Leeds meet thread **19th Feb**

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I was in another thread and missed the banter!

I'm already at Piggy's level. I was making cocktails last night when I asked her if she had anything to mix it in. She said "I have 2 jugs" and I was the first one to splutter. :D
Photo's would only have been needed if she's actually used said jugs, and if so, I don't think the photo's would be fit for public consumption :p
I've got a mental image of us on the way to Leeds stopping to go to Ikea and ending up with a huge car full with it all sticking out all over the place :o
We'd make an entrance and a half then :D
Looks like we need names:

Worthy - Chris
Freefaller - Will/princess
Trojan - Matt
Gilly - Gilly (RL nickname, though Ted or Mat suffices if people don't wanna use that)
Pavey_Ditch - Bill/Pavid/Pavey
Haly - Jen
Piggy - Sinead/pixie
Jono - Jono/Ace/dwarf
Roberta - Dawn
Bigstan - Stan
Otacon - Daz
Tiggy just wants to be called Tiggy
Desmo - Jim/Des (think I ended up calling him Des in Swansea, and he responded :p)

Add your preferred names below.
Stan is my preferred name - although the ladies usually refer to me as "you in the bushes" ;)

The old ones are the best :p

Stan :)
192 hours to go peeps!

*edit* If my cars absolutely filthy, it's cause I'm a lazy goit. :)
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