Lets talk mince pies

I made just over a kilo of my own mince a couple months ago, just need to do some pastry this week and bring them into work for my team.

Even the French and Italians I work with said the ones I made last year were really good and asked me if I'm making them again this year :p
My mums mince pies over anything shop bought. When they are slightly overfilled and you warm them in the oven, and the sticky gooey lovelyness dribbles down the side... HHHhhhnnnnnggggggg!!!!
I always feel confused around this time of year. The filling of a mince pie is called mince meat right? or so i've seen in shops. If i was a mince pie novice and i walked in and asked for mince meat which one would i be given if i didn't specify. And has anyone been left with beef mince in pies?
You would get fruit mincemeat or they would ask which variety you want. If you wanted meat. It would be
Beef mince
Chicken mince
Lamb mince

Mincemeat original contained meat and fruits. We've dropped the meat bit, but it still. Usually has suet in it.

16th century recipe
Pie filling of mutton or beef must be finely minced and seasoned with pepper and salt and a little saffron to colour it. [Add] a good quantity of suet or marrow, a little vinegar, prunes, raisins and dates. [Put in] the fattest of the broth of salted beef. And, if you want Royal pastry, take butter and egg yolks and [combine them with] flour to make the paste.)[2]
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The Fortnum's mince pies aren't really that good in my view. But having said that I took some to my friends in Belgium and one of them had never had one before and couldn't get enough of them.

Home made is always the best, irrespective of your recipe. It's a psychological thing as well as usually a taste thing.
Same as last year, its all about the puff pastry variety.
With a good dollop of clotted cream on top.

I guess you roll the puff pastry quite thin for those? You wouldn't want it expanding too much in the oven.

I may have a go at these this year. Home made mincemeat is so much better than bought, but I'm useless at making pastry so my homemade mince pieces never end up tasting particularly good.
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