Legal system at it's best...

23 Oct 2002
N Ireland
Hmmm, I've just rang a mate up who drives and escorts for Premier Prison Services who basically escort prisoners from police stations, straight to court and then on to prison if necessary.
He says his main clients are people who have been arrested up to 2 nights before or even that morning and taken straight to court.

In his words -
I'll go to Hanley Police Station and I'm given a prisoner (or prisoners) straight out of the cell and in handcuffs.
I'll be given documentation and then I'll escort them onto the van.
I transport them to court (usually Fenton where OCUK is) and take them off the van and depending on the risk I will take their handcuffs off.
Sometimes at this point they run away but I haven't had too many but the next time I have them the handcuffs stay on.
I've become an expert in communication and I calm the majority down.
Most of the time they walk free from court with a fine and usually thank me for being friendly but sometimes I go straight to prison with them which can be anywhere.
It's a good job you (dmpoole) didn't accept the job because you would have had to give your band up (yes I was offered this job around 2002).

Anyway, according to him it does happen.
Not disputing what your friend said but I would suggest that if they were taken to prison that would be on remand not sentence.
Not sure about being fined 1 or 2 days after arrest though, doesn't sound right.
11 Feb 2004
The story is untrue.

I know because it's my job!

Detained persons can sometimes make their court appearance the day after or even the same day as the offence. This would only be when the custody sergeant refuses them bail. In that case they would appear at the next available magistrates court. The only reason they would be refused bail would be due to previous failure to appear at court, strong likelihood of them offending on bail, no suitable bail address, high risk of them fleeing while on bail or if it was a very serious offence.

After her initial interview the scenario you describe would need further investigation, so she would likely be given Police Bail which means she is released and given a date and time to turn back up at the police station by which time they would have completed their investigations and consulted with the CPS who would make the decision on charging. If the decision was to charge then she would have been bailed to appear at court, usually in a couple weeks time.

In the police station if there was any doubt about her ability to understand the interview then an interpretor would have been called, she would have been asked if she wanted legal representation for the interview and a solicitor would have been summonsed.

Someone's kidding you somewhere.
4 Sep 2008
Tummy, it's past your bedtime I'm sure. Seriously how childish can you get!

So because I have a point ?

Because I've found flaw in your "story" I should go to bed ? :rolleyes:

Things just don't happen like that or that fast, I'm sorry.
Many people have pointed this out, but you seem 100% fixed on the "my friend would never lie to me"

You're story doesn't add up, why would the police charge a victim of a mugging with assualt, without an investigation ?

I've being through the "justice" system and it look 5-6 months, and I thought mine was a fairly "simple" case.

Get you're story straight before you post.
Man of Honour
29 Mar 2003
Stoke on Trent
The story is untrue.

So it is true that somebody can be arrested and taken to court the following day but you're thinking with this lady it wouldn't be possible.
HOWEVER, the question I have asked 3 times in this thread is 'Why did the other mugger stick around for the cops to come when the other one ran off?'.
What if the 'victim' had knocked her unconscious or caused the mugger serious damage and that's why she didn't run off?
What if that back at the station all the evidence had been looked at and there was no evidence a mugging had occurred?

I know nothing of the law so they're only questions.
11 Feb 2004
So it is true that somebody can be arrested and taken to court the following day but you're thinking with this lady it wouldn't be possible.
HOWEVER, the question I have asked 3 times in this thread is 'Why did the other mugger stick around for the cops to come when the other one ran off?'.
What if the 'victim' had knocked her unconscious or caused the mugger serious damage and that's why she didn't run off?
What if that back at the station all the evidence had been looked at and there was no evidence a mugging had occurred?

I know nothing of the law so they're only questions.

There was nothing in the OP to suggest she would be refused bail, and in any case she would have been kept in the cells until court, not released then phoned next morning, that doesn't happen, ever.

Why the alleged mugger would hang about, I have no idea. If she was injured enough to stop her legging it that would explain it.

Not really a simple answer to the last question, no evidence means you can't do much. If there is evidence of nothing other than one female lamping another with her mobile then she would probably be charged, but then it would be up to the court to decide who is telling the truth, the alleged victim or the alleged mugger.

Story sounds like a fabrication to me, way too many holes in it.
30 Jun 2007
But let's address your astute little observation? So he's lied to everyone he knows - People in his personal life and professional life? For what gain? Why would he do that? Is his wife (a head mistress) in on it too? She must be because people in the office speak to her.

or the nanny lied to him because she had gotten done for assault and was worried he/other customers would find out and sack her, so she makes a storey where she's the victim of police incompetence so that people don't want a violent person around thier kids.
4 Sep 2008
Maybe, the Nanny wasn't charged for assault, maybe she's a drug runner for the Russian Mafia, in her spare time.

Anyway, one day, she's helping some illegals into the country, and some rival mafia came and they had a massive shoot out, the nanny however is a ninja, and she won.

The police turned up, and because the nanny "loves" (if it's possible for a ninja to feel love) the child(ren) she looks after, so she got another low ranking member of the Russian mafia to own up to killing the rival gang.

When the nanny was leaving court, she bumped into a woman outside the court, the woman then fell down a flight of stairs, the nanny went to a cash point and withdrew 500 english pounds (which explains the money), but the woman still wanted to press charges, and the secret Russian mafia ninja nanny was arrested for common assault, and was given a caution at the police station.

However, knowing she'd be unable to see the "loved" child(ren) she came up with another story to tell her employers.


I think this is what happened.
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