Leeds meet thread **19th Feb**

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So its gone from 100% and a promise you won't miss it to a 95% and you'll have to ask? Davey boy, I'm disappointed in you :p

BrenOS (probably)
Chopper Dave (probably)
Dangerous (probably)
DRZ (maybe)
Davey_Pitch (gets a kicking if he doesn't show :p)
Originally posted by Gilly
So its gone from 100% and a promise you won't miss it to a 95% and you'll have to ask? Davey boy, I'm disappointed in you :p

I'm just being cautious and making sure the gf doesn't have anything planned that weekend, what with it being Valentine's Day the week previous. As much as I would hate the abuse I'd get if I didn't show, I'd hate the lack of sex for going against her wishes even more :p
Originally posted by Davey_Pitch
I'm just being cautious and making sure the gf doesn't have anything planned that weekend, what with it being Valentine's Day the week previous. As much as I would hate the abuse I'd get if I didn't show, I'd hate the lack of sex for going against her wishes even more :p
Bah, why do you think we're bringing Jono? :D

Let me know dude :)
Originally posted by Davey_Pitch
Keep it clenched and you'll be fine dude ;)

(_*_) = just not possible.....My crevice o' love is strictly off limits (_X_)

But anyway you's gots to comes davey boy.....you pwommised!
Originally posted by Jono
(_*_) = just not possible.....My crevice o' love is strictly off limits (_X_)

But anyway you's gots to comes davey boy.....you pwommised!

I did indeed promise and I shall do my best to be there :)

Are there any plans on what's going on yet? Pub, club, etc?
You want the good news first or the good news?

The good news is that I've just booked my room :D

The good news is I'm sharing with Will so plenty of rumpy pumpy :D

Originally posted by Davey_Pitch
I did indeed promise and I shall do my best to be there :)

Are there any plans on what's going on yet? Pub, club, etc?
Headingley/Otley during the day and town at night.

That a rough enough plan? :p
Originally posted by Otacon
Who still aint got a roomy.. other than me :( Not paying £80 by meself!
I thought you were staying with Will? :confused:

[edit]Oh, I see you've bee dumped for shor... Desmo :(
Its alright though - I got Will to myself in Kent and AT
Des can have him this one time ;)

Doesnt help me here though... Any takers? I make a mean cup of tea in the morning :)

Disclaimer: No gurantee's can be made with regard to morning tea making. Nobody can wake me out of a drunken coma in the morning on the basis of making a brew..... unless they're doing it and are offering.
Just stay in our room dude. We'll push the beds togehter and go three's up. I thought your missus was coming along?
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