---Left 4 Dead Custom Campaigns List---

5 Oct 2008
This thread is constantly being updated in relation to the featured L4D2 maps. Over time maps on the server will be changed. Keep an eye on this thread to keep updated.

Install instructions:
1. Download same version as listed from website.
2. Extract the vpk file from zip container file
3. Copy the file from its download location and paste it into addons in your Left 4 Dead (2) directory.
4. (L4d2 Only) Install L4D Addon Support in Tools Tab of Steam.

Uninstall Instructions.
1. Delete from addons folder in left 4 dead directory.

Playing Instructions.
1. Install the same version as on server and then start a lobby as usual. Search key may work and at the moment is sv_search_key ocuk. If this fails, use the mm_dedicated_force_servers <IP> command to connect to a certain server.

Left 4 Dead 1

LTUK 1 - mm_dedicated_force_servers (Public)
LTUK 2 - mm_dedicated_force_servers (Public)


Dead Before Dawn - http://www.moddb.com/mods/dead-before-dawn/downloads/dead-before-dawn-rc8-full-version
I Hate Mountains - http://www.ihatemountains.com/
Heaven Can Wait - http://www.l4dmaps.com/file-download.php?file=177&entry=12843
Death Aboard - http://www.l4dmaps.com/file-download.php?file=33&entry=12821
Silent Hill - http://www.l4dmaps.com/mirrors.php?file=865
Suicide Blitz - http://www.l4dmaps.com/details.php?file=3031

Please note the L4D1 servers are currently running again due to resource increases.

All L4D1 maps are also available here: http://www.linktart.co.uk/_files_/l4d1_maps/

Left 4 Dead 2

LTUK 1 - mm_dedicated_force_servers (Public)
LTUK 2 - mm_dedicated_force_servers (Public)
LTUK 3 - mm_dedicated_force_servers (Private) - Not all maps.
LTUK 4 - mm_dedicated_force_servers (Public)
LTUK 5 - mm_dedicated_force_servers (Public)


Death Aboard 2 - http://www.l4dmaps.com/file-download.php?file=4861&entry=14150
Damit 2 - http://www.l4dmaps.com/file-download.php?file=6176&entry=14037
Heaven Can Wait II - http://www.l4dmaps.com/file-download.php?file=6454&entry=14148
City 17 - http://www.l4dmaps.com/mirrors.php?file=5055
Dead Before Dawn Too - http://www.moddb.com/mods/dead-before-dawn/downloads/dead-before-dawn-too-vpk-v3-l4d2
Dead Before Dawn Director's Cut - http://www.l4dmaps.com/details.php?file=7774
Detour Ahead - http://www.l4d.com/blog/
Suicide Blitz 2 - http://www.l4dmaps.com/details.php?file=9754
I Hate Mountains 2 - http://www.l4dmaps.com/details.php?file=8500
Blood Proof - http://www.l4dmaps.com/details.php?file=14520

All L4D2 maps are also available here: http://www.linktart.co.uk/_files_/l4d2_maps/

I will keep this list updated as more custom maps become available on my servers.

Any more ideas please feel free to list. Note that only completed (or near-complete) will be loaded onto my servers, then I don't have to constantly update them as much.
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Sweet, was wondering when we would start using custom maps. Death aboard is brilliant but extremely difficult and you need decent players :p
personally i think the 'COD4' level from death abroad needs to be straightened out, instead of having the funky non flat surface it has now

either that, or remove a lot of the obstuctions inside the ship, hunters bang into everything :(
To install them I had to just copy them into the add-on folder.

Had a quick go on central dark and death aboard.

Central Dark seems a little too easy for survival.

The first chapter of Death Aboard is fun and very well built, but seems a little too long.
Just tried the 1st chapter of Coal'd blood and Night Terror. Both seem reasonably well made, so might have to think about uploading them as well as the updated version of Death Aboard at some point. May well play a proper game later, when I'm not at work :( if anyone is up for joining me (I'll probs just host it locally on my pc for the custom map coop).
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That Blood Rails was pretty good fun - at first I thought the map was tiny, but there's a massive half-hidden area - and restock points all over the place. Sadly enough, I got my first silver medal, but in my defence, I've had less than a handful of games :D

Looking forward to getting some more under my belt, I have to say. It's a little over the top when two tanks come 'round the corner at the same time, but I suppose that's how it goes sometimes :)
I cant seem to download DEATH PULL from the link provided, it downloads a file thats 192kb.

EDIT: managed to get it to download by clicking save target as.
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Night Terror is great from what I've seen so far, level 2 is dead funny :)

I played the Coal'd Blood the other day, the finale map is MASSIVE and spoils it imo..
Quick web page to illustrate the servers, maps, plug-ins and server rules.

Any corrections required please let me know.


Nice, ruddle = Ruddles though :p

Also add the infected bots plugin (all ocuk servers) and add the cevolink config for versus on ocuk 3-5 please :)

I'll take a look at that smoker damage plugin, but I was having trouble getting it to work before.
Nice, ruddle = Ruddles though :p

Also add the infected bots plugin (all ocuk servers) and add the cevolink config for versus on ocuk 3-5 please :)

I'll take a look at that smoker damage plugin, but I was having trouble getting it to work before.

The smoker plug-in was a doddle and is tested working on OcUK7. All I did was copy the smx file into the plug-ins folder L4D\Left4Dead\addons\sourcemod\plugins, restarted the server and it all worked. It automatically adds a config file into L4D\Left4Dead\Cfg\SourceMod folder called L4D_Cloud_Damage.cfg for you to tweak the settings.

This plug-in is a god-send, no longer are survivors able to camp in one spot during a panic event. If they kill a smoker in close proximity, then they have to move or suffer 2hp damage a second until the smoke cloud is gone. :) It opens up a whole new tactic for the smoker.

EDIT: Page updated with name correction, CEVOLink, L4D Infected Bot Plug-in, ProMap.
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