where we've been forced to play on the NA servers is hopefully coming to a permanent end soon.
Awesome to see so many LoL players here @ OcUK! :D

Me & a friend are actually looking for a few people to try and do some 5v5 queue ranked games. Not hardcore or anything just nights after work where we can improve our game via the ranked system.

I play a rock solid Irelia & he tends to play AD carries or tanks, we're possibly looking for..

- AP Carry
- Tank
- Offtanky AD
- Dedicated Support (CV, Warding, Babysitting)

If anyone is up for some ranked or even normal games then that'd be cool! I have a Ventrilo server and/or Skype access.

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