He's actually really good at kiting, you can control which region his axes will land, for example, if you auto attack then right click forward your axes will land in front of you or if you right click backwards they go behind you, same for left and right, pretty hard to master, definetly my favourite ADC to play.
Are you sure? I'm pretty decent at kiting and his axes were landing all over the place for me, left, right, behind.![]()
Yeah i'm sure, we can play some time and i'll show you how it's done if you like, but all you have to do is right click in the direction you want it to go as soon as the axe leaves your hand, also don't forget his W resets every time you catch an axe so another good tool for kiting.
Do you need a certain amount of attack speed to do it? I've noticed his animation is super slow and I built flat AD and nothing else. Oops![]()
Nah, you can do it at any attack speed %.
If you want to look into it further i'd suggest searching youtube for a guy called Lastshadow9, he has coached a few proffesional teams and was Diamond 1 in the Korean scene, also working along side some of the League organisations there, his youtube channel consists of him and a player going over a recording of a game he played and then they analyse it, if you look for one of the Draven players he will go into great detail about playing him effectvely, and how to alter the landing locations of the axes, i've watched it numerous times and it's helped me become a great Draven player, the way i described it is exactly how it works, but if you like draven then i would watch that video. Also if you search CJ Emperor from last year he was/is in the OGN scene, excellent draven player also DB Hosan from 2013, another top class Draven player!
(just realised how much i rambled on there, hopefully it helps)
EDIT: Take Attack speed Quints, AD Reds, scaling MR Blues and Scaling Armor Yellows.
Add me, summoner name is Proxeum
What are your preferred tank characters?
I've only really played volibear.
I know a bunch of you have said to play as other characters to kinda get an idea of enemies you might come across but i'm even more hopeless using them![]()
Sion/Malphite/Maoki are all very easy to use and very good, legitimate super tanks.
Nothing special to you guys in plat or gold but getting hang of things and really enjoying lol atm
Well, I don't think I'll ever really learn Draven, I main top/jung with mostly melee champions, I only ever ADC to fill and when I do it's Graves or Quin, generally due to the fact supports roam so dueling other ADCs is super easy on those two and for late game as I splitpush if my teams feeding. I also take CDR blues, armor yellows, AD reds and AD quints, was thinking of attack speed (have 3 quints) but the ADCs I play are bursty casters, so I'm not sure whether they would take AS/LS over AD?
Happily add you though, learning Riven atm, lot of fun.![]()
Sion/Malphite/Maoki are all very easy to use and very good, legitimate super tanks.
I bought all three
trying them out tonight......maoki looks fun.
Ahh just assumed you mained ADC because of the interest in him
To be honest you can take whatever runes you like, i take AS/AD because its easier to last hit early on and scaling MR and Armor as it helps later in the game.
Gonna start playing ranked again to get diamond, currently Plat 4 75LP
I bought all three
trying them out tonight......maoki looks fun.
What's wrong with EUW now? Started playing normals again with a few friends and randoms, and the ransoms attitudes has just gotten worse, when someone dies it's my fault, when I'm not kiting with a amulet and he dies its my fault, when he dies when I pinged there was someone coming it's my fault.
I mean, I know euw was bad, but not this bad. And if it was 1 or 2 games like that then ok, I'll let it pass. But 8 games in a row? Really? I just refused to play normals now without a full party of 5. Getting to old for these trolls.