Spacky said:I want one, I want one, I want one, I want one, I want one, I want one, I want one, I want one, I want one, I want one, I want one, I want one, I want one, spams....
Also anyone know the track to that vid, its the kind of musical crap you need to play when playing with your poi things.
geeza said:was this sarcasm or not?
and i was more techo music like this too please
geeza said:I thought that instead of buying another computer game id give poi a try. Im quite co-ordinated and can do diabolo a bit. Ive heard that buying some ankle socks and putting 2 tennis balls in the bottoms of them is good enough but would something like this be better
Cobra Classic Poi
as they have the proper finger straps. of course tennis balls are still going to cost abit aswell as the ankle socks
opinions please
Spacky said:Slight concern but its not showing as a secure page for ordering
Spacky said:Hmmm not sure whats good for a beginner, don't want to look like a pansey with a pretty ribbon
Spacky said:Hmmm not sure whats good for a beginner, don't want to look like a pansey with a pretty ribbon
geeza said:didnt think of that. but the ribbon is suppose to just get in the way and i looked at a 'cobra' ribbon one and it look really crappy quality. the one i have is on metal and the bag things look quite good qualiy too.
of course it costs £20 instead of £12 but you get what you pay for
Spacky said:£15 inc p&p?
Am having a nose about as we speak for something bright and glowy, think it would be pretty cool to do something mind focusing, like a poi
Spacky said:May go for the yellow glow poi, sadly currently out of stock.