Nope, I'd wait until she failed to rend a minion and went ham.
Was on a good streak but now just had my 6th loss in a row...kinda frustrating.
for the past week its been league of AFKers and feeders for me
Hate when it gets like this seems to always come in waves and you just get a streak off poor players for days.
Not that I mind losing games but prefer to have a half decent game where it isnt 4v5 or an enemy fed 5-6 kills before 10 mins
It is always the case of blame the jungler because nobody wants to admit they took part in the loss. You'll get that kinda thing a lot. No point arguing with em though cause it's just complete denial.
Meh I don't agree. If all your lanes are 0-5 to jungle ganks and you haven't counterganked once, you're partially to blame too. If you see the enemy jungler is influencing the game more than you, you have to force your own influence on the game. Farming doesn't help anyone in this situation. You might have to sit in a bush for a bit longer than you'd like to get that counter gank. Deal with it.
It's more the case that default blame is usually put on the jungler because it is easy to complain that you have not had enough ganks and that is why you lost lane. It also depends on the champ that is jungling and where in the game they are superior at.
Some junglers are able to gank at level 3 while some need to wait til 6 depends on the champs abilities.
Anyone else having problems with games recently? I'll get to the loading screen and It'll go blank and say that it cant connect due to a firewall block or something. I know for a fact that everything is fine, because its worked before.
Theres several threads about and I've followed the tips to make it work, but its still happening. Reconnecting just produces a black screen and after the game is 'over' (not sure if it actually went ahead) its not listed in my previous games list.
Scared to join ranked againIt's shame I dont have another PC to login in and test it on a different pc.
Anyone else having problems with games recently? I'll get to the loading screen and It'll go blank and say that it cant connect due to a firewall block or something. I know for a fact that everything is fine, because its worked before.
Theres several threads about and I've followed the tips to make it work, but its still happening. Reconnecting just produces a black screen and after the game is 'over' (not sure if it actually went ahead) its not listed in my previous games list.
Scared to join ranked againIt's shame I dont have another PC to login in and test it on a different pc.
Sounds like a "drop hack".