Legal system at it's best...

please, just because you hold a job that is considered high in society doesn't make you immune to lieing.

People lie, to amuse themselves, to get themselves out of trouble, lots of reasons, what is worse is that you believe something that has so many problems.

You've not addressed the questions ?
Why don't you ask your "trusted" friend ?

Why did the "attacker" stay around to report an assault against herself, when she was assualted trying to commit a crime ?
Why was there no translator for the "victim" ?
Why Why Why...

I don't know why you've posted this, maybe you're bored ? maybe you want to amuse you'reself by making something up to create an argument on the forums ?
I don't really know.

As a 41 year old, this isn't something I expected :D This is something I expected from plat 87 ;)

Enjoy you're trolling my friend :)

I don't believe a thing you've said, because I think you're lieing :)
You're "story" doesn't add up, next time spend more time thinking up a decent story :)

Tummy, it's past your bedtime I'm sure. Seriously how childish can you get!
A policeman and a court official did that on the first page.

I know that sounds good when you say it. And picking and choosing (or making stuff up) might back up your comments... But try and behave a little more rationally rather what appears to be a little mission for yourself and you might realise:-
a) Didn't I ask them if they were certain? And nothing more was really forthcoming?
b) As regards your court official, didn't they themselves suggest, 'I am not legally trained I have no idea if it could happen'.

Anyway, please go away!

I don't think Neil is lying and I don't know anything about how the legal system works.
What I do know and have a lot of experience of, is that people in high positions (his workmate) will consistently tell lies because they don't want to feel foolish when they realise they have said something stupid.
I've had 100s of managers who would never admit they were wrong.


Possibly there's a lie afoot, but his wife must also be in on it. So now we're assuming two people of lying. Not impossible, but there seems to be no reason for it, and all behaviour and circumstantial facts seem to back it up. ie: Phone calls, people behaving stunned & amazed out what's happened to their nanny etc.

If there's a lie in here I'd be just as interested (as some of the trolls) to find it, as in many ways (for me personally) it's more interesting than if it's all true :)

Anyway, I suspect some of the trolls will be continuing with their silly little childish armchair antics - incapable of just having a simple conversation - so I'll bow out until any further news arises.

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