*** League of Legends ***

I don't get the placements this season, I've gone from Silver 2 to Bronze 1 - With a 5-5 placement matches, not the best but Meh.
I don't get the placements this season, I've gone from Silver 2 to Bronze 1 - With a 5-5 placement matches, not the best but Meh.

A few of my friends are in the same boat. But they all seem to like it as it should make it more competitive early doors.
TBF climbing is now easier and if you drop a rank you will receive max lp until you regain your peak position.

This with the dynamic matchmaking will breath more life into matchmaking once the season start settles down.

Not as many single champ/lane summoners to appear in matches and refusing to play when they dont get a position. Fairer team compositions, bans and a system to regain lost LP easy if you happen to go through a losing streak.

I think i'll revive my S6 OCuk league thread this afternoon
This with the dynamic matchmaking will breath more life into matchmaking once the season start settles down.

This really, I think people forget that the way how these matchmaking algorithm systems work requires a lot of data and what I mean by that is needing a large volume of games to be able to look at the patterns, pros & cons of the system and adjust accordingly.
Looking to duoQ back to Gold.

Main support, so ideally want someone who can actually ADC. I have given up supporting since placements in bronze.

Really struggling to carry even with champs like Yi (went 26/4) last night and we still lost. People have no concept on objectives in this division.

Any good ADC want a decent support for duoQ ?
Current dynamic system is going through some teething since the Q jump has reset. People are quitting due to not getting the only lane they can play or getting their go to champ banned. People also picking their only go to champ for whatever lane they get regardless of whether it fits. Yesterday a bot ADC went garen because he chose top as a first choice and didn't get it but only plays garen -.-

I got quite frustrated yesterday since it took 10 minutes to get a game going with the jumps. Hopefully it was more because i am pre-30 on this account until the placements settle down.

The system only just got introduced but it is still a step up from before, although peoples stupidity will always be there to ruin it. I got support yesterday and some guy was screaming he wanted support and he had a pre-made. I didnt care all that much but i already picked thresh before he said it, so i said that if he was a rpemade, how didnt he get his role? This was apparently because he chose mid as a second choice to support.

I then proceeded to inform the idiot that if he has a premade bot, he and his duo partner should just choose the two bot positions and so matchmaker will always find a game where they can fill those roles.
Can do Kai - I main adc (though been playing tonnes of fiddle jungle recently). Can play Vayne, Lucian, MF, Ez, Trist as my main ADC's (in that order). h1lleh = summoner name.
Can do Kai - I main adc (though been playing tonnes of fiddle jungle recently). Can play Vayne, Lucian, MF, Ez, Trist as my main ADC's (in that order). h1lleh = summoner name.

Ok, sure thing I will add you this evening. I am pretty much every night from 7ish and majority of weekend.

Can play Shen, VelKoz, Brand, Naut, Trundle, Blitz, Annie, Janna, Sorka,
Yeah but every season I've finished silver 1-2 and by going at least 5-5 have always made it back to silver 1-3, this is the first season it has started dumping a lot of people in bronze.
i don't see why people are bothered with where they place. just play the game and go back up. how long is the season? 6 months+? it shouldn't take long :D (does not apply if you play 1 or 2 games a week)
This new draft... Out of the 2 games I've played today, around 15-20 have ended because somebody doesn't lock in.......

And there's a bug where people can see who you've 'called' as they are banning, just got my Udyr banned as their 3rd and our 3rd claimed he saw them 'call' Rengar so he banned Rengar, what the hell Rito.
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I hate it. Seems to take loads longer to start playing the game. I have not once got my first choice lane yet whereas before I got it well over 50% of time. I guess I should pick fill as second choice as I like having to play all over the map but I always end up support. Why cant we still have the old way for those that want it :(.
I hate it. Seems to take loads longer to start playing the game. I have not once got my first choice lane yet whereas before I got it well over 50% of time. I guess I should pick fill as second choice as I like having to play all over the map but I always end up support. Why cant we still have the old way for those that want it :(.

Give it time, they are patching up the dynamic Q functionality. It does take longer and people are still Q jumping a lot because its new/they dont understand the system/ penalties have been reset.

My gripe with it is that people have been using this new champ select as an excuse to play the only champ they learnt in any lane they get shuffled with if they dont get a first choice. Super annoying being a support for a carry that cant lane vs a proper adc.

I think they should bring back team builder for those guys that can or want to only play one champ in one position and remove some of the toxic time wasters on dynamic. I also think they should let you choose up to all 5 positions to prioritise lane placing so that matchmaking time is reduced. Its well and good having a fill button but many people have jumped Q in my matchmaking because they got the only position they cant play after choosing fill.
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