Lecturer Strike

Dazzy_G said:
We here at the University of Kent at Canterbury where informed about this last week with a nice email explaining things, we also got an Email from the union explaining that it was about the Pay and stuff and that the Union backed them. sadly its my Project week so i dont have any lectures or Classes anyway :(

should be sorted soon enough
Meh, I'm at school just down the road and I've got lessons :( Why can't I get a day off as well?!
And as for invigilation us technician's have to do that as well, so if the academics aren't there you can count on us*. ;)

* £50 each for us to deliver exam papers though. :p
There were a few here pickiting, they tried to get me to support them, I swore at them

I'm so nice

My whole department (Economics) are against unions so don't see them striking anytime soon.
We have strikes here in Edinburgh too.

I was informed one of my lectures was definitely cancelled, I'm assuming the other was also, and I'm not going to my tutorial for fear of being labelled a blackleg. :p
It was very quiet at my Uni but my lecturer still turned up so it didn't affect me.
I can partly see their point, depending on the lecturer though. I know lecturers who earn the average wage and above that (which i certainly wouldn't say no to) but then again my Dad's on around 12k a year and doesn't get paid for any marking, preparation or anything other than lectures and seminars......guess it all comes down to contracts.
They are a god damn pain in the **** these strikes, it is my final year and I am in no mood to entertain striking lecturers.

Oh how I wish Maggie had finished the job in the '80s and outlawed Trade Unions period. Gahh, don't even get me started on this, I'll be ranting till the middle of next week otherwise :mad:
I love this sort of thing.^^

"The government (or whoever pays them) isn't giving us any more money. I know what lets go on strike!"

The only problem is its not hurting their paymasters its hurting the students who cant do anything about in anyway. :rolleyes:
One of my lectures came across the picket line today, one didn't.

The one that came in agrees with the plight of university academic staff, however disagrees with allotting funds gained from top up fees to staff wages (Which is I believe what the AUT and NATFHE are proposing) and would prefer them to benefit students more directly.

Although probably short of all the pertinent info, I think this is a viewpoint I'd agree with.

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Mikol said:
Aye, my lecturer told me my 60% coursework piece will not be marked until it's over. He will, however, check it and give it a 'mark' and inform me. :confused:

I think that is just him being nice for want of a better phrase, he will unofficially check it over and give you your grade because he is going to end up marking it when the strike is over anyway so no point making you as an innocent bystander suffer more than you have to. That is just my take on it, I don't know if my lecturers will even do that but I'm only in third year so it isn't quite as important here :)

tolien said:
Not much point to that. :p

True there wasn't but I felt that having just effectively dumped another grands worth of debt on you that I should apologise, it might have ruined your day :p
The AUT said many students had also shown their backing for the strike by not attending lectures and classes.

That's from the BBC news.

Just made me laugh a bit. Most people I know 'supported' the strike because they couldn't be bothered to walk onto campus to see if their lectures were cancelled. Play it safe, stay in bed.
the one lecture i had, the lecturer is german and ignored the strike,

although we've been dumped with a huge amount of coursework which isn't going to be marked :mad:
Well I've just found out end of 2nd term is next Friday so if they really want to cause hastle then call two-day strike Thursday/Friday to really annoy the students who want to leave everything to the last minute. :D

/me dreads next weeks printer jams. :(
Lecturer pay = Worst teaching pay around. Its actually quite shocking, barely even a livable wage, like most of education to be honest.

Government keeps messing up the funding too so its not liable to change in the next 5 years unless the government does what it really should do:
Stop putting all the money in fancy funding schemes for education, tied in with stupid restrictions and just pour it in to the general funding.
Garp said:
Lecturer pay = Worst teaching pay around. Its actually quite shocking, barely even a livable wage, like most of education to be honest.

Agree totally.

What you have to bear in mind is that unlike teachers lecturers have to stay published to stay in their jobs which means that when they're not writing lectures or marking papers they're still working. It's an incredibly stressful job.
Mad old tory said:
he's one of these annoying people who just put their presentation up on the projector and proceed to pretty much read it out.

But all my lecturers do that, which is probably why I don't go to lectures :p

Back on topic- Yeah I noticed the strikes and read something about cancelled pension funds for the lecturers being one of the reasons.
Nice necroposting Saberu :eek:

On a similar vein, things might be interesting next Tuesday as UNISON is taking its workers out on strike. UNISON covers local government, school support staff and so on.
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