*** League of Legends ***

i always find ashe hard your either in a team that does well and ashe will shine or your in a poor team and its a constant struggle.

i'd rather play a hero you can always do well on even if your team is crap
I've dabbled with Ashe and Corki before and I'm absolutely terrible with them both! Not sure why but I do/did :D

Got Trist + MF and they are both beastly ranged champs! Trist being the easier one for reasons ojste posted. Damage potential wise I'm really not sure who is better but I do prefer MF.
Well I bought MF and so far I've been having a lot of success with her. Using her ultimate is proving tricky sometimes but so far I'm doing OK with her. I have Kog'Maw and Cho'Gath too, and I love Kog'Maws Artillery, so many people die when running from me, it's a pity he lacks any kind of escape mechanism really.

I need to learn the ropes with a tank champ so I got Cho'Gath, I just don't get on with melee chars at all :(
Well I bought MF and so far I've been having a lot of success with her. Using her ultimate is proving tricky sometimes but so far I'm doing OK with her. I have Kog'Maw and Cho'Gath too, and I love Kog'Maws Artillery, so many people die when running from me, it's a pity he lacks any kind of escape mechanism really.

I need to learn the ropes with a tank champ so I got Cho'Gath, I just don't get on with melee chars at all :(

i find cho'gath best if you dont tank and just buy loads of ability power, rammus is more a proper tank
It's that time again. 6300IP built up and I am at a loss as to what champ to spend it on... I hate important, life changing decisions like this!!!
Having just played Miss Fortune I would say she is the easiest of the champs, lots of AOE damage so less skill shot wise and nice movement speed without having to think to hard. On a higher level game she is probably harder to play because of the narrow cone that her ultimate delivers now but still a very good and easy champ.

Trist imho is harder because he has to put himself into the core of the action for his main damage, but he does have the escape.

Her higher level play is all about her MS and subsequent harass capability early game. She can easily zone mid and get a kill on tower by ghosting if the enemy stays around low health.


I am taking a break from LoL because i am no longer enjoying the game and more often than not find it frustrating and unrewarding. I have pretty much zero confidence in Riot's ability to sort out the problems as i don't believe they are competent game devs. They are the to the pc internet gaming community as Zynga's farmville is to facebook; a poor excuse for a company dominating a new and emerging market. Right now i'm just holding out to see what valve does with dota 2.
dota 2 really is going to be dota with new graphics, same heroes etc. I'd be interested to know what game breaking problems you feel there are though.
From my perspective as someone who played from beta -> now, the balance of the game has become quite distorted.

Initially games were very long, then very short, and now seem to be at least 25 minutes long without exception. It was nice occasionally to steamroll / be steamrolled by your opponents.

Something changed when they started adding the new characters, which for a long time were just hybrid tanks of various shapes and sizes. I find hybrid characters quite boring to play and play against (not just in LoL but every game really), the item system offers enough flexibility to change a spellcaster into an AD hero if you really want so why the need for hybrids?
As a result, hybrids are often too optimal in too many situations.

Not to mention some heroes being extremely difficult to kill even with teamwork involved (Mordekaiser is the perfect example here), so stuns and other hard-hitting Crowd Control basically rule the metagame. We've ended up with many of the issues DOTA had.
dota 2 really is going to be dota with new graphics, same heroes etc. I'd be interested to know what game breaking problems you feel there are though.

As an ex-dota player, i started thinking about why i was playing LoL. LoL is a standalone dota remake. The primary benefit of a standalone is to get away from the restrictions of the ageing WC3 engine. But then i asked myself 'Am i playing this because it is a great game in its own right, or am i playing because it reminds me of dota?', to which i answered the latter. I dont belief the 'benefits' provided by LoL are significant enough to not play the original dota instead. Its like moving from a Ford Fiesta to a Vauxhal Corsa: No real upgrade.

The game breaking problems come down to:

1) Poorly designed, inflexible, unscalable, unimaginative and uninspiring engine.
2) Balancing and optimizations.


The RTS-RPG champion based hybrid of dota is such a compelling game because it checks all the boxes of what a great game should be. There exists a game state that is governed by certain rules. A unit in the game has a certain amount of health, armor, magic resist and so forth. Tower structures and creeps are statically defined and remain consist throughout the game. If a game plays with no champions, the game will, eventually, conclude with a victor. Just as a creep wave gains dominance it is wiped out and the game swings back and forth, favouring each team in ever increasing strides. The swing can be likened to a seesaw, and is often referred to as snowballing. If the balance tips far enough in one teams favour, the other team is powerless to recover.

But then there are player champions. In a game world of static certainties, the player characters are rule breakers | state changers. The rules say a unit has a certain movement speed to get from a to b, but aha, my hero has an inbuild flash that lets me jump between 2 locations at my whim. Or the state says i have a basic attack that does a certain damage, but i have a nuke that lets me attack an opponent outside of the game state. These champion specific 'rule' breaks can be seen in many other games, including card games such as magic the gathering. It is the unpredictability of what will happen when different breaks interact that makes the game fun, exciting and enjoyable. A player exploits the breaks at his disposal to 'tip' the seesaw nature of the game state in their favour.

Thus we come to Leauge of Legends, and as a successor to dota I look at Riots implementation of rule breaks and i am left wanting. The scope of what a champion is capable of should be limited only by the imagination of the development team. Why then, are so many of the champions in LoL all carbon copy clones of each other. There are so few rule breaks (stun, slow, nuke....DoT?...Invisibilty?...) most champions are just different combinations of the same shallow pool of abilities. Dont forget people, this is a game limited only by IMAGINATION.

Look at Karthus. Aha! A hero that can still use its abilites for a short time after death. Do you have any idea how long this hero was broken, simply for no other reason than the engine was not designed to handle an active, dead champion. Look at Aniva's wall. In this day and age, for the love of GOD why is the wall a radial ability centred about your champion, why can i not DRAW the wall myself.

If LoL is a standalone engine breakaway from WC3 it is a poor one at best, and a step backwards at worst.
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I was so close in my 2nd to last game of getting a penta kill :( My team mate stole it off me :(

Had a few good games as twitch today.He can be a beast with a crit damage build which i seem to aim towards now :)
Her higher level play is all about her MS and subsequent harass capability early game. She can easily zone mid and get a kill on tower by ghosting if the enemy stays around low health.


I am taking a break from LoL because i am no longer enjoying the game and more often than not find it frustrating and unrewarding. I have pretty much zero confidence in Riot's ability to sort out the problems as i don't believe they are competent game devs. They are the to the pc internet gaming community as Zynga's farmville is to facebook; a poor excuse for a company dominating a new and emerging market. Right now i'm just holding out to see what valve does with dota 2.

That's a pity mate as I'll miss you! :(

But I wholeheartedly agree with everything you've said in both posts. Riot have always been a ****ing sham of an operation and hopefully DotA2 turns out to be good and gives the genre the kick up it's ass that it desperately needs.
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