teemo and ashe dont stand a chance
Thank god you havent run into our very own tank teemo lol
teemo and ashe dont stand a chance
Thank god you havent run into our very own tank teemo lol
Thank god you havent run into our very own tank teemo lol
I think I've profected the build now, might even make it my main as it seems to be working really well, so funny watching Kat last night using her ult on me and only knocking off 6bars out of 30
how much hp did u have? i was at 5k one game with olaf
got a tasty bit of + dmg from it on the second olaf ability to
I'm normally about 3.5k hp with 78%-80% damage reduction. I'm also a little speed demon haha!
I'm still not sure if it works though, because whilst he can tank his attack is going to be weaker. When we were playing last night it did feel like we just couldn't pull of the attack/push side.
Starting to love playing alistair though
With those items he would be barely able to tank the creeps though, rendering him somewhat useless.
im addicted to
boots of speed , warmogs armor , frozen mallet , thormail and the spear looking item that does 2% of your hp in damage.
its evil on olaf can easily take on 2 people