But as you play vs better players blitz gets a lot worse, people know how to avoid the grab or bait for the grap which will kill blitz. Hes good for burst damage on his ulti but a weak tank for sure.
Yep against good teams he's pritty much useless, cant tank well enoth to take the burst damage, and they dodge your grab. Against weak teams he can single handadly rip them apart lol.
i was playing the new berserker guy after unlocking him earlier and i dont know wether the team i played against were bad or what but i sort of bought tanking items and just charged in 1v4 and killed 2 guys before i died lol.
I been playing that guy a lot, he's awsome. Just spam your axe throw till the group fights start, you should have loads of minion kills and a few champ kills without much danger.
As i never seem to have more then 2hp bars, i always have about 1.6 attack speed on him in team fights, so can pritty much smash anyone in a few seconds if i get an opening. With frozen mallet, axe combo they cant get away unless they at a tower.
His laugh isnt very intimidating tho not like blitz when i grab someone / gank /laugh. That genarates more hate then 10 shen/ramous taunts lol. Blitz laugh also pulls more champs towards me then i can grab lol, that game was soooo funny when we where doing that.
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