Leica M8

FranchiseJuan said:
I completely dissagre. Built in flashes on cameras such as a 400D or 30D can be really usefull for situations where you need to use some fill during the day. Most DSLRs with built in flash let you control the power of them, and they can be an acceptable alternative to carrying a 430 EX or something that size.

Maybe I've never used it properly but from what I've seen its just nasty.
cyKey said:
Maybe I've never used it properly but from what I've seen its just nasty.

I've had pretty good results on the pop up flash on my EOS 5 (film) when used to fill - (I'm not sure about the current crop od DSLR's but I can use FEC on my pop-up which really helps). It's not much good for anything else though.
I was just talking with a chap today who owns an older M-six Leica, which is pretty much the film version of the M-eight. Clearly loves his six and considers it to be just about perfect for most uses. When I mentioned the eight, he didn't half sound interested.
cyKey said:
In the right hands of course. In the wrong hands it'll be just as useful as a 5D on auto. No offence to Spie or anything but if you feel that you're images aren't good enough to be posted here, where we have everyone from point and shoots to 1D's, then aside from bragging rights is there really any need for a M8? Yes its smaller, but so is the 400D which can also produce stunning images. I wonder if the 400D + 50mm f/1.4 is smaller than the M8 + 50mm?
Maybe I'm just modest ;)

Let's look at those weights.

400D + 50mm f1.8 = 640g

5D + 50mm f1.8 = 940g

M8 + 35mm f2 = 800g

So, the 400D is lighter. Hmmm. Still it is lighter than the 5D though.

Let's look at body size.

400D = 126.5 x 94.2 x 65mm

5D = 152 x 113 x 75mm

M8 = 138 x 80 x 37mm

The M8 is a clear winner here and the lenses are tiny too due to lack of AF.

I guess it boils down to the pleasure of owning and using something with the Leica's heritage. The quirkiness and simplicity of the rangefinder system intrigues me. It won't ever be a replacement for the 5D but it has it's place.

They are in big demand at the moment with most dealers sold out until the new year. I've located one coming in next week. If I get it I'll let you know.
Spie said:
Maybe I'm just modest ;)
M8 + 35mm f2 = 800g

M8 = 138 x 80 x 37mm

The M8 is a clear winner here and the lenses are tiny too due to lack of AF.

Or how about the Leica D-Lux 3

106 x 58 x 26 mm and 185g. That's the clear winner. :)

Unless we're talking camera bling. Then the M8 wins hands down. Nothing wrong in that. Loads of people collect them and keep them in their boxes and some just use them as expensive jewellery. People do it with expensive cars and motorcycles all the time. Nope, nothing wrong in that at all. :p ;)
MacX said:
Or how about the Leica D-Lux 3

106 x 58 x 26 mm and 185g. That's the clear winner. :)

Unless we're talking camera bling. Then the M8 wins hands down. Nothing wrong in that. Loads of people collect them and keep them in their boxes and some just use them as expensive jewellery. People do it with expensive cars and motorcycles all the time. Nope, nothing wrong in that at all. :p ;)

If your going that route, you may as well go for the panasonic version (LX2). The only difference is in the software processing of the jpeg..
aztechnology said:
If your going that route, you may as well go for the panasonic version (LX2). The only difference is in the software processing of the jpeg..

Yes, but it doesn't have the Leica badge does it? ;)

Going back to the Leica M series, as well as being good tools for photographers (and they are very good) they are also seen as fashionable, as status symbols and collectable. I have quite often seen them in Sunday glossy mags in those pages where they show you nice shiny toys to spend your money on that are always very expensive. The Leica IS seen as very aspirational, just like your big Merecedes benz, 6 bedroom detached cottage in the country, that designer dress and so on. Nothing wrong with that at all really just the way our consumer world works. :)

Now I use a Contax G2 which is a rangefinder hybrid of sorts. Not quite for the purists as the Leica M series is, but it is still considered by most as a rangefinder.
It's a wonderfully well built camera, with fantastic Carl Ziess lenses, an unobtrusive profile compared to an SLR and makes a lovely 'snick!' noise when you press the shutter that makes me smile everytime I use it.
BUT.... It's not easy to get remotely good results straight away if all you are used to is an SLR or P & S. It's easy to mess up and it's a shooting style that takes some time to get used to. Some people never like it and move on rapidly. I like it but it's still a steep curve for me. If I want to be sure of a shot I break out the Canon EOS system but if I have time and I'm on a city break for example it's the perfect camera for me. It also only cost £550 for the camera, 3 lenses (f2.0 45mm, f2.8 28mm and f2.8 90mm) and a Crumpler bag to stick them in. Which was nice. :D
Colin_da_Killer said:
If only every lense could be a Leica :)

I'm glad they're not. Have you seen the prices of some of them? :eek: :D

And what would us Canon users do without our white lenses? We'd have nothing to brag about! ;)
cyKey said:
Yeah me too. Gah all those Leica's just look sooo nice. I don't need a compact at all but I'd be tempted to get one just cos.

Lens! :p

It's not just me that spelling it like that, annoys then? I was starting to think the world was going mad :P
cyKey said:

Nit Picker! :p

MacX said:
I'm glad they're not. Have you seen the prices of some of them?

And what would us Canon users do without our white lenses? We'd have nothing to brag about!

If they were all leica, the prices would be a lot lower... maybe you could make a special request for a white leica lens with a nice little red circle at the end? :p ;)
Colin_da_Killer said:
maybe you could make a special request for a white leica lens with a nice little red circle at the end? :p ;)

Careful with the cheek Mr Colin_da_Killer else I'll have to take the mick out of your Olde Nikon with ye olde lense attached. :p ;)
aztechnology said:
Again, that's just one of these . :D

This time though the price is not quite as inflated (probably because the Panasonic comes with that Leica zoom).

Yeah I hear the only difference is Panasonic processing vs Lecia processing.
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