What's peoples thoughts on Lark https://www.larksuite.com/en_us/ free to use
Thanks. However I guess I am more stuck in the Google ecosystem than I first admitted. I've been using their stuff for 20 years without thinking. Use Sheets a fair amount now with my partner (we just bought a house together and are using it to track finances/renovations etc). I use Keep really heavily and I like Google Photos as my generic phone backup. And obviously I've been using Google Calendar for that length of time, and like being able to refer back to it for historical stuff (e.g. date of previous surgery, appoints, anything really). And I do like Gmail, never having to delete email etc.Although you appear to only be using the equivalent of one paid Google G Suite user account, you'd still be better off switching to Microsoft even without their offer of 60% off for the first year. Link to that is in my earlier post. If you are more driven by the custom domain name email requirement than desktop apps then the entry level tier from MS (Microsoft 365 Business Basic) would do you. It also includes 1TB of storage. The entry level tier from Google is Business Starter at £4.14 per month and only includes 30GB storage.
Same boat. This sucks ass. Every time my Google Home's decide not to play ball (probably once a day right now), it just adds to the list of how terrible Google is getting with everything. They just don't care anymore.Think I will have to pay tooI only have one user account. It's not clear there is a better / cheaper option elsewhere, and TBH I set the G Suite account up 10 or 15 years ago, don't really remember how it all works "under the hood" and can't be bothered to unpick it all and re-establish it with another provider.
Is there a no-cost option if I don’t want to upgrade?
A no-cost option will be available for all customers who do not want to use Gmail with their custom domain (for example, [email protected]), or the ability to manage multiple users. Customers who choose this option will retain access to the no-cost version of Google Workspace services such as Google Drive and Google Meet, and additional Google services such as Google Search, Google Maps, and YouTube. You will also retain access to paid content such as movies purchased in the Google Play Store.
I suspect not@Scam I don't believe a paid Workplace account would make any difference to 'features' or oddities when it comes to Google Home.
I don't think consolidating to one domain will work. That would involve migrating their content from one account to another rather than moving each actual account.
I wouldn't do anything yet except ensure your admin user on each domain hasn't set up payment details or confirmed that you want to upgrade to a business plan. Once you accept you want to migrate to a paid plan you can't go back so will then not have the option of staying on the free but more gimped than ever plan.
There is a questionnaire somewhere for the domain admin to confirm they are interested in the staying on as a free service option.
We are waiting on the process to actually stay on the free service but without the custom domain use. In fact I think their plan is that they will provide a migration tool to shift email to a consumer Gmail account. At which point I think you'll still keep your existing custom domain logins but they won't have access to the Google App Suite / Workspace version of Gmail. Therefore assets made and / or purchased in the existing accounts will still be accessible and possibly addable to within whatever limits they'll have on this free tier.
In addition, what I would do now is look for a domain host that provides full DNS management and offers SMTP server access. Once you know you're going some other free email route you'll also want the ability to send email as per your custom domain as well as it being forwarded from that domain.
Are they going to read all of your emails to check?Your G Suite account(s) must be strictly for non-business use.