*** League of Legends ***

Not enjoying this preseason much at all (remove thunderlords and lower death timers pls) but the new champ select might keep me playing ranked. I've been diamond since season 3 but I honestly wasn't going to bother this season with how the game plays out now. But since they're bringing out pure soloq (dynamic queue is not something I'd ever take seriously) I might give it a go. I imagine it'll be harder to get diamond this season since they're gutting my playstyle but we'll see.

The deathtimers are necessary to prevent 50+ minute games. I've been on the bad end of them myself but they are a good thing.
Nah, they're pretty much the second biggest reason I've stopped playing this game as much. First being thunderlords taking a huge chunk of individual skill out of the game.
So the group of people I used to play with haven't been on for a while (we were playing normals or duo queue not as a ranked team). I was in Silver 1 working my way up. Haven't played much in the past few weeks but looking to pick it up again. If there is a group of people that don't mind taking in an extra player give me a shout.
So the group of people I used to play with haven't been on for a while (we were playing normals or duo queue not as a ranked team). I was in Silver 1 working my way up. Haven't played much in the past few weeks but looking to pick it up again. If there is a group of people that don't mind taking in an extra player give me a shout.

Add me in game: SKT Jayce Bond.

We have a fairly small Discord group with around 10-15 people, usually get at least 5 each night, if we ever have a spot I'll throw you an invite.

Most of us are around silver-gold rating.
Silver 1: 5 - 2 on placements, no matter now even if i go 8-2 it's Bronze :(

The amount of people gone from Gold and Plat this season and pushed into bronze is insane. Plat 3 freind (went 7-3 in placements) just loaded up a game and everyone had a plat border. for a bronze 2 game

Should be easy enough to get back up as wins usally give around 30 LP, but its just the hassle of the grind :(

Yeah this is pretty silly, ended pre-season at Silver 2, just finished my 10 placement games and went 6-4, ended up in Bronze 1, that's just ridiculous.
I was gold 5, finished placements 8-2 and got silver 4.

I don't really care since it'll be easy to climb back up but you'd think going 8-2 would at least get me similar to what I was.
The problem with thunderlords is just how much more it benefits some champions over others, anybody with a 3 hit combo which is easy to land now had a much easier time in lane (add ranged auto attacks into the mix).

I was pushing to my plat promo last season & constant get paired vs diamond/plats in teambuilder - going to wait a little bit before I dip into ranked as want to pick a secondary role aside from Jungle (suck in lanes I've been jungles pretty much always ... my CSing isn't amazing or trading).
I was gold 5, finished placements 8-2 and got silver 4.

I don't really care since it'll be easy to climb back up but you'd think going 8-2 would at least get me similar to what I was.

I would have though finishing 8-2 would have easily put you in gold 4, not sure why this season is so different, every other season if I finished 5-5 or better I always ended up back where I was pre season.
The problem with thunderlords is just how much more it benefits some champions over others, anybody with a 3 hit combo which is easy to land now had a much easier time in lane (add ranged auto attacks into the mix).

I was pushing to my plat promo last season & constant get paired vs diamond/plats in teambuilder - going to wait a little bit before I dip into ranked as want to pick a secondary role aside from Jungle (suck in lanes I've been jungles pretty much always ... my CSing isn't amazing or trading).

My problem with thunderlords is that everyone can do a bunch of damage, even if they miss everything. Trades are less skill based because no matter what you're going to get chunked to half by even the lowest skill player with thunderlords. It means I can't play like I usually do, which is constantly taking small trades which is what I'm good at and wearing down the enemy bot lane. There's no trading anymore, it's either all in or farm.

Theyre taking away room to outplay, thus lowering how much individual skill impacts the game. Kinda annoying since I just want to outplay people as an AD, I don't care about anything else in the game.
My problem with thunderlords is that everyone can do a bunch of damage, even if they miss everything. Trades are less skill based because no matter what you're going to get chunked to half by even the lowest skill player with thunderlords. It means I can't play like I usually do, which is constantly taking small trades which is what I'm good at and wearing down the enemy bot lane. There's no trading anymore, it's either all in or farm.

Theyre taking away room to outplay, thus lowering how much individual skill impacts the game. Kinda annoying since I just want to outplay people as an AD, I don't care about anything else in the game.

Huh. That isn't true, 2 people with thunderlords, if person A misses all of his skills and person B lands all of theirs, then the trade is won. The meta is thunderlords, until it gets nerfed you have to take it, I've even seen Janna/Soraka players take it over the shield/heal keystone. It sucks but it's the way it is.

Also you main Vayne right? She's horrendously weak early and always has been, thunderlords has just amplified that. Switch to a stronger AD champ like Lucian maybe, he has more room to outplay people than anyone else so maybe you'd be more suited.

Had a mare, now bronze II from Silver I or II cant remember.

You're not the only one, my friend hit Bronze 2 aswell and he was Silver 1. Dread to think where I will land when I do them, was Gold 5 and will probably place in Bronze 1 or Silver 5 even if I go 10-0 :(

The MMR system is ****.
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Once Dynamic queue picks back up, I wouldn't mind a game with you; I'm somewhere from Silver 1-3

username = h1lleh
Went 6-4 so went from Silver 1 to Bronze 4.

Getting back is proving extremely difficult, everyone is in the same boat. Matches are so hard in bronze as the amount of high gold platinum players who have been dumped into bronze is ridiculous.

LP gain (28 - 36 LP for win / 6-7 for loss) is stupid, but its actually winning the games in the first place.

Struggling with 50% win rate at the moment :(
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Played draft pick for the first time ever the other day and I don't think I will go on Draft pick ever again without friends....

People are awful. 2 players never got the roles they wanted and just went AFK plus the flame war/know it alls screaming all the time.....

Can't wait till I get to 30 so I can suffer more player rage :/
Btw, doing your promo early will most likely put you lower down from what I've read.

I'm going to practice a bit with the new meta for a couple of months before I get back into ranked, want to start off as high as possible (aiming for plat placing this year so going to get two roles nailed). My MMR is just below plat at the end of last season based off lolking - but have no patience to grind through silver & gold again so patience may be worth it.
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