Leeds meet thread **19th Feb**

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Originally posted by Davey_Pitch
Well, it is a walk from the train station, but you could walk for about 15 mins from the station in any direction and still be in "town" :)
Its directly underneath the station...
Originally posted by Davey_Pitch
Ah, I must be thinking of another hotel then. I did wonder whether I'd get them mixed up or not.
The Hilton is just the other side of the Dark Arches from the station :)
Just been to Burtons to buy shirt and trousers for clubbing (hardly go to clubs at all, thought I'd better make an effort).

Will wait 'til nearer the time to book hotel in case work messes me about. Should know for definite by the end of the month.

Will be getting the bus down from Aberdeen as it is <1/5 the cost of the train. How far away from the suggested hotels is bus station?

Stan :)
Originally posted by Worthy
What are the main clubs in Leeds called?

Majestyk's, Creation and Heaven and hell. Along with Tiger, Tiger and Baja Beach.

Originally posted by Bigstan
Will be getting the bus down from Aberdeen as it is <1/5 the cost of the train. How far away from the suggested hotels is bus station?
Wow, thats some way! Its not close, but we'll talk you in :)

Originally posted by Dangerous
I'm going to pass on this; I really need to save and get some OT done.
Originally posted by Gilly


awww What can I do. Ive got massive debts and been off work for a month. Ive lost about 600quid in bank holidays :mad: Let me kip on your floor and pay for my drinks (2 pints :o ) and im there! :p
dangerous ill buy you a few jars like but you can stay off me floor you grebber..!!

Majestks is really poor and full of five year olds (not kidding)

Creation isnt to bad if you like real cheese

Heaven and smell is alful and you stick to the floor

Better off in the bars IMO Dr wus is class Elbow rooms Oporto all class venues

And of course the mighty FAB cafe! my personal fave (shame about the beer)
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I might be able to make this, but I'm not sure, money issues. Sounds like its going to be a good turnout.

Originally posted by Math
Majestks is really poor and full of five year olds (not kidding)

Lets go there.
Originally posted by Stolly
So its 2 hours in the Purple Door and then down to Winstons eh ?
Wouldn't go in't Purple Door if you paid me. Strippers that look down their noses at punters? Get real. Only the businessmen on company expenses, people that have no idea what they're doing and people with more money than sense go there. I fit into none of those categories :)
Originally posted by Davey_Pitch
Is Baja Beach the one where the female staff all wear bikini's and sarongs?
Thats the one :) Up near the Merrion Centre.
Originally posted by Dangerous
awww What can I do. Ive got massive debts and been off work for a month. Ive lost about 600quid in bank holidays :mad: Let me kip on your floor and pay for my drinks (2 pints :o ) and im there! :p
You can have our floor with no worries at all if Jono doesn't mind.
Originally posted by GTA
I might be able to make this, but I'm not sure, money issues. Sounds like its going to be a good turnout.

Lets go there.
We actually went there last time. The average age is around 20, but the best thing is being in the downstairs club with the oldies (~25) and going upstairs towards the end of the night :)
Originally posted by Gilly
We actually went there last time. The average age is around 20, but the best thing is being in the downstairs club with the oldies (~25) and going upstairs towards the end of the night :)

Sounds mahvelous dahling!
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