Leviathan - X99, SLI 980ti's and watercooling!

The photo skills on here never cease to amaze me, I'm not usually a fan of the filters but the seeing them black on the inside and chrome on the exterior does look good. Also the radiators look very beefy :)
Looking forward to the next update to see more excellent work :D

Thanks man! The fan grills make the radiators look less like they are missing something as without them there is a fair sized gap until the fins.

Next update should be up soon!
Mini update here guys! so this would be update 5.5 .

Here is the SSD's I am going to be using in a RAID array. These are all 256gb. Two of these are coming from the previous build and I am adding two extra to get the extra SPPPPPEEEEEDDDD!

Got two little brackets for the SSD's so that I can fit them into hard drive cage.

Storage by Mathew Teague, on Flickr

They are all Crucial M550's, I really like these SSD's! Very fast!

Storage by Mathew Teague, on Flickr

All nicely seated now! Looking very tidy!

Storage by Mathew Teague, on Flickr

I put the SSD's and the 3TB WB green into the hard drive cage! I sorted the cables out with new SATA power connectors to get everything looking smart and here is the final result! On a side note, that is my mini ITX build Betsy which I am using at the moment while this build happens! Amazing how small this little PC is... or how big the hard drive cage is for the S8!

Storage by Mathew Teague, on Flickr

Thanks again for checking out my build log and I hope you are enjoying the content! Please do get subbed to the thread for more updates and if you have any questions, dont hesitate to ask!

Well here is another mini update. This time, not even to do with this build! so it is pretty much update 5.6. The previous build I was using a Asus Sabertooth Z87 board. It eventually started doing some weird things and then the NIC in it died. So when I took it out I decided to give it a wash and then a reflow to see if I could get it back to normal...

I took all the thermal armour and bought myself a contain and some De-natured Alcohol for it to be washed in.

Bath Time by Mathew Teague, on Flickr

I got myself a little brush and made sure to scrub every part of the board. I took off all plastic parts and the heatsinks etc so I could give everything a good clean off. I left it to soak for about 30 minutes after I had washed it and then slowly let it dry before heating it with a hair dryer and then with a heat gun after I thought it was dry enough. I have since been on holiday and given it a long enough time to dry off!

Bath Time by Mathew Teague, on Flickr

The processor from my old build went into my ITX PC and I sold the ITX's processor off... so I now need to get a new processor for this. And as luck would have it, I just bought two processors off of Ebay! I bought a Pentium G3258 K processor and the I3-4130t! Depending whether the NIC works or not then it will either be overclocked through the roof with the Pentium and if not, it will be swapped into my NAS...

Thanks for checking out this off topic update!

Hey guys, Another little update and this time I need a bit of help with this! I am getting some cable bits sent to me from ShakMods (Thanks Sali), and I would like to know what your thoughts are on the cable sleeving designs I could potentially make. I will be braiding the cables myself and already have the sleeving chosen. However There are a few designs for the 24 pin which interest me and I would just like to know what you think is best!

Idea 1

Idea 2

Idea 3

If you think all the designs are terrible, try making your own here! I would be very interested to see what you can make! Just remember, I will be using Black, grey and blue as they are the colours in the PC currently.

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I like 2 personally, but they're all good.

For me, I like idea 2 the most. The colours and the middle two black cables work very well

Thanks guys! I am preferring that one!

I have got two shades of grey, do you think something like that would work if I were to incorporate those into the design? So Black, dark grey, light grey, Dark blue and sky blue?
Every time I see water blocks like that it makes me want to go ahead and build a loop myself.

Really looking forward to seeing this finished. As above posters say number 2 is best of your sleeving ideas.

On a side note, I couldn't see on my phone if you have listed them in OP, but which filters are you using for the fans?
Every time I see water blocks like that it makes me want to go ahead and build a loop myself.

Really looking forward to seeing this finished. As above posters say number 2 is best of your sleeving ideas.

On a side note, I couldn't see on my phone if you have listed them in OP, but which filters are you using for the fans?

You should! It is a lot of fun to do! My old motherboard might be getting a waterblock attached to it soon! I have got a spare EK supremacy and radiators for it! But we will see!

They are just Silverstone filters from Overclockers, cant remember the names of them. They are the magnetic versions.
Loving this build and component choice. May I ask noob question, being a complete novice considering first watercooled build. Why actelal nickel blocks for 980tis (rather than acetal), I dont understand the difference.

Cable choice 2 is my pref by the way. Thanks for sharing your build with us.
Loving this build and component choice. May I ask noob question, being a complete novice considering first watercooled build. Why actelal nickel blocks for 980tis (rather than acetal), I dont understand the difference.

Cable choice 2 is my pref by the way. Thanks for sharing your build with us.

three reasons from choosing Acetal + Nickel vs Acetal.

One - The nickel coating is to stop the copper from oxidizing, meaning the block will last longer.

Two, I didn't want to add copper into a predominantly black, silver and blue build.

Three, they didn't have plain acetal blocks in stock at the time.

For the price difference of about £7, I couldn't say no...
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Hey all! Its been a long time with a cluster**** of problems happening one after another which have held up this build as well as my NAS build and my mini ITX build! However lets get straight down to it!

Here is the AX1200i I am going to be using to power all the components. I have custom braided cables for the PSU bar the Molex and SATA cable. (I decided not to braid these as they are in the basement and look better without braid). I took the recommendations you guys gave and made some kick ass cables!

AX1200i by Mathew Teague, on Flickr

AX1200i by Mathew Teague, on Flickr

Looks a little dusty on the top but that is from cleaning it with some kitchen cloth! Just seams to stick to it like something* to a towel...

AX1200i by Mathew Teague, on Flickr

Here is the b-e-a-utiful braided cables I made! I couldn't of done these cables without the help from Sal at Shakmods! He has been super helpful on colour choices, guides and just general cable braiding help! He has been invaluable for this build!

Custom Cables by Mathew Teague, on Flickr

Going to be getting some cable combs to clean the look of these cables up, but I am still super happy with the overall look!

Custom Cables by Mathew Teague, on Flickr

Also, thanks for everyones help! It took a while to get a design which I really liked. I gave it a few weeks of just starring at the designs before making my mind up!

I did a little case drilling to the get the EK pass through fitting in place and it has cleaned the aesthetics up dramatically! Very pleased with the results of this! Kinda scary however drilling through this case! One slip and its a new motherboard tray...

Tubing Route by Mathew Teague, on Flickr

Here are some images of the bent 16mm tube! Unfortunately I lost a load of the images of actually bending the tubing because of a hard drive in my NAS giving up the ghost... However there was a lot of moments where I was going to give up and go back to either 12mm tubing or flexible tubing as a few of the bends were being absolute bitches to get in place!

Tubing bends by Mathew Teague, on Flickr

Here is the tubing in place with the Barrow fittings, these fittings make it look so sick! for the 90 fittings I am using EK ones, they just give an amazingly clean look along with the build! (Also a minor addition which I forgot about, the PCI-e Slot screws are BLUEEEE)

Tubing Route by Mathew Teague, on Flickr

The fill tube is at the ready for the system to be primed before then adding the coolant into the Loop! I have got some nice blue EK coolant which will go with the build perfectly!

Tubing Route by Mathew Teague, on Flickr

A quick glimpse at the MONSTA radiators by Alphacool (360mm and 240mm)! These things are crazy big! Brilliant radiators in general! However, after seeing EK's new radiators I wish I had gotten some of their ones as it would fit the build much better to have all EK components in the loop!

Tubing Route by Mathew Teague, on Flickr

A quick peak into the basement where I am keeping a few things out of sight, The dual pump setup really works for me well! Its a great dual top by EK! On the left is where the HDD's and SSD's will end up going! However not putting them in there just in case of a catastrophic leak!

Tubing Route by Mathew Teague, on Flickr

The RAM, CPU and RAM to GPU runs. The RAM block to GPU block was the most difficult bend to get! The only way of putting it in place is to disconnect the actual fitting and attach it to the tube first! It is that tight!

However, the aesthetic of the RAM and CPU block curves just make me weak at the knees! I just love the look of bent tubing! I thought I managed a pretty good job of it overall!

Tubing Route by Mathew Teague, on Flickr

and at this point was where the build took a turn for the worse...

EK Coolant going funny by Mathew Teague, on Flickr

After filling the loop the coolant started to change colour after an hour of being in the loop! It continued to change colour to the point you could not of told it was a blue to begin with. I had no idea what was going on! Really disappointed with what had happened but that was when Sal from Shakmods told me to contact Mayhems dyes for some advice on the situation! I got in contact and some of their Blitz kit is on its way! There is something seriously up and need to fully cleanse the loop now! Wish me luck!

Thanks again for checking out my build log! It has been a long time since the last one but please do come back for more updates as they come! I am really looking forward to getting this build completed and up to show you all!

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Damn, that is really unlucky.
Still though I love the luck of the cables (Did you sleeve them yourself? If so how hard was it to get the heatshrinkless look and do you have any tips?)
Also your tubing bends are sublime, they look perfect with no defects, straining or out of shape bends. I'm glad you persevered as hardline tubing looks great and is worth the effort as long as you don't mind your system being out of action for ages when swapping out components :D

Keep us updated and I can't wait to see it finished :)
Damn, that is really unlucky.
Still though I love the luck of the cables (Did you sleeve them yourself? If so how hard was it to get the heatshrinkless look and do you have any tips?)
Also your tubing bends are sublime, they look perfect with no defects, straining or out of shape bends. I'm glad you persevered as hardline tubing looks great and is worth the effort as long as you don't mind your system being out of action for ages when swapping out components :D

Keep us updated and I can't wait to see it finished :)

It is what it is I guess. The build will be great once it is done!

Yeh, I did them myself. Have a watch of this video! Its very helpful but a lot of practice is needed! The same is the case with the tubing, lots and lots of practice! I am personally not a fan of the tubing which uses fittings for bends, just doesn't look like it flows and is too rigid.

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