*** League of Legends ***

Playing a champ you are comfortable with tends to be way better then picking counters as just farming at your turret is a legitimate strat if you can't trade damage favorably.
for the past week its been league of AFKers and feeders for me :o

Hate when it gets like this seems to always come in waves and you just get a streak off poor players for days.

Not that I mind losing games but prefer to have a half decent game where it isnt 4v5 or an enemy fed 5-6 kills before 10 mins
for the past week its been league of AFKers and feeders for me :o

Hate when it gets like this seems to always come in waves and you just get a streak off poor players for days.

Not that I mind losing games but prefer to have a half decent game where it isnt 4v5 or an enemy fed 5-6 kills before 10 mins

yeah i know what you mean, i don't mid losing, just hate to lose when its from a feeder troll or afk.

if the opposite team are just better than us than fair is fair along as we try our best i win / lose happy :)
Nothing infuriates me more than playing jungle, having all 3 lanes push the enemy team to their towers and get ganked, over, and over, and over. Every lane going 0-5 and blaming me despite constantly being at the enemies towers. That is in Plat/Gold MMR normals too, telling you guys, the difference between Bronze 5 and Plat 1 is tiny. You get the odd player who's deserving of Plat+ but it's rare, MOBAs are full of a bunch of tunnel visioned, flaming feeders.

The enemy team never seem to get those players though? LOL

If you don't know how to control the way minions push in trades, don't bloody play AoE champs, and it's the laners split responsibility to set up ganks, don't force them to farm under turret all game, feed them and the jungler horribly, then blame your jungler. Shame I spent so much money on RP otherwise I'd happily quit.
It is always the case of blame the jungler because nobody wants to admit they took part in the loss. You'll get that kinda thing a lot. No point arguing with em though cause it's just complete denial.
It is always the case of blame the jungler because nobody wants to admit they took part in the loss. You'll get that kinda thing a lot. No point arguing with em though cause it's just complete denial.

This is so true and you see it time and time again - people blame the jungler for anything and everything.
Meh I don't agree. If all your lanes are 0-5 to jungle ganks and you haven't counterganked once, you're partially to blame too. If you see the enemy jungler is influencing the game more than you, you have to force your own influence on the game. Farming doesn't help anyone in this situation. You might have to sit in a bush for a bit longer than you'd like to get that counter gank. Deal with it.
Meh I don't agree. If all your lanes are 0-5 to jungle ganks and you haven't counterganked once, you're partially to blame too. If you see the enemy jungler is influencing the game more than you, you have to force your own influence on the game. Farming doesn't help anyone in this situation. You might have to sit in a bush for a bit longer than you'd like to get that counter gank. Deal with it.

It isn't always the jungler... Plenty of solo laners push up and die to the laner, 20 ganks in 10 minutes would be impressive. A few counter ganks isn't going to save a game like that. Been plenty of games where I counter gank, get some nice gold from kills and farm up, tax lanes, and avoid every single enemy champion, split push inhibs down while my team engage 4v5 and complain about the split pushing, get owned and then we lose a base race or trade inhibs at best. I aint going anywhere near a team deathmatch in a 4-20 game where all 4 kills are on me, rather use any sort of lead I've built up to dominate objectives. People just need to learn to sit under their towers and let the enemy do dumb stuff instead of blowing 4 ults on a leona and wondering why they lost the fight.
It's more the case that default blame is usually put on the jungler because it is easy to complain that you have not had enough ganks and that is why you lost lane. It also depends on the champ that is jungling and where in the game they are superior at.

Some junglers are able to gank at level 3 while some need to wait til 6 depends on the champs abilities.
It's more the case that default blame is usually put on the jungler because it is easy to complain that you have not had enough ganks and that is why you lost lane. It also depends on the champ that is jungling and where in the game they are superior at.

Some junglers are able to gank at level 3 while some need to wait til 6 depends on the champs abilities.

Not necessarily, if somebody is overextended enough you can kill them regardless of your level/items. As long as your laner can all in them and do most of the work, all you need to do is drop a few autos and an ability or two while applying red buff. Like you could literally play AP Riven with all her CC removed and still easily gank if somebody over extendends lol. Only jungler I take into solo Q now is Volibear because he's the only champion I feel comfortable being forced to tower dive with if I want to gank.
Anyone else having problems with games recently? I'll get to the loading screen and It'll go blank and say that it cant connect due to a firewall block or something. I know for a fact that everything is fine, because its worked before.

Theres several threads about and I've followed the tips to make it work, but its still happening. Reconnecting just produces a black screen and after the game is 'over' (not sure if it actually went ahead) its not listed in my previous games list.

Scared to join ranked again :( It's shame I dont have another PC to login in and test it on a different pc.

Had it happen a few times the other day, both times i was in game and got connection in progress thing, i was duo'ing and he got 1 too but mine wouldn't reconnect so had to reload the game, took a few attempts but eventually got back into the game.
Anyone else having problems with games recently? I'll get to the loading screen and It'll go blank and say that it cant connect due to a firewall block or something. I know for a fact that everything is fine, because its worked before.

Theres several threads about and I've followed the tips to make it work, but its still happening. Reconnecting just produces a black screen and after the game is 'over' (not sure if it actually went ahead) its not listed in my previous games list.

Scared to join ranked again :( It's shame I dont have another PC to login in and test it on a different pc.

Sounds like a "drop hack".
Having loads of problems with disconnects today, and it aint my connection.
Just started a good game, supporting with naut just about to make first proper trade and BAM! Disconnect, not been able to get back on since ~10 mins.

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