Legal system at it's best...

That story doesn't add up to me.
Yes, I can fully understand that - I've double/tripple checked the events with my colleague a number of times over the past week and a half, and he is not one to lie...

I fully understand how bizarre it sounds - but as far as I'm concern this is what happened.

If/when more facts arise (to support or not support it) I'll post them :)
No matter what you think your "friend" is, or is not, capable of, I'm playing the shenanigans card.

They're winding you up. There is just no way the story you described is true in any way at all. The actual mugging part may be true, but the so called fast-track "justice" is not.

Fair enough... Again I can understand your opinion. My opinion - and I've know the individual for many many year - is based on the fact I've had repeated chats with the guy, and that I believe him.

The only way this story is false is if the facts have been relayed wrong to him, and he's spoken to the station directly... :confused:

Again though, I'll post more news as it happens? (if it happens)
It just can't be. The courts are so clogged up that there's no way such a minor 'crime' would be would be given a full hearing the very next day, especially when the nanny wasn't in custody.

That was my initial feelings too... But if you know 'facts' to the different please do let us know...
Was the mugger knocked out?
If not she must have made a massive decison to stay and charge the woman she mugged.

Not sure if she was knocked out, but hospital treatment was required I believe...

surely when the police took them all back to the station they (the police) would have seen who had or who didnt have 500quid and could check with her banking to make sure she wasnt lying
Think about it... What's to stop me withdrawing £500, giving it to a mate, than accuse two complete strangers of knicking it? There's no proof? So I guess this is the problem the police face?
Say hypothetically speaking the OP just came out and admitted that he made the whole thing up for attention. While I can't speak for anyone else I personally would really respect that kind of honesty.

Just speaking hypothesising, of course.

Sorry, can't do that, as that wouldn't be the case.

I'd say I'm a very honest guy by nature, and I would hope this includes my internet dealings - where of course you're shielded by being at the end of a wire, instead of face to face. I'd say (on the tinterweb) I try my best to conduct myself as I would face to face with someone. That's even the reason why I consciously use my real name, rather than some made up meaningless nonsense of a name (to hide behind). If people acted to others on the internet as they did to people face to face, it would be a far more social place.

Anyway, again, I fully understand how some folk may see this story as sounding unbelievable - even I am taken aback at her being convicted so quickly, and still have some big question marks. So as I've now said numerous times, if/when more information arises I'll post it here. Personally I'll be suggesting he/she goes to the papers with it.

lol I just dont believe a word you posted.
Interesting... What a well though out comment - So you don't even believe I have the colleague at work for example? Shush and go away... There's no need for this to turn into a mud slinging contest.
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You know why? This person at work is lying to you, it's that simple! I just can't believe you thought the story was true long enough to make a post about it on the internet.

This is someone I've (we've) known for over ten years. They are a trustworthy adult (wife + 4 kids) with no reason to lie etc... He had to even miss a day from work (when the nanny was mugged) and has clearly been amazed/frustrated himself at the turn of events...

I know from the outside it might seem easy to point fingers etc, but believe me the guy is absolutely credible and none of us doubt him for a second.

Again, I'll see if I get more facts/information to prove/disprove the event(s) - That's all I can do.
I guess by now you must have found out what actually did or didn't happen.

Not a lot more info, other than my colleagues wife is actually a head mistress in a school. One of the parents there is a solicitor and is willing to look into the case - Supposedly they have 28 days to do this?

So the Embassy said they'd supposedly take some sort of action, and so is this solicitor potentially.

So no news as such (so far)... And nothing seems to have changed regarding the events.
The criminal justice system doesn't work that fast.
The Police would have done more, they'd have to build a case surely and investigate all possibilities, was she under a bridge ? because most city's/towns have a lot of CCTV.

I don't believe you, sorry, hope your little story works out.

I can fully understand your point of view, and I suspect I could be just as sceptical in your position. I too cannot see how the 'assault' took place one day, and the next day she had a criminal record, but this indeed seems to be exactly what happened.

All I can say is I have absolutely no reason to doubt my colleagues word - He has no reason to lie and I believe he has been alsolutely honest about the matter. He's take time off, and people have been around (in his office) while he's had phone calls with his wife about the matter.

There is seemingly no weak link the chain - He seems to be telling the truth, and he and his wife have both been in contact with the police station regarding the matter. Now an embassy is seemingly involved (but who knows to what degree) and a solicitor.

So again, I can see the exact reasons for any scepticism, but all I can say is thus far it seems legit. I almost wish something would come to light to show this story isn't true - ie: The nanny was just lying or something, but as I've said this just doesn't seem to be the case (thus far).
He has a point though your story has loads of weak links. Its pretty obvious someone must be lying.

Well I'm not, and I'm certain my colleague isn't. It's possible the nanny might be lying except that my colleague and his wife have basically been talking directly to the police station regarding the case, so I'm sure any lies would have become apparent. I wondering if the only hole might be that she did actually assault someone and no theft was involved? Still doesn't explain the amazing speed of the conviction though?

Anyway, as/when any more info comes up I'll post it. If only to give LikWig a reason to troll some more :rolleyes:
Being put through the system.
Working with the police due to my job, which involves dealing with people who have being arrested, on bail, ect ect.

Excellent... So you're saying it's impossible for someone to admit guilt and be charged with 1-2 days?
Is it really worth losing credibility (even if it is only on t'internet) over such an obviously made up crock of ****?

Just face the fact that you've been lied to by somebody at work, and you fell for it, hook, line and bloody sinker!

If I wasn't so certain about the credibility of my colleague I'd have serious doubts myself. If there something incorrect about these events it's somewhere beyond that link in the chain, and I just can't see where it might be...

And let's also remember lots of folks in the office are aware of this matter, and some of us have even been there during phone call pertaining to it!?

It's not quite as simple and black and white as you'd make out :)
Here you go, have a read, its aimed at youths, but it'll give you an idea of the processes involved:

For something serious like assault, you get charged by the police and then sent to court. You wont get a court date the next day, it takes months for the CPS to get their act together.

Also when you have to appear in court you have to be given a written letter stating the date and time. They have to leave sufficient time between you receiving this letter and your court appearance so that you can arrange days off work, a childminder, whatever.

Now don't get me wrong, I wish the justice system in this country could turn criminals around in 2 days, like in your OP, but that's simply not the case. It takes months and is a long tiresome process.

Thanks. But there's nothing in there suggesting that you couldn't be seen the next day - infact it does suggest this can happen - and nothing in there to suggest if you just plead guilty then that's it?

Yes, Yes I am.

You can't get a court date that quickly, besides this isn't a "open and shut case" is it ? this also involves a mugging, of which the woman was defending herself against.

I don't believe the mugging came into it. I suspect it was just a straight forward assault charge? - ie: The nanny on the other person.
Ummm Tummy, see what you think of this?

The third case involves two 19-year-old men, charged with assaulting the landlord of the pub where they had been drinking the previous night. We are told that they are not ready to enter a plea, as evidence has not been disclosed. The case will therefore be adjourned, but we have to consider whether or not we are prepared to grant bail.​

Certainly seems to imply here that a case appeared in court the day after an assault? Now if they had pleaded guilty might they not have been charged there and then?
You're reading it wrong, they assaulted the landlord of a pub where they drinking the previous night, not that the assault occurred the previous night to the court case.

Your profile says you're 41 years old, surely a man of your years can see where the bull**** is in this story you've been told.

Ummm... I'm afraid the glory of the English language enables you to read that sentence with either meaning. But yes you might be right, it might mean that... So the jury is still out :)

As for the story being bull****, it may very well be, but I've yet to see anything to really ring my alarm bells. You're suggesting someone who you've never even met is a liar. Where as I'm suggesting I trust someone I've know for ten or so years, enough to believe them. And as for it being just me, I suggest you add a lot more people to the list of people who believe him. Not a single person in the office for example doubts him. And we've heard phone conversations and the such occurring. His wife (a head mistress at a Catholic school) would also have to be lying as well!

Anyway, I guess the being convicted so soon after the event is most peoples issue is? I can see that... Hopefully someone with enough (real) knowledge can put it to bed!

ps: Can we please try and remain vaguely adult rather than trying to throw person insults around?
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Why did the fool plead that they were guilty?

I have no idea, but I imagine after having been robbed? being upset? having English as a second language? finding yourself in some rather alien situations (locked up & on trial)? and a solicitor recommending you do something, there's a chance you might just take the 'advice' without fully thinking about it (or truly understanding it)?

Anyway, it's clear some people don't believe these events so we're playing ping pong. As and when any further info turns up (which ever side of the table it's on), I'll post it here :)

But guys, can I please ask that we try and keep some sort of adult perspective here. I understand some of you are skeptical, and I fully understand why, but please understand that just reading some events, detached on an internet forum, is entirely different to actually hearing them first-hand from someone you know (well). Cheers...
If you told me this story and I'd known you for a million years, I'd have the same reaction, I'd cough, because I'm allergic to bull****.

*sigh* Fair enough... So basically you're saying people you don't know are lying?

But let's address your astute little observation? So he's lied to everyone he knows - People in his personal life and professional life? For what gain? Why would he do that? Is his wife (a head mistress) in on it too? She must be because people in the office speak to her.

So now you're saying with all your indepth knowledge of the matter and people, that intelligent, professional people (one being a head mistress at a catholic school) are out and out lying? For what gain?

Anyway... Ping... Pong... Ping... Pong... Let's just leave it until something new breaks with the story :)
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