Lets go back in time, for one day..

28 Jan 2011
If you could go back in time to one particular day, what would it be?

For me, it would without a doubt be, 22nd Nov. 1963 to see the proof of a conspiracy against JFK and the assassination.
I would like to go back to 11.Aug.1999 which was the day of the last total eclipse in the UK. I was in the correct place (Devon/Cornwall) for the totality path but it was cloudy where I was so wasn't much to see except it going pitch black for 90 seconds - 2 minutes. I would use the historic weather data available to locate one of the few sunny spots and obviously would use my Samsung S23 Ultra (high tech stuff in 1999!) to film it.

1999 was also the year that I got online, so would be nice to take a gander at some Web 1.0 pages on slow 56k dial-up. Then of course I'd play out Hampsterdance the way it was meant to before anyone have heard of the term "internet meme".

2nd choice would be NYE in the same year 31.Dec.1999, but NOT at my parents this time. I'm still reeling now that I was billy-no-mates and having to stop in on that NYE because my mate down the road had spontaneously arranged something else that day with another group. I'm a guy that likes pubbing, clubbing and house parties, not stuck in at home in 1999 and now in 2023!
Being able to go back to one of the years (probably early 90s) where we had a proper [extended] family Christmas at my mum's parents would be good - most of those older than my dad have now passed away with my grandad the last at the beginning of this year and many others have moved on to their own things, living abroad and so on. It just seemed a better age where people still had some hope and dreams for the future, etc.

History in general I'd quite like to be able to observe the UK at the outbreak of WW2, though I think more than 1 day would be required really. (And see what my ancestors were up to in those days).
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If we are not talking going back to win the lottery. And talking personal..

I don't know. Probably to this picture.
Never been on sea when been that calm. It was super late and very very hot.
No mechanical noise at all. Was totally serene.

26th July 2021

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I’d love to go way way back and spend a day when dinosaurs ‘ruled’ the planet. Don’t imagine I’d last the full day mind you, so maybe just a passing visit!
I'd go back to 2158 hrs (2058Z/UTC) today to point out to you that you should type 'Let's' instead of 'Lets'.

Let's = let us.
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The day a 100 million EuroMillions jackpot was drawn and me with the winning numbers jotted down. Have to keep it practical. :)
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