Lets go back in time, for one day..

Still kicking myself about that one. Soon after someone came to our office and did a presentation on Bitcoin and offered to sign up to a website to get a free Bitcoin. I dismissed it as a fad and a failure of a system, while was technically right there was a lot of money to made on the way
I was going to buy into the hype but my friends were like you and I guess talked me out of it. So I think I loaded the program to mine on my desktop and ultimately never actually used it
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"Oh, pardon me."

"De rien."

"Ooh la -"


How I met @Freefaller, streaming soon on all options.

e: come on! i'M ATTING YOU (also outside your house, call me, no ..... ok yeah, they've gone so now)
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Definitely, the day my daughter was born, the whole experience was something special. Everything after that went downhill big time :D

Probably echo the Bitcoin first day. Wack your savings into it and enjoy! I wouldn't even know what £20,000 would have netted you :eek:
6th may 1982. I told my dad I wanted a Mars bar as I was being greedy, I was 7 years old. He popped to the local pub as they sold crisps, chocolate bars etc. He saw my uncle in the pub. My mum, dad, uncle, auntie and family friend all decided to go out for the evening.

7th May 1982, circa 1am. I was woken up by my brother and sisters dad (we had different fathers) and my brother telling me we had to go to their (his dads) house.

Day after I found out all but the uncle died in a car crash.

So I can lay down my house, savings, etc. you all would know what I would do to change that situation.
6th may 1982. I told my dad I wanted a Mars bar as I was being greedy, I was 7 years old. He popped to the local pub as they sold crisps, chocolate bars etc. He saw my uncle in the pub. My mum, dad, uncle, auntie and family friend all decided to go out for the evening.

7th May 1982, circa 1am. I was woken up by my brother and sisters dad (we had different fathers) and my brother telling me we had to go to their (his dads) house.

Day after I found out all but the uncle died in a car crash.

So I can lay down my house, savings, etc. you all would know what I would do to change that situation.


Jeebus :(
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