Leica M8

divine_madness said:
if you are that fussed about having RAW you're going to be taking photography at least half seriously and would probably quite happily consider the move up to the budget DSLRs.

Of course, as you know, there are many people who take photography seriously who do not want to be lumbered with a great big SLR and associated lenses. Otherwise, you could argue that the only people who take photography seriously are those with medium format digital backs. :p ;) Also, if you don't want to be noticed taking pictures, the last thing you need in your hands is a stuffing great big SLR.

And this is why I still shoot my Contax G2 rangefinder when I'm shooting purely for fun. It's small and discreet and has amazing lenses. Thankfully at the fraction of the cost of Leica. I'm still looking for something that will give similar handling in digital with RAW that isn't in the arm and a leg price range though. ;)

That's why so many people wanted the G7 to have RAW. I noticed the guy at Luminous Landscape bought one anyway he liked it so much, even though he misses and wants RAW. :)
I can see your point but with the prices of DSLRs being so low and the massively increased profits Canon can reap as a whole from the multitude of accessories i'd say the lack of RAW is fairly likely to be a ploy to push people into buying SLR
MacX said:
Of course, as you know, there are many people who take photography seriously who do not want to be lumbered with a great big SLR and associated lenses.

And some of us don't want to be lumbered with RAW either ;)
dod said:
And some of us don't want to be lumbered with RAW either ;)

That's absolutely super fantastic then. Loads of choice of kit for you. Unlike those who want RAW (or DNG support while we're at it) who have to go and buy a tank for a camera it seems. But RAW is less of a burden to carry than a 1kg SLR and lens don't you think? At least you can switch it off. You'd only be lumbered with it if it was the only option. It's seems that G7 owners are lumbered with jpegs only. :p ;)

In any case, I see people buying SLR's who aren't remotely serious about photography and have never heard of RAW. I can only assume they see the SLR as better somehow because pros use them. It's just a glorified, oversized p&s that never comes off auto. They'd be better of with a p&s or a 'bridge' camera TBH. Talking of oversized, didn't some around here have a 5D that didn't get used much because it was too big? ;)

As for accessories and lenses, a couple of my aquaintances who went the SLR route never went beyond the kit zoom lens.
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