*** League of Legends ***

17 Feb 2009
Great, thanks for the help.

Yeah I heard Malph is banned regularly too. I'm just really trying to get a feel for the game in each of the different roles while learning a bit about a few champions and what to buy/build etc. I'm going to try play some Ryze in mid this weekend. :p
15 Apr 2009
That is absolutely the way to play this - particularly at lower levels. The more roles you are comfortable with the bigger the asset you are to the team. I'm fairly limited on my positions/roles - I know my limits so I keep to them :)



13 Oct 2010
Great, thanks for the help.

Yeah I heard Malph is banned regularly too. I'm just really trying to get a feel for the game in each of the different roles while learning a bit about a few champions and what to buy/build etc. I'm going to try play some Ryze in mid this weekend. :p

Yeah, I also found it useful to use as many champions as you have oppertunity to, that way you learn how they work, what there abilities and combos are etc so when you lane against them you know what to expect
9 Mar 2010
Fabric Nightclub, London.
Vi and Kha'Zix are also good junglers if you know how to play them properly. Only problem is, Vi's ganks up till level 6 are a bit weak. Unless you take movement speed quints :D. After that she is fine.

Kha'Zix is just OP as **** in the jungle, I regularly carry the game with him. He is such a stupid champ with the evolved wings and spike racks :D
30 Jun 2006
I've been playing Malphite solo top from level 10-15 so far and really enjoy it. There are a few people that suggest he can also be a good jungler, which I've found a build for.

My question is: what do you actually do in the jungle? Is there a sort of route you should follow to continually farm mobs and then look for ganks etc while doing so? Also, what's the deal with the blue and reds? Are these always given to the jungler?


There are a few champs who can play either the solo top role or jungle. Which way is right I don't know but it would be up to a) what your team needed, b)what you feel comfortable with c)Team comp of your team and the enemies.

A few examples who can jungle or go solo top are Lee Sin, Malphite etc.

After 2 and a half years of playing LoL it is only these past 2 days that I have started to learn to Jungle.

At the moment I like Trundle, Nunu and Udyr are my faves. Didn't like Nocturne for some reason and Malphite and Amumu I found was decent but had more fun playing Nunu.

But I need to try Skarner, Nautilus or Maokai.

You really need to ask Mcknight about Jungling as he is the resident OCUK mumble LoL jungler.

But by going Jungle you have effectively 3 lanes which are solely gaining XP and Gold. As a jungler you need to control your jungle distibuting the red/blue buff between yourself and AD/AP carries when you feel you don;t need them and where it would benefit them more to help carry the game.

You also need to control Baron and Dragon. Generally you need to be at the forefront of controlling those or to prevent it from going to the enemy.

Also becuase you have 3 solo lanes effectively you need to help out the top lane as usually they are by themselves with mid. Of course there is bottom lane as well.

It's really a thankless task just as playing support is but a little more exciting than support!

When a gank goes well then you get the compliments but when all lanes are in trouble you are expected to be everywhere while trying to keep farmed up and lvl'ing.

Then there is more with counter jungling to try and slow their team down with buff stealing while protecting your own assets.

timing the buffs when they spawn and when they will respawn after they have been killed. Keeping a cautious eye on the dragon timer. Knowing where their jungler is and his side of the maps buffs timer.

I personally never seen the the jungler role appealing to me. I have 99.9% only played support. If I screw up and the carry and I die he just yells at me. But if a jungler screws up then all the lanes berate him like "WHY YOUSE NO GANK MY LANEZZZZ" kind of aggro.

Although I must admit there are very few things in Lol nowadays that make me smile. Invading the enemy jungle and stealing their blue when they either have an Amumu, Skarner, Maokai jungling (they are all typically regarded as a)mana hungry and b)They really need to start blue first) brings a wry smile to this weary face.

I remember this one game where we stole Maokai's blue. Saw him once all game when he was seriously behind who then went on a ezreal who was under a tower and then stunned by me as Taric. Then Rage quit.

Although I really than thank the days Rammus is no longer seen powerballing out of the bush then flash taunt to my carry.

He use to be very very strong jungler and in dominion when it first came out he was stupidly OP.

Wonder if Mcknight could explain why Rammus is no longer picked for the jungle scenario.
9 Dec 2006
^ hes build is Armour related which is countered hard now with black cleaver/brut

he still gets played but far less, as new junglers also have more dmg.

Fnatic played him against SK & rammus in most cases could not do much to save hes teammates

though they did win that game in the end due to xpeke



13 Oct 2010
Yeah hp seems to be better than armour these days. See rammus used occasionally but his clear time isn't great which is I think why he isn't used as much. Yeah a lot of people don't understand jungling so will rage at you a lot. Jungling relies on at least one of your lanes doing well, preferably 2 of them. If all of them are failing then you can't do a lot.
3 Sep 2009
I jungle with Shaco quite a lot, very good champ if played right. He's quite a slow jungler mid-game though, so you have to get some successful ganks to make up the loss in clear speed.

He's worth a try anyway, if he pops up free soon!
24 Jun 2008
need advise,

best to play wukong as AD or tank??

if so, which core items are needed?

in my builds, warmog and impaler

Mix? Dont play Wukong but assume you'll be top so should be similar to how I play Xin?
(items no no particular order)
Ninja Tab boots, Black cleaver, Frozen mallet, Bloodthirster, Warmogs, X (Infinity Edge for more damage, Guardian Angel if your getting stomped a bit)
23 Feb 2008
Played a kind of trollish game last night that lasted 65 minutes... we had a tristana, ezreal, ashe and a caitlyn with a leona afk from the start... we lost eventually but that the team lasted 65 minutes 4v5 with 4 mainly ad characters was ridiculous.... players on the other team had hundreds of wins too so this wasnt against conplwte scrubs



13 Oct 2010
Played a kind of trollish game last night that lasted 65 minutes... we had a tristana, ezreal, ashe and a caitlyn with a leona afk from the start... we lost eventually but that the team lasted 65 minutes 4v5 with 4 mainly ad characters was ridiculous.... players on the other team had hundreds of wins too so this wasnt against conplwte scrubs

How did you end up with 4 adc's? shame it didnt work, you could have set a new meta! what was the layout? 1 each lane and a jungler?
30 Jun 2006
Gutted, just seen they have changed the skins sale, have now missed out on the pink taric skin :(

This by far my fave skin on my fave champ by far. I have a few legendary skins and ordainary skins for other champs but nothing is more trollsworthy than being killed by a support Taric with a pink/purple outfit with pink fluffy boots aka Mr. Fabulous!

Tals>I enjoyed your perception on support role. Do you still run clairvoyance as a summoner spell or have you switched over to the current meta which is exhaust?

I run exhaust on all of my support champs besides Taric. I take ignite with him.

The problem I find generally with playing Sona/Soraka even though they offer harassing ability and sustain is usually they are passive supports and the biggest disadvantage of those two against certain bot lane comps is if they are against a kill lane. While kill lanes don't offer sustain to their Adc they do as their name suggests to get kills. Sona and Soraka are very weak against this kind of setup. If there is a Leona or Blitz involved (I can see Thresh being put in this category) then the sustain of Sona or Soraka is kind of moot if the opposing enemy support goes on your Adc. And if Soraka or Sona gets pulled it pretty much a guaranteed death.

Taric has a problem in the laning phase where he needs to be played aggressive. Taric usally goes two ways. If the enemy bot comp is afraid of being Taric stunned and gives him the opportunity to zone them even though he is only melee he was practically won the lane. But if they ignore him then Taric loses that lane.

I found with Taric that Graves offers the most synergy. Although the Taric Stun/Caityln trap is equally effective against people who don't know how to deal with it or counter it. Also it's very rare to see nowadays But Taric/Pantheon or Sion is equally annoying. Double stun!

But I only really play 2 support nowdays. If I play with someone familar then I play Taric but if it is with randomers or ranked then I play Soraka as she is usually a safer choice.
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13 Oct 2010
Ha ha thats awesome! the only thing with exhaust though is that it reduces damage dealt by 30% and attack speed by 50% surely that helps your ADC more than igniting the enemy adc...?
30 Jun 2006
Exhaust offers more utility than ignite for sure. But if I am with an ADC who can burst then I am going flash>stun>Radiance>shatter>ignite.

They can't heal as well their support can't heal them enough and if I have a Graves or Ezreal then it a guaranteed kill for them if we can commuinicate properly.

As much as I prefer Old Taric to new Taric especially with the AP ratios. New Taric has a bit of burst not Leblanc kind of burst but enough for an ADC to take advantage of.

I also have the bloodstone Taric skin and I love it but the pink taric skin is my fave.
15 Apr 2009
Moved to exhaust a long time ago :)

At the level we play a kill lane against sustain tends to lose out - Sona early on is very vunerable but later on her ult if I can catch it (particularly with MF) is lovely. Taric is insane on his tankiness for a support. I tend to go stun->w then 1 heal and then max the w where I can to give the bot lane armour.

But I generally enjoy all of the sustain supports.

Just finished another excellent game Graves/Kat bot was very hard but they made a few mistakes for us to get the win :)
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