*** League of Legends ***

For peopole who have had issues logging into EU server and don't mind higher pings on the NA server, heres how!

This is how I easily switch between US and EU server(since the eu server often doesent work I have to do this):

-Go to /disc(C/disc(C
-Open RIOT GAMES folder, it should be there, then opress league of legends obviously.
-Open RADSfolder
-Open Systemfolder
-Open the launcher.clg with "word" or something, here it will say: gameProject=lol_game_client_sln

Change the eu to na and then save.

-After that open the System.clg, here it will say: DownloadURL=l3cdn.riotgames.com

Once again switch the EU to NA and save.

After that just launch the game, downlaod patch if needed and you are ready to go if you have an account for the specific server

Might copy my LoL folder and have a shortcut to the NA for when the EU server is experience 'issues' (read: always).
Awesome to see so many LoL players here @ OcUK! :D

Me & a friend are actually looking for a few people to try and do some 5v5 queue ranked games. Not hardcore or anything just nights after work where we can improve our game via the ranked system.

I play a rock solid Irelia & he tends to play AD carries or tanks, we're possibly looking for..

- AP Carry
- Tank
- Offtanky AD
- Dedicated Support (CV, Warding, Babysitting)

If anyone is up for some ranked or even normal games then that'd be cool! I have a Ventrilo server and/or Skype access.


So you are basically asking for an entire team? :D

Would you mind posting say your ign so people could check your elo? You might get considerably more sign-ups that way.
He could actually try playing with the Overclockers first - I mean its not like we don't have >30 people already :) Some of who may or may not be interested
Well I keep getting put against Swain, the guy is a tank he literally kills the whole bloody team! I got Swain, I did terrible on him... I kept getting blue, rushed RoA and some super high mp5/10 items and still would get raped. Not sure if I like him, I'm going to carry on playing him and see how I do.
Started playing Alistair also, I love that champ, so much fun!
Prob mains still are WW,Malzahar and Jarvan.
Learning Alistair and Swain currently.
Well I keep getting put against Swain, the guy is a tank he literally kills the whole bloody team! I got Swain, I did terrible on him... I kept getting blue, rushed RoA and some super high mp5/10 items and still would get raped. Not sure if I like him, I'm going to carry on playing him and see how I do.
Started playing Alistair also, I love that champ, so much fun!
Prob mains still are WW,Malzahar and Jarvan.
Learning Alistair and Swain currently.

Get one of the Carries to get an executioners calling. With the -50% healing you can then just nuke him down easily. No idea how you actually play him though!
if you get focused down as swain by 5 people.. you're gonna die, you're not invincible haha but you're not far off! you are also in deep **** if you get ignited so you gotta be careful.

the idea is to retreat when you see yourself getting focused, back off until the heat is off then return. you're all dot damage anyway and you have good kiting tools to keep people at bay, whilst you're healing up. swain is a beast though.. thats for sure.
Yea, I think that was the problem, I was duo laneing and getting harassed badly so didn't get much items.

I think that was the problem is I thought I was invincible and just was jumping in the middle of everyone lol. I did a fair amount of damage though but will try again! I wasn't too impressed with his damage output! I forever needed help killing blue, took ages!
As Borish said, executioners calling is a must against characters like this (comes from the basic life steal item - gives additional life steal anyway and its cooldown is insane :))
Well I keep getting put against Swain, the guy is a tank he literally kills the whole bloody team! I got Swain, I did terrible on him... I kept getting blue, rushed RoA and some super high mp5/10 items and still would get raped. Not sure if I like him, I'm going to carry on playing him and see how I do.
Started playing Alistair also, I love that champ, so much fun!
Prob mains still are WW,Malzahar and Jarvan.
Learning Alistair and Swain currently.

Just had a quick look at your last game as Swain, instead of an archangels get either a spirit visage or a deathcap instead. As long as your team lets you get blue you really shouldnt have any mana problems, that is unless you go absolutely mental wiht his ult!

Max E skill first which is a good ranged harass and gives you +20% damage (from spells only I think), but really concentrate on last hitting as much as possible and use your ult if you are low on hp. Sit back and wait for your jungler to come gank :)
Just had a quick look at your last game as Swain, instead of an archangels get either a spirit visage or a deathcap instead. As long as your team lets you get blue you really shouldnt have any mana problems, that is unless you go absolutely mental wiht his ult!

Max E skill first which is a good ranged harass and gives you +20% damage (from spells only I think), but really concentrate on last hitting as much as possible and use your ult if you are low on hp. Sit back and wait for your jungler to come gank :)
Ok mate thank you very much for the advice :) Will give that a whirl tonight and see how I get on, I want to get good with him for the fact I got a skin for him also as I hated his default one lol.
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