*** League of Legends ***

Hacks are pretty impossible on LoL since everything is server side. It's actually one of the best things Riot chose to do with the game, although it does impact on server performance.
Anyone else had issues facing Ryze today? I've had 2 matches now where Ryze has warped all over the map. Being un-targetable one second, then raping the whole team the next. Reported the player both time, but I really hope this isn't the start of public hax ;[

It just sounds like he had teleport as summoner spell and was using his Zhonya's ring!

Ryze has got stupid amounts of burst damage, unless you can interrupt him he pretty much pwns you in the face 1v1 or 3v1 with his ultimate :eek:
It just sounds like he had teleport as summoner spell and was using his Zhonya's ring!

Ryze has got stupid amounts of burst damage, unless you can interrupt him he pretty much pwns you in the face 1v1 or 3v1 with his ultimate :eek:

I've been playing long enough to know about these things, and it was definitely not either. He was literally in one place, with me trying to attack him and failing, then another unloading his spells on my team mates within a few seconds. I'm guessing it's some sort of lag image issue or something. It did cost us the game though, because as you say if you leave Ryze to just go about his business, your in trouble.
I've been playing long enough to know about these things, and it was definitely not either. He was literally in one place, with me trying to attack him and failing, then another unloading his spells on my team mates within a few seconds. I'm guessing it's some sort of lag image issue or something. It did cost us the game though, because as you say if you leave Ryze to just go about his business, your in trouble.

Lets hope it's just the lag issues. On top of that also since the Sona patch my fps has taken such a battering, anyone heard of a fix or whats causing it?
Probably the god awful Adobe air client thingy. I think I've read that if you close that once a game starts, it can sometimes improve performance.

Note, I haven't tried this so not sure what it would do ;]
Probably the god awful Adobe air client thingy. I think I've read that if you close that once a game starts, it can sometimes improve performance.

Note, I haven't tried this so not sure what it would do ;]

I can confirm this does fix it, as a friend of mine has to do this every game.
Apologies for dropping out of a game last night about 8:10pm. My isp backbone and backup to BT`s network both failed. Turned out someone at BT removed their configuration circuits from the exchange :rolleyes:

Anyway, I`m back now and eager to play :-)

Oh its Siox btw lol
Someone did mention this earlier in the thread but I'm not sure if there are any negative effects doing this?

Possibly me, and the only negative effect of doing it is that the lobby doesn't pop back open after you've finished a game so you have to log in again.

Pretty amusing that's been about a month now that they haven't fixed the insane CPU on LoLClient.exe. I wonder what it is actually doing considering the game runs fine without it, logically one would think that it is doing nothing since this is the case.

That said, having to close it all the time is a PITA and I've found I'm less likely to play multiple games in a row because I cba to reopen the client. Call me lazy :P

Edit: Also in a previous post I had mentioned the Konami cheat code to bypass the busy screen - apparently riot have fixed this and you can no longer do it... although I think it can be re-enabled through some jiggery pokery which was posted on leaguecraft.
Does anybody know if tiamats passive the splash damage works with sivir's boomerang special (the W key) Could be really good for farming if i can hold out in a lane to afford it.If the creeps are close then they could get hit several times by splash damage as the boomerang passes to the next target.
I just downloaded this and I know how to play it's just where do you go from the tutorial... Probably get slammed as a noob. :p
I just downloaded this and I know how to play it's just where do you go from the tutorial... Probably get slammed as a noob. :p

Read the first post - a number of videos in there. Then just play - it match makes you and at your level you're be playing against equally new players
Does anybody know if tiamats passive the splash damage works with sivir's boomerang special (the W key) Could be really good for farming if i can hold out in a lane to afford it.If the creeps are close then they could get hit several times by splash damage as the boomerang passes to the next target.

No matter whether it works or not ... Tiamat is an awful item to buy. A number of the item changes coming up are making more items a bit more viable throughot the range of the game but tiamat is not one of them.
Read the first post - a number of videos in there. Then just play - it match makes you and at your level you're be playing against equally new players

Yeah I realised the inept nature of my question after I had posted. :p

I was tired! It's looking to be quite awesome just need to test out all the guys to suit my play style.
Does anybody know if tiamats passive the splash damage works with sivir's boomerang special (the W key) Could be really good for farming if i can hold out in a lane to afford it.If the creeps are close then they could get hit several times by splash damage as the boomerang passes to the next target.

It is extremely unlikely to. The splash damage affect is a passive, and as such will only proc on the first hit. If that were not the case, something like lifesteal would be insane.

But its also not a good play because Sivirs ability to destroy creep waves is already substantial. As such the item would be overkill. Boomerang down the wave as it arrives, 2 or 3 ricochet attack cycles, wave dead.

Item decisions are a fine line between pushing your advantage, and bringing up your weakness.
I usually buy items that initially pulls up my weaknesses to stay in the lanes longer than the opposition, then sell it for items that favour the character to the max for punishing pushes to the end.
Couple of days ago I had a rage after one of our practice games, the team looked unbalanced at the start and then Rip on the opposing team goes for a jungling strategy which if done right (and I knew it would be) we would be at a major disadvantage - it's also not pleasant for mid man (me :) ) Anyway it came to pass and sure enough that jungler owned the game. Anyway rage over and move to the next day, this time sees me in a game with Rip and we can tell we will be playing a jungling warwick. Not a word is said but rip places a ward in the junglers bush. Minutes pass, jungler turns up, half health I then teleport in with Janna (probably overkill that part).

Jungler ganked. Very sweet and lesson learned :) But wow was the jungler upset, almost felt like it was his right to be jungling unharrassed :)
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