*** League of Legends ***

But as you play vs better players blitz gets a lot worse, people know how to avoid the grab or bait for the grap which will kill blitz. Hes good for burst damage on his ulti but a weak tank for sure.

Yep against good teams he's pritty much useless, cant tank well enoth to take the burst damage, and they dodge your grab. Against weak teams he can single handadly rip them apart lol.

i was playing the new berserker guy after unlocking him earlier and i dont know wether the team i played against were bad or what but i sort of bought tanking items and just charged in 1v4 and killed 2 guys before i died lol.

I been playing that guy a lot, he's awsome. Just spam your axe throw till the group fights start, you should have loads of minion kills and a few champ kills without much danger.

As i never seem to have more then 2hp bars, i always have about 1.6 attack speed on him in team fights, so can pritty much smash anyone in a few seconds if i get an opening. With frozen mallet, axe combo they cant get away unless they at a tower.

His laugh isnt very intimidating tho :( not like blitz when i grab someone / gank /laugh. That genarates more hate then 10 shen/ramous taunts lol. Blitz laugh also pulls more champs towards me then i can grab lol, that game was soooo funny when we where doing that.
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Really great games last night - outrageously late for me but soooo worth it :)

Quite digging Alistair, never going to get that many kills but he is a great tank.

Didn't quite realise how many assists I got in the last game, those healing spams work very nicely :)

I need to play around with some builds

The Team of Ashe/Ryze/Olaf and Teemo with alistair worked very nicely. Quite nice having a character that doesn't die when he trips over a blade of grass :)
You might want to get Leviathan on alistair, with 20 stack bonus + your ult they cant hurt you!

Wish i could play alistair, but slow + aggressive = dead lol.

Enjoyed going damage last 2-3 games, seemed to work better then going for an axe spam build. Was smashing through the tanks with my 'true damage' attacks.
The Team of Ashe/Ryze/Olaf and Teemo with alistair worked very nicely. Quite nice having a character that doesn't die when he trips over a blade of grass :)

Tank Teemo F.T.W!, Just played a game vs another Teemo with my tank build in mid and he raged as I bought an Oracle's Elixir and started a easter hunt game all over the map searching for his mushroom's :D, by the end I'd made about 700gold, as I only died once in the whole game at the very start! Plus we won with ease!

I'm out tonight, but I've almost refined the Teemo build lol
Well it was the weirdest game i've played. One of the players rage quit because Kayle and Cho were playing poorly

And then this happened

Joop was awesome, I played terrible till last 5 minutes and then it all started pulling together :) So in summary we won on a 4v5 :)
Man, just had an AP build Katarina completely stomp us. She just ripped people apart. :(

Is Heimerdinger any good? Was considering buying him.

also Evelynn, how do you play her? I pure sucked when I tried.
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evelynn sucks because people know to buy oracle potions or magic sight totems so all chars that rely on stealth suck unless your fighting noobs.

heimerdinger is the best defensive char in the game imo he can easily hold a lane even 1v2 without breaking a sweat but after the laning phase when everyone is pushign together he doesnt get to put turrets down and he dies easy.

btw ive been doing mid as olaf which confuses everyone because they think its stupid but ive always pushed the lane stupidly easy.

teemo and ashe dont stand a chance
Is life steal additive to your damage or does it just convert a portion of it to +HP?

What i mean is, say you do 100 base damage and have 17% lifesteal, I know you get 17% of it as HP, but does the enemy take 100 damage or 117 damage?
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