*** League of Legends ***

More morgana nerfs, that sucks, probably why I couldn't play as her last night as well. Had two utterly terrible games yesterday, both times two of my team left, rage quit. Riot need to sort this system out, I'm beginning to hate this game.
It's always surprises me that a lot of times the people who leave are those who have bought the newest champs, you'd think they'd stay and practice more with them :confused:
just played with ileria and had the performance of my life :D


was going to get phantom dancers but the other team surrendered after we destroyed their inhibitor turret.
So I've been playing with MF a lot and I do enjoy playing as her, apart from the fact I find her squishy. I'm finding myself getting 10+ kills but also a similar number of deaths.

I'd like a champ with decent escape mechanism, any recommendations?
k my opinion is new champ is crap.

especially so endgame..

only good thing is his sludge wall really..

his Q is like +40dmg and it hits for around 500 if you stack attack damage but whats that when your critting 800+ end game anyway...

his W is move 40% faster , attack 30% faster which once your near the hitspeed cap anyway becomes worthless.

E is the small circle sludge wall that slows by like 45% but its a tiny area

R is some uselsss peice of crap your likely to never want to use so i wont mention it and his passive is 6% life gain anytime something around you dies which is bugger all unless you stack hp which would be useless on this char anyway.

Nice job showing a complete misunderstanding of the majority of the champions skills.
So I've been playing with MF a lot and I do enjoy playing as her, apart from the fact I find her squishy. I'm finding myself getting 10+ kills but also a similar number of deaths.

I'd like a champ with decent escape mechanism, any recommendations?

i think you were the same guy asking about good ranged champs... tristana is the best ranged champ WITH built in escapes. the others such as ashe, mf, ezreal etc. can kite effectively to escape but it means you need to react to situations before you get jumped... tristana has 2 built in abilities to get you out of crap once it starts.

also if you are at least level 12, you should consider running a combination of either flash/ghost/cleanse as summoner spells when you play champs with no escapes.

as for champs with good escapes... kassadin, shaco, leblanc, katarina, morgana, mundo, corki, nidalee, gragas, master yi, olaf, vladimir...probs more and most tanks are generally also good at escaping. not all these champs are easy to play though
nice job adding nothing to the topic.... talk when u have 1783 elo k thanks[/QUOT
k my opinion is new champ is crap.

especially so endgame..

only good thing is his sludge wall really..

his Q is like +40dmg and it hits for around 500 if you stack attack damage but whats that when your critting 800+ end game anyway...

Sorry but have to disagree maxing this skill early game gives you a big damage boost + auto attack refresh. Early game his Q boosts his AD sufficient enough to easily gank champs.
This move also jumps you forward slightly which is good for catching people Also its an instant Damage skill that refreshes your attack timer so if your cirtting for 800 end game it means you hit them then use Q which is instant attack + refreshes your attack timer so in turn making you attack even faster and deal a big chunk upfront i dont understand your comments on this unless you didnt know the skill refreshed your attack timer.

his W is move 40% faster , attack 30% faster which once your near the hitspeed cap anyway becomes worthless.His W means you dont have to stack loads of attack speed meaning you can focus other areas more effectively AD+Armour for instance + his R makes you massively tanky without the big worry of madreds blood razor because your armour stacking not health

E is the small circle sludge wall that slows by like 45% but its a tiny area Great for jungle traps Saving team mates slowing in team fights blocking off baron/Dragon slowing on towers totally amazing utility
Also meaning Trundle can generally escape most ganks if used correctly

R is some uselsss peice of crap your likely to never want to use so i wont mention it and his passive is 6% life gain anytime something around you dies which is bugger all unless you stack hp which would be useless on this char anyway.
Also from your above statements his passive heals him for 6% of there total health not yours + its an Anti tank skill meaning you can boost yourself + make there tank very easy to take down His R is great in team fights especially since you should be using it on your sludge so you get the additional armour take down there tanks armour you have put down your W so your not being CC very well meaning you a massively hard hitting tank for 6 odd seconds great skill, However if you mean out of team fights yes there are better ulti's but in a Team fight which generally where it counts its amazingly strong. unless they dont have a tank which is quite rare and even then you just pick the highest armour/mr player on there team.

I think you have made a rash judgement of a set of skills hense Mcknights comments, and you dont need elo of near 1800 to see that you havent quite understand his attack mechanics or how some of his skills work which isnt a insult as there are loads of champs and lets face it i doubt even the top ranked Elo players like every champ.
I'd like a champ with decent escape mechanism, any recommendations?

I would argue there are no true escape 'mechanism's; its all in the way you play the char. If you are needing to escape all the time, you probably are not in a very good strategic position. If you are getting ganked all the time, the fault is not your heroes survivability but your lack of expecting the gank. Noticing a lack of enemy markers on the mini map and retreating from an offensive position is the best form of escape.

5v1 your dead. 4v1 your dead. The best escapers are the ones who can surely escape a 1v1 or 2v1 gank and sometimes escape a 3v1.

As far as summoner spells go, the power in flash isnt jumping over walls, its flash dodging an incomming projectile. The power in cleanse is as a get out of stun jail free card. Ghost can be used defensively, but it is best deployed offensively, chasing down some mutha by combining the shortest path with insane speed.

Best survivability? LeBlanc, hands down. Unfortunately, she doesnt complemenant any team composition particularly well.
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Are people talking elo from normal games or actual ranked?

pre arranged ranked games.

funny how even in normal you dont see trundle anymore seems my thoughts on how good he isnt is what other have found out...

usually the newest champ is in every match
And usually the new champ is an insane carry rather then a tank.

For god's sake Galio was hardly ever played for weeks and he we know how awful he was :D

Also to make it clear Ark, I wasn't insulting you I was mearly making an observation based on the fact you described half of his skills wrongly. Now go wave your E-penis somewhere people actually care.
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pre arranged ranked games.

funny how even in normal you dont see trundle anymore seems my thoughts on how good he isnt is what other have found out...

usually the newest champ is in every match

I dont see that as a reason to think he is poor and you havent responded to my post content almost atall, instead doing the if he isnt seen playing much he must be bad.. ive found recently that the new champs are being played more in practice and not so much in solo non-ranked.. a lot more people seem to play there preference champs rather than jump in on the new champs.

Champion selection is a personal choice, he has a strange skill set which means he wont be picked up by everyone.

The only reason i commented your post was due to the comments on his abilities which were non-factual and you didnt seem to know how the mechanisms worked.
Wow, what items have you bought, I can't tell from your screenshot, can barely read how much ap you have. I think it says 1014?

*edit* I was being silly I can now see what you have, That build is something I use as well, but in your average game you just won't have the time nor money to get it.
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lol just did karthus with 1277 AP :D

could run into there team with the aoe thing on doing 350 dmg ticks then when i died do the util and always kill atleast 1 guy and have the rest of there team at barely any hp.
Had a much better weekend with MF. Still trying to master using her ulti but I'm getting better :)

Currently level 20 and just forked out on a bunch of runes. I'm tempted to spend some cash on this game now >.<
Had a much better weekend with MF. Still trying to master using her ulti but I'm getting better :)

Currently level 20 and just forked out on a bunch of runes. I'm tempted to spend some cash on this game now >.<

dont buy anything other than skins and they will porbably have a sale on or some christmas theme ones nearer christmas
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